1.0.4 • Published 6 years ago

externals-dependencies v1.0.4

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Last release
6 years ago


Easily exclude dependencies in Webpack

Webpack allows you to define externals - modules that should not be bundled.

When bundling with Webpack for the backend - you usually don't want to bundle its node_modules dependencies. This library creates an externals function that ignores node_modules when bundling in Webpack.(Inspired by the great Backend apps with Webpack series and webpack-node-externals)

Quick usage

npm install externals-dependencies --save-dev

In your webpack.config.js:

var externalsDep = require('externals-dependencies');
module.exports = {
    target: 'node', // in order to ignore built-in modules like path, fs, etc.
    node: {
        console: true,
        global: true,
        process: true,
        Buffer: true,
        __filename: true,
        __dirname: true,
        setImmediate: true,
        path: true
    externals: [externalsDep()], // in order to ignore all modules in node_modules folder

And that's it. Any node modules in dependencies will no longer be bundled but will be left as require('module').

Detailed overview


This library scans the modules those install with --save,and builds an externals function that tells Webpack not to bundle those modules, or any sub-modules of theirs. You need run npm install before you deploy your app.


This library accepts an options object.


You can parse transmit a array as parameter like this:

    externals: nodeExternals(['dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'peerDependencies', 'optionalDependencies'];)

All node modules will no longer be bundled but will be left as require('module').