0.0.2 • Published 4 months ago

faber-cli v0.0.2

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4 months ago

Faber CLI

⚠ This is a work in progress. It can already be used for real projects, but have in mind that it's not yet heavily tested.

Faber is a CLI that helps you creating/scaffolding new projects using custom boilerplates.

You can prepare your own boilerplates to make them configurable for creating new projects with Faber, and pass custom parameters, data or actions to execute in the scaffolding of your new project.


Getting Started


To use the Faber CLI, you will need Node.js and NPM on your machine.

Your project doesn't need to use Node.js for you to use Faber with it. You can use it on boilerplates with any kind of framework or stack.

For being a JS library, Faber configurations are written with JavaScript.


Install the CLI globally on your machine with:

npm i -g faber-cli


Here is a quick overview of how to use Faber.js on your projects:

If you want to prepare a boilerplate for using Faber:

  1. Create a faberconfig file at the root of your boilerplate repository;
  2. Write the actions to be executed on the boilerplate when creating a new project with it;
  3. Prepare the data you want to use in your actions;
  4. Test your actions with the run CLI command.

If you want to use an existing boilerplate to create a new project:

  1. Prepare the data you want to use for your project as a minified JSON;
  2. Choose a repository of a boilerplate to use as a template;
  3. Use the create CLI command to bootstrap a new project.

Configuring faberconfig

To use Faber CLI in a boilerplate, you need to create a faberconfig.js file at the root of your boilerplate project.

Usually, this file uses the .js extension, but depending on your preferences and your project settings (package.json, if existing on the project's root) you might want to use a different extension.

To use CommonJS, the file must be either:

  • .js with type: "commonjs" in your package.json.
  • .cjs with any type in your package.json.
  • .js without having a package.json in the root.

To use ESM, the file must be either:

  • .js with type: "module" in your package.json.
  • .mjs with any type in your package.json.

See below a basic example using CommonJS and ESM.


module.exports = function (faber) {
  faber.setActions((data) => {
    return [
      // Add your actions here
      // ...


export default (faber) => {
  faber.setActions((data) => {
    return [
      // Add your actions here
      // ...

Passing Data

During the create and run tasks from the CLI, Faber asks for an encoded JSON data. This data is passed to the setActions() function, allowing you to use it in the actions.

Here is an example of JSON data:

  "name": "My Project",
  "client": "The Client",
  "isMultilanguage": false

Minified/Encoded JSON

There are a few ways to pass the JSON data to the CLI. However, the most recommended way is as a minified JSON encoded to Base64 format.

This guarantees that the JSON data won't break when passing to the command, especially when passed through the --data argument.

To encode your JSON, follow these steps:

  1. Minify the JSON content – suggested online tool: jsonformatter.org
  2. Encode the minified JSON to Base64 – suggested online tool: base64encode.net

Here is an example of the JSON mentioned above:


Reserved Properties

When using the create task, the name of the project passed as an argument for the command (i.e. faber create my-project) is added to the data object as the _dirName parameter. While when using the run task, it gets the name of the folder where you ran the command.

  _name: 'my-project';


Actions are defined on the faberconfig file of the boilerplate using the faber.setActions() function.

You can use the project's data from the provided JSON (requested at faber create or faber run commands) on any action.

See below the available actions that you can use:


Replaces text or patterns on files or glob patterns.

typeStringYesShould be 'replace' for this action.
filesString,StringYesPath to the files where the replace should happen. It can be an array of paths, and can use glob pattern.
ignoreString,StringNoPath to the files where the replace shouldn't happen. It can be an array of paths, and can use glob pattern.
fromString,String,RegExp,RegExpYesText(s) or pattern(s) to look for in the files.
toString,String,RegExp,RegExpYesThe replacement text(s). If array is provided, should match the same length as the from array.

Usage examples

faber.setActions((data) => {
  return [
    // Replace first occurrence of a string in single file.
      type: 'replace',
      files: 'README.md',
      from: 'PROJECT_NAME',
      to: data.projectName,
    // Replace all occurrences of multiple strings
    // in multiple files, using glob patterns,
    // and defining paths not to change.
      type: 'replace',
      files: ['README.md', 'package.json', 'src/*'],
      ignore: ['src/node_modules', '.git'],
      from: [/AUTHOR_NAME/g, /AUTHOR_URI/g],
      to: [data.authorName, data.authorUri],


  • By default, the .replace() function on JavaScript replaces only the first occurrence of a searched string. To replace all occurrences you should use a regex pattern with the global flag (like /something/g).
  • Consider using regex boundaries for more precise replacements, like /\bNAME\b/g. This prevents matching strings like AUTHOR_NAME when looking for just NAME.
  • This action uses the replace-in-file package for the replacements. For more details about the from, to and ignore parameters, please visit its documentation.

Move (or Rename)

Can be used to move or rename files and folders.

typeStringYesShould be 'move' for this action.
fromString,StringYesPath(s) to the source files or folders to move.
toString,StringYesDestination path(s) to the files or folders to move or rename.

Usage examples

faber.setActions((data) => {
  return [
    // Move a single file to another directory
      type: 'move',
      from: 'file.txt',
      to: 'folder/file.txt',
    // Rename a folder and move and rename a file
      type: 'move',
      from: ['folder', 'file.txt'],
      to: [data.newFolderName, `dir/${data.newFileName}`],


  • When moving a file to another directory, if the destination (to) directory doesn't exist yet, it is created automatically.
  • If a file/folder with the destination (to) name already exists, the existing one will be overriden.
  • If the source (from) file/folder doesn't exist, an error is thrown.
  • This action uses the move-file package for renaming files. Please visit its documentation if needed.


Deletes files or entire folders by defined paths or glob patterns.

typeStringYesShould be 'delete' for this action.
pathsString,StringYesPaths to the files or folders to delete. Also supporting glob patterns.

Usage examples

faber.setActions((data) => {
  return [
    // Delete a single file
      type: 'delete',
      files: 'file.txt',
    // Delete files and folders using glob pattern and variable
      type: 'delete',
      files: ['**/*.txt', data.folderToDelete],


  • If the file/folder doesn't exist, it's just ignored.
  • This action uses the del package for deleting files/folders. Please visit its documentation if needed.


Update files' content based on conditional rules. Useful to keep/remove text according to conditions with the provided data.

typeStringYesShould be 'conditional' for this action.
filesString,StringYesPath to the files where the conditional updates should happen. It can be an array of paths.
ignoreString,StringNoPath to the files where the replace shouldn't happen. It can be an array of paths, and can use glob pattern.
identifierStringYesA token to identify the content to be kept/removed.
conditionBooleanYesThe condition to keep/remove the content. When the condition is true, the block is kept. However, when the block uses a negative token (!), the block is kept when the condition is false.

Usage examples

faber.setActions((data) => {
  return [
    // Keep/Remove content on single file
      type: 'conditional',
      files: 'file.txt',
      identifier: 'is-multilanguage',
      condition: data.isMultiLanguage,

On the file content, you can wrap the block of content to keep/remove with Faber conditional comments.

Here are some examples:

This is a file with instruction of the project.

<!-- @faber-if: is-multilanguage -->

This line is only added if the condition is true.

<!-- @faber-endif: is-multilanguage -->

This is /_ @faber-if: !is-multisite _/not /_ @faber-endif: !is-multisite _/a multi language project.

In the above example, the line between the @faber-if and @faber-endif HTML comments is kept when the condition to the is-multilanguage identifier is true.

In the last line, however, it keeps the “not” word when the condition is false, using another commenting style (but could be the same style).


  • Currently, the only supported commenting styles are block comments like <!-- --> and /* */:
  • The comments should start with @faber-if: (for the beginning) and @faber-endif: (for the end).
  • The identifier is required for both @faber-if and @faber-endif for the action to work correctly.


Execute shell commands.

typeStringYesShould be 'run' for this action.
commandsString,StringYesCommand(s) to execute sequentially.
silentBooleanNoIf false, logs the command(s) output on the console. Default is true (omits the output).

Usage examples

faber.setActions((data) => {
  return [
    // Executes a single command
      type: 'run',
      files: 'echo "Hello World!"',
    // Executes multiple commands
      type: 'run',
      files: ['npm i', 'npm run start'],
    // Same as above, but using command separators
      type: 'run',
      files: 'npm i && npm run start', // or 'npm i; npm run start'


  • Using command separators (&& or ;) has the exact same behavior as using an array with multiple commands. It's just a matter of preference.
  • This action uses the exec() function from the shelljs library for executing the commands.

Commands (CLI)

The CLI has commands to create new projects, test boilerplates, and also manage available repository aliases on your local machine.

In a nutshell, you will use:

  • faber create – To create new projects from a pre-configured boilerplate. This command clones the repo and then executes the faber run command inside it.
  • faber run – To execute the configured actions on a boilerplate. When working on the boilerplate actions, you can use this command to test the actions you are developing.
  • faber ls|add|rm – To manage aliases to your boilerplates for ease of usage when using the faber create command.

faber create

Creates a new project with a pre-configured boilerplate.

Usage example

$ faber create my-project --simulate --keep-git --use-existing


faber create <name>

  • <name> – The name for the project root folder.

Flags (optional)

  • --use-existing (bool) – If the folder already exists, skip the prompt and continue with the existing folder, without cloning the repository.
  • --override-existing (bool) – If the folder already exists, skip the prompt and deletes the existing folder before cloning the repository.
  • --branch (string) – Name of the git branch to retrieve from the repository. If not defined, uses the default branch (usually named main or master).
  • --data (string) – Encoded JSON data to be passed to the script.
  • --no-preview (bool) – Do not show the JSON data preview.
  • --deep-preview (bool) – Show the JSON data preview with all the properties and array items expanded.
  • --no-results (bool) – Do not show the actions' results.

What does it do?

  1. Clones the boilerplate repository into a new folder with the provided name.
  2. Run the steps from the faber run command.
  3. Deletes the .git folder from the repository (when not using the --keep-git flag);

Notice: You need to have permission to read from the boilerplate repository. When using private repositories, you need to authenticate via SSH or HTTPS as normally.

faber run

Run the configured actions on the current directory. Useful for development.

A faberconfig file should be present on the directory.

Usage example

$ faber run --dry --data --no-preview

Flags (optional)

  • --data (string) – Encoded JSON data to be passed to the script.
  • --no-preview (bool) – Do not show the JSON data preview.
  • --deep-preview (bool) – Show the JSON data preview with all the properties and array items expanded.
  • --no-results (bool) – Do not show the actions' results.

What does it do?

  1. Read the faberconfig file from the directory;
  2. Ask for the encoded JSON data to pass to the boilerplate (when not provided with the --data flag);
  3. Display a preview of the data (when not using the --no-preview flag);
  4. Execute the actions from faberconfig (when not using the --dry flag);

faber ls

List your registered boilerplates.

Usage example

$ faber ls

faber add

Adds a boilerplate to your list of available boilerplates.

Usage example

$ faber add my-boilerplate git@github.com:example.git 'My Boilerplate'


faber add <alias> <repository> [name]

  • <alias> (mandatory) – Used to reference this boilerplate on other commands. It should consist only of letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.
  • <repository> (mandatory) – URL to clone the repository. It usually ends with .git.
  • [name] (optional) – A name for this boilerplate to display when using the faber create command.

faber rm

Removes a boilerplate from your list of available boilerplates.

Usage example

$ faber rm my-boilerplate


faber rm <alias>

  • <alias> (mandatory) – The reference to the boilerplate to remove from your list.


This documentation was highly inspired by the Plop documentation.

Plop is an amazing framework with a similar goal as Faber, however, while Plop is amazing for generating code inside your project, Faber is fully focused on starting new projects. (P.S. You can use both together in your boilerplate 😉)