final-fs v1.6.1
MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
Final-FS is an utility library for file system operations. It wrapps nodejs "fs" module and provides it's functions in promise pattern. Also it has few additional useful set of functions. Every aynchrouns function in final-fs module uses when Promises.
For example, checking file existance can be done with this code:
var ffs = requtheire('final-fs');
ffs.exists('somefile.txt').then(function (exists) {
if (exists) {
console.log('The file really exists');
} else {
console.log('File somefile.txt does not exists');
npm install final-fs
All paths can be specified using array notation. If an array is given as an argument the path.resolved is called.
For example: ffs.exists(path.resolve(__dirname, 'var', 'test'))
is same as ffs.exists([__dirname, 'var', 'test'])
Final-FS uses when library for async calls so there is no worry about the callback hell.
For example reading a file as a json, altering json object and saving it again would look like this:
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path'),
filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'data.json');
.then(function (exists) {
if (exists) {
return ffs.readJSON(filePath);
return {};
.then(function (obj) {
obj.hello = 'World!';
return ffs.writeJSON(filePath, obj);
.then(function () {
// file data.json is saved now
.otherwise(function (err) {
// If something on this call chain went wrong then this function will catch it
You can even return the result and chain further in another function. Look at the source code of rmdirRecursive function to see how easy it is to work aysnchronous with files using Final-FS and when library.
Additional functions provided with final-fs
rmdirRecursiveSync(dirPath:string) : void
Recusrise remove all directory contents. Synchronous version
Example: Remove ./tmp folder with it's contents.
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path');
ffs.rmdirRecursiveSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp'));
// directory ./tmp is removed now
rmdirRecursive(dirPath:string) : Promise
Recursively remove directory. Asynchronous version
Example: Remove ./tmp folder with it's contents
var ffs = require('final-fs')
path = require('path');
ffs.rmdirRecursive(path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp'))
.then(function () {
// directory ./tmp is removed now
.otherwise(function (err) {
// something went wrong
writeJSON(filePath:string, obj:Object) : Promise
Convert obj into json string and write it to the file in the filePath
Example: Insert object into ./data.json file
var ffs = require('final-fs')
path = require('path'),
obj = {foo: 'bar'}
filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'data.json');
ffs.writeJSON(filePath, obj)
.then(function () {
// file data.json is written now
.otherwise(function(err) {
// something went wrong. See err for details
readJSON(filePath:string) : Promise
Read file content and turn it into js object
Example: read file ./data.json and convert it into a js object.
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path'),
filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'data.json');
.then(function (obj) {
// obj is now an object build from data.json file content
.otherwise(function (err) {
// something went wrong. See err for details
dirInfo(dirPath:string) : Promise
Returns an array of fs.Stat objects with additional filePath and fileName properties
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path'),
dirPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'var');
.then(function (stats) {
// stats is an array of fs.Stats objects with fileName and filePath properties
.otherwise(function (err) {
// error
statAllSync(files:string[], rootPath?:string) : fs.Stats[]
returns a stat of every file provided in the list of files variable. If you provide rootPath then this rootPath will be merged with every file path in files var.
dirFiles(dirPath:string) : Promise
Returns all the files from the directory.
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path'),
dirPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'var');
.then(function (filesOnly) {
// filesOnly is an array of directory files names
.otherwise(function (err) {
// error
fileNameFilter(text:string) : string
Returns provided text
as a file name valid string.
var ffs = require('final-fs');
var fileName = ffs.fileNameFilter('an Inv@lid t$xt');
// fileName is now: "an-invlid-txt"
Node-fs module port
Final-FS uses nodefs module. This module provides 2 functions:
- mkdir
- mkdirSync
Final-FS uses these 2 functions and wrappes mkdir asynchrouns function with a promise. It also changes their names:
- mkdir becomes
- mkdirSync becomes
mkdirRecursiveSync(path:string, ?mode:number=0777) : void
Synchronously creates a directory recursively.
Exmaple. Create directory ./var/tmp/tmp2, when directory ./var does not exists
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path'),
dirPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'var', 'tmp', 'tmp2');
// now ./var/tmp/tmp2 directory is created
mkdirRecursive(path:string, ?mode:number=0777) : Promise
Asynchronously creates a directory recursively.
Exmaple. Create directory ./var/tmp/tmp2, when directory ./var does not exists
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path'),
dirPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'var', 'tmp', 'tmp2');
.then(function () {
// now ./var/tmp/tmp2 directory is created
.otherwise(function (err) {
// something went wrong
readdirRecursive(directoryPath:string|Array, ?onlyFiles:boolean=false, ?rootPath='')
Read dir recursively.
You can set onlyFiles flag to true and no directory will be included as a Promise result
var ffs = require('final-fs'),
path = require('path'),
dirPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'var', 'tmp', 'tmp2');
ffs.readdirRecursive(dirPath, true, 'my/initial/path')
.then(function (files) {
// in files variable you got all the files
.otherwise(function (err) {
// something went wrong
readdirRecursiveSync(directoryPath:string|Array, ?onlyFiles:boolean=false, ?rootPath='') : string[]
Synchronous version of readdirRecursive
. Returns list of files
Nodejs fs module functions
These functions work exatcly the same as in nodejs fs module However asynchrouns functions doesn't take any callbacks. Instead a Promise is returned.
The rule is simple:
- If callback tooked 2 arguments then error argument would be available in
function and the secound argument will be available inthen
function. - If only one argument is provided and it's an error then
function would have this argument as it's own. - If only one argument is provided for the callback and it's not an error (for example the result of fs.exists function)
then this argument would be an argument for
Ported functions are:
rename(string, string) : Promise
renameSync(string, string) : void
ftruncate(number, number) : Promise
ftruncateSync(number, number) : void
truncate(string, number) : Promise
truncateSync(string, number) : void
chown(string, number, number) : Promise
chownSync(string, number, number) : void
fchown(number, number, number) : Promise
fchownSync(number, number, number) : void
lchown(string, number, number) : Promise
lchownSync(string, number, number) : void
chmod(string, number) : Promise
chmodSync(string, number) : Promise
fchmod(number, number) : Promise
fchmodSync(number, number) : void
lchmod(string, number) : Promise
lchmodSync(string, number) : void
stat(string) : Promise
lstat(string) : Promise
fstat(string) : Promise
statSync(string) : fs.Stats
lstatSync(string) : fs.Stats
fstatSync(string) : fs.Stats
link(string, string) : Promise
linkSync(string, string) : void
symlink(string, string, ?'dir'|'file'|'junction'='file') : Promise
symlinkSync(string, string, ?'dir'|'file'|'junction'='file') : void
readlink(string) : Promise
readlinkSync(string) : string
realpath(string, ?object=) : Promise
realpathSync(string, ?object=) : string
unlink(string) : Promise
unlinkSync(string) : void
rmdir(string) : Promise
rmdirSync(string) : void
mkdir(string, ?number=0777) : Promise
mkdirSync(string, ?number=0777) : void
readdir(string) : Promise
readdirSync(string) : string[]
close(number) : Promise
closeSync(number) : void
open(string, string, ?number=0666) : Promise
openSync(string, string, ?number=0666) : void
utimes(string, number, number) : Promise
utimesSync(string, number, number) : void
futimes(number, number, number) : Promise
futimesSync(number, number, number) : void
fsync(number) : Promise
fsyncSync(number) : void
write(number, Buffer, number, number, nbumber) : Promise
writeSync(number, Buffer, number, number, nbumber) : number
read(number, Buffer, number, number, number) : Promise
readSync(number, Buffer, number, number, number) : number
readFile(string, ?{?encoding:string=null, ?flag:string=r}=) : Promise
readFileSync(string, ?{?encoding:string, ?flag:string}=) : Buffer|string
writeFile(string, string|Buffer, ?{?encoding:string, ?mode:number, ?flag:string}=) : Promise
writeFileSync(string, string|Buffer, ?{?encoding:string, ?mode:number, ?flag:string}=) : void
appendFile(string, string|Buffer, ?{?encoding:string, ?mode:number, ?flag:string}=) : Promise
appendFileSync(string, string|Buffer, ?{?encoding:string, ?mode:number, ?flag:string}=) : void
watchFile(string, ?{persistent:boolean, interval:number}=, ?function(fs.Stats, fs.Stats)=) : void
unwatchFile(string, function(fs.Stats, fs.Stats)) : void
watch(string, ?{persistent:boolean, interval:number}=, ?function (string, string)) : fs.FSWatcher
exists(string) : Promise
existsSync(string) : boolean
createReadStream(string, ?{flags:'r', encoding: null, fd: null, mode: 0666, bufferSize: 66020, autoClose: true}) : ReadStream
createWriteStream(string, ?{flags: 'w', encoding: null, mode: 0666}=) : WriteStream
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