A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.
A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.
Tiny library that adds promise awareness to node_redis
Promised wrapper for node fs module with usefull additional set of functions.
Waits for a given predicate callback to return a truthy value and resolves
Conditionally prompt the user based on options. For use with Base applications or question-store.
request promise with cache
A simple little asyncronous if check and conditional method
Another ES6 promise implementation (compliant with Promises/A+)
Subscribe to an event before or after it's fired
bring rspec-given to JS world, on mocha
Adds a Given-When-Then DSL to mocha as an alternative style for specs
Legendary is a Promises/A+ compatible promise implementation. It combines promise subclassing with sugar inspired by when.js, Q and async.
Implements Laravel's when method as a trait in AdonisJs
Redux middleware for delaying dispatch of an action until a condition evaluates to true.
A minimal `fs` that returns A+ promises (when). For each `fs.xxx` function, it adds an `fs.xxxP` returning promises.
JavaScript frontend to jgiven
given extension as a library
execute function 'at' a certain time
Switch-case with support for complex conditions for TypeScript
Proper conditional case-when-then statements for JSX