A minimalistic parser for the Gherkin syntax
A minimalistic parser for the Gherkin syntax
JavaScript functional implementation of switch/case written in TypeScript
Small utility module for conditional rendering in React
given syntax on top of lab testing framework
promise polyfill with add-ons
I will wait, I will wait for you - when().then()
Like Promise.all but for Objects
Readable monitor for unhandled rejections in when.js
promisified ssh2 wrapper
node-promisify based when.js
Fold utilities
Mix promises with callbacks for improved control flow
A Simple 'when' function for both node and the browser
JavaScript functional implementation of switch/case written in TypeScript
Data Driven Testing babel plugin inspired by Groovy's Spock framework
R.when exported as a module
JS library that periodically checks _when_ a condition is satisfied.
Triggers events based on the truthiness of predicate methods
@when decorator for MobX state changes and reactively executing functions.
A patient version of jQuery.when() that waits for all its input promises to have a final state before resolving/rejecting the composite returned promise. Also supports 'progress' notifications.