1.0.14 • Published 3 years ago

firesnap v1.0.14

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Last release
3 years ago

ORM for Firestore

NPM Build Status Codecov

Firesnap is an ORM/ODM for Firestore inspired by Mongoose. Key features include data validation, population of related data, save and delete callbacks. I'm still working on the documentation and the readme doesn't cover everything but if you have any questions feel free to ask here. I'm also looking for collaborators to write a complete Wiki.


npm install firesnap


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2017",
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
     "strict": false,   


import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import { Firesnap } from 'firesnap';

const serviceAccount = require('path/to/serviceAccountKey.json');

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),


Vanilla JavaScript

const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const { Firesnap } = require('firesnap');
// etc...

Create Models

import { Model, Field, Collection} from 'firesnap';
import { User, Comment, Topic } from 'path/to/models';

class Post extends Model {

    @Field({ required: true })
    title: string;

    created = Date.now;

    user: User;

    @Field({ of: String })
    tags: string[];

    @Field({ of: Topic })
    topics: Topic[];

    comments: Comment[];


Vanilla JavaScript

const { Model, Collection } require('firesnap');
const { User, Comment, Topic } require('path/to/models');

class Post extends Model {
    static schema = {
        title: {
            type: String,
            required: true,
        created: {
            type: Date,
            default: Date.now,
        user: {
            type: User, 
        topics: {
            type: [Topic],
        comments: {
            type: Collection,
            of: Comment,

Add Data

import { Post } from 'path/to/models';

const post = new Post({
    title: 'Post Title',
    content: 'Content of the post',
await post.save();

// or
await Post.create({
    title: 'Post Title',
    content: 'Content of the post',

Read Data

// Retrieve a document by Id.
const post = await Post.doc('doc-id').get();

// Retrieve multiple documents.
const posts = await Post.find({ status: 'draft' }).get();

// Retrieve a single document.
const post = await Post.findOne({ status: 'draft' }).get();

Update Data

// Update a document by Id.
await Post.doc('doc-id').update({
    title: 'New Title',
// or
const post = await Post.doc('doc-id').get();
post.title = 'New Title';
await post.save();

// Update a multiple documents.
await Post.find({ status: 'draft' }).update({
    title: 'New Title',

Delete Data

// Delete a document by Id.
await Post.doc('doc-id').delete();
// or
const post = await Post.doc('doc-id').get();
await post.delete();

// Delete multiple documents.
await Post.find({ status: 'draft' }).delete();

// Delete a field. 
    title: FieldValue.delete(),
// or 
const post = await Post.doc('doc-id').get();
delete post.title;
await post.save();

Query Operators

  • $eq Matches values that are equal to a specified value.
  • $gt Matches values that are greater than a specified value.
  • $gte Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.
  • $in Matches any of the values specified in an array.
  • $lt Matches values that are less than a specified value.
  • $lte Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.
  • $ne Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value.
  • $nin Matches none of the values specified in an array.
  • $ac Matches arrays that contain a specific value.
  • $aca Matches arrays that contain any of the values specified in an array.
let posts: Post[];

posts = await Post.find({
    visibility: { $eq: 'public' },
    voteCount: { $gt: 10, $lt: 80 },
    status: { $in: ['draft', 'published'] },

posts = await Post.find({
    voteCount: { $gte: 40, $lte: 50 },
    tags: { $aca: ['tag1', 'tag2'] },

posts = await Post.find({
    status: { $ne: 'published' }

posts = await Post.find({
    tags: { $ac: 'tag1' },
    status: { $nin: ['published', 'draft'] },

Paginate Results

// Use a document to define the query cursor.
const last = await Post.doc('post-id').get();
const next = await Post.find().sort('createdAt').after(last).limit(5).get();

// Paginate a query
const first = await Post.find().sort('createdAt').limit(5).get();
const last = first[first.length - 1];
const next = await Post.find().sort('createdAt').after(last).limit(5).get();

Validate Data

class Post extends Model {
        minlength: 10,
        required: true,
    title: string;

const post = new Post({
    title: 'Title',

const result = await post.validate();
// false
// { title: "The field 'title' must be at least 10 characters long" }

try {
    const post = await Post.create({
        content: 'Post without title',
} catch (e) {
    // "Field 'title': This field is required"
    if (e.name === 'ValidationError') {
        // { title: "This field is required" }

Built-in Validators

  • min: number
  • max: number
  • minlength: number
  • maxlength: number
  • email: boolean
  • url: boolean
  • unique: boolean
  • enum: string|number

Custom Validators

class User extends Model {
        // Custom message.
        required: [true, 'Phone number required'],
        // Custom rule.
        validate: {
            validator: value => /\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}/.test(value),
            message: field => `${field.value} is not a valid phone number`,
    phone: string;

const user = new User();

user.phone = '646-999-88';
let result = await user.validate();
// { phone: '646-999-88 is not a valid phone number' }

user.phone = '';
result = await user.validate();
// { phone: 'Phone number required' }

Disabling Validation

const post = await Post.create({
    title: 'New Post',
}, {
    validate: false,

// or 
const post = new Post({
    title: 'New Post',
await post.save({
    validate: false,

Populate Data

class User extends Model {
    @Field() displayName: string;
    @Field() email: string;

class Comment extends Model {
    @Field() user: User;
    @Field() date: Date;
    @Field() content: string;

class Post extends Model {
    @Field() title: string;
    @Field() content: string;
    @Field() user: User; // Reference
    @Collection(Comment) comments: Comment[]; // Sub-collection

let posts: Post[];

// Select the title only and populate all user fields. 
posts = await Post.find().select('title').populate('user').limit(1).get()

// Populate only the user displayName 
posts = await Post.find().populate({ user: ['displayName'] }).limit(1).get()

// Populate the last 10 comments with their user. 
posts = await Post.find({id: 'doc-id'}).populate({
    comments: {
        fields: ['content'],
        sort: { date: 'desc' },
        limit: 10,
        populate: 'user',

Manage Sub-collections

class Comment extends Model {
    @Field() content: string;

class Post extends Model {
    @Field() title: string;
    @Collection(Comment) comments: Comment[];

// Add a sub-document. 
await Post.doc('doc-id').collection('comment').add({
    content: 'New comment',

// Update a sub-document.
await Post.doc('doc-id').collection('comment').doc('sub-id').update({
    content: 'Updated comment',

// Delete a sub-document.
await Post.doc('doc-id').collection('comment').doc('sub-id').delete();

// Using a model instance. 
const post = await Post.doc('doc-id').populate('comments').get();

// Add a sub-document. 
const comment = new Comment({ content: 'New comment' });
await post.save();

// Update a sub-document.
post.comments[0].content = 'Updated comment';
await post.save();

// Delete a sub-document.
await post.save();

Model Callbacks

class User extends Model {
    @Field() displayName: string;
    @Field() postCount: number;

class Post extends Model {

    @Field() title: string;
    @Field() user: User;
    @Field() slug: string;

    // Create a slug before saving.
    async beforeSave(): Promise<boolean> {
        if (typeof this.title === 'string') {
            this.slug = this.title.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/([^\w]+)/g, '-');
        return true;
    // Increment the user post count after saving.
    async afterSave(created: boolean): Promise<void> {
        if (created && this.user) {
            await User.doc(this.user.getId()).update({
                postCount: FieldValue.increment(1),

    // Keep track of the user before deleting.
    async beforeDelete(): Promise<boolean> {
        if (!this.user) {
            const post = await Post.doc(this.getId()).get();
            this.user = post ? post.user : null;
        return true;

    // Decrement the user post count after saving.
    async afterDelete(): Promise<void> {
        if (this.user) {
                postCount: FieldValue.increment(-1),

Run Transactions

await Firesnap.transaction(async txn => {

    // Retrieve a document.
    await Post.doc('post-id').get({ session: txn });

    // Create a document.
    await Post.create({ title: 'New Post' }, { session: txn });

    // Update a document. 
    await Post.doc('post-id').update({ title: 'New Title' }, { session: txn });

    // Delete a document.
    await Post.doc('post-id').delete({ session: txn });


Create Batches

const batch = Firesnap.batch();

// Create a document.
await Post.create({ title: 'New Post' }, { session: batch });

// Update a document. 
await Post.doc('post-id').update({ title: 'New Title' }, { session: batch });

// Delete a document.
await Post.doc('post-id').delete({ session: batch });

await batch.commit();

3 years ago


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3 years ago