0.3.4 • Published 3 years ago

free-tex-packer-core v0.3.4

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago


Stats \ Core Free texture packer module


$ npm install free-tex-packer-core

Basic usage

let texturePacker = require("free-tex-packer-core");

let images = [];

images.push({path: "img1.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img1.png")});
images.push({path: "img2.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img2.png")});
images.push({path: "img3.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img3.png")});

texturePacker(images, null, (files, error) => {
    if (error) {
        console.error('Packaging failed', error);
    } else {  
        for(let item of files) {
            console.log(item.name, item.buffer);

Asynchronous usage


const { packAsync } = require('free-tex-packer-core');

const images = [
    {path: "img1.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img1.png")},
    {path: "img2.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img2.png")},
    {path: "img3.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img3.png")}

async function packImages() {
    try {
        const files = await packAsync(images, null);
        for(let item of files) {
            console.log(item.name, item.buffer);
    catch(error) {


function packImages() {
    packAsync(images, null)
        .then((files) => {
            for(let item of files) {
                console.log(item.name, item.buffer);
        .catch((error) => console.log(error));

Advanced usage

Use packer options object

let texturePacker = require("free-tex-packer-core");

let options = {
    textureName: "my-texture",
    width: 1024,
    height: 1024,
    fixedSize: false,
    padding: 2,
    allowRotation: true,
    detectIdentical: true,
    allowTrim: true,
    exporter: "Pixi",
    removeFileExtension: true,
    prependFolderName: true

let images = [];

images.push({path: "img1.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img1.png")});
images.push({path: "img2.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img2.png")});
images.push({path: "img3.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img3.png")});

texturePacker(images, options, (files, error) => {
    if (error) {
        console.error('Packaging failed', error);
    } else {  
        for(let item of files) {
            console.log(item.name, item.buffer);

Available options

  • textureName - name of output files. Default: pack-result
  • suffix - the suffix used for multiple sprites. Default: -
  • suffixInitialValue - the initial value of the suffix. Default: 0
  • width - max single texture width. Default: 2048
  • height - max single texture height. Default: 2048
  • fixedSize - fix texture size. Default: false
  • powerOfTwo - force power of two textures sizes. Default: false
  • padding - spaces in pixels around images. Default: 0
  • extrude - extrude border pixels size around images. Default: 0
  • allowRotation - allow image rotation. Default: true
  • detectIdentical - allow detect identical images. Default: true
  • allowTrim - allow trim images. Default: true
  • trimMode - trim or crop. Default: trim
  • alphaThreshold - threshold alpha value. Default: 0
  • removeFileExtension - remove file extensions from frame names. Default: false
  • prependFolderName - prepend folder name to frame names. Default: true
  • textureFormat - output file format (png or jpg). Default: png
  • base64Export - export texture as base64 string to atlas meta tag. Default: false
  • scale - scale size and positions in atlas. Default: 1
  • scaleMethod - texture scaling method (BILINEAR, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, BICUBIC, HERMITE, BEZIER). Default: BILINEAR
  • tinify - tinify texture using TinyPNG. Default: false
  • tinifyKey - TinyPNG key. Default: ""
  • packer - type of packer (MaxRectsBin, MaxRectsPacker or OptimalPacker). Default: MaxRectsBin, recommended OptimalPacker
  • packerMethod - name of pack method (MaxRectsBin: BestShortSideFit, BestLongSideFit, BestAreaFit, BottomLeftRule, ContactPointRule. MaxRectsPacker: Smart, Square, SmartSquare, SmartArea). Default: BestShortSideFit
  • exporter - name of predefined exporter (JsonHash, JsonArray, Css, OldCss, Pixi, GodotAtlas, GodotTileset, PhaserHash, PhaserArray, Phaser3, XML, Starling, Cocos2d, Spine, Unreal, UIKit, Unity3D, Egret2D), or custom exporter (see below). Default: JsonHash
  • filter - name of bitmap filter (grayscale, mask or none). Default: none
  • appInfo - external app info. Required fields: url and version. Default: null

Custom exporter

Exporter property can be object. Fields:

  • fileExt - files extension
  • template - path to template file or
  • content - content of template

Free texture packer uses mustache template engine.

There are 3 objects passed to template:

rects (Array) list of sprites for export

nameStringsprite name
frameObjectframe info (x, y, w, h, hw, hh)
rotatedBooleansprite rotation flag
trimmedBooleansprite trimmed flag
spriteSourceSizeObjectsprite source size (x, y, w, h)
sourceSizeObjectoriginal size (w, h)
firstBooleanfirst element in array flag
lastBooleanlast element in array flag

config (Object) current export config

imageWidthNumbertexture width
imageHeightNumbertexture height
scaleNumbertexture scale
formatStringtexture format
imageNameStringtexture name
base64ExportBooleanbase64 export flag
base64PrefixStringprefix for base64 string
imageDataStringbase64 image data

appInfo (Object) application info

displayNameStringApp name
versionStringApp version
urlStringApp url

Template example:

  "frames": {
    "{{{name}}}": {
      "frame": {
        "x": {{frame.x}},
        "y": {{frame.y}},
        "w": {{frame.w}},
        "h": {{frame.h}}
      "rotated": {{rotated}},
      "trimmed": {{trimmed}},
      "spriteSourceSize": {
        "x": {{spriteSourceSize.x}},
        "y": {{spriteSourceSize.y}},
        "w": {{spriteSourceSize.w}},
        "h": {{spriteSourceSize.h}}
      "sourceSize": {
        "w": {{sourceSize.w}},
        "h": {{sourceSize.h}}
      "pivot": {
        "x": 0.5,
        "y": 0.5
  "meta": {
    "app": "{{{appInfo.url}}}",
    "version": "{{appInfo.version}}",
    "image": "{{config.imageName}}",
    "format": "{{config.format}}",
    "size": {
      "w": {{config.imageWidth}},
      "h": {{config.imageHeight}}
    "scale": {{config.scale}}

Custom template usage example

let texturePacker = require("free-tex-packer-core");

let images = [];

images.push({path: "img1.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img1.png")});
images.push({path: "img2.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img2.png")});
images.push({path: "img3.png", contents: fs.readFileSync("./img3.png")});

let exporter = {
    fileExt: "json",
    template: "./MyTemplate.mst"

texturePacker(images, {exporter: exporter}, (files, error) => {
    if (error) {
        console.error('Packaging failed', error);
    } else {  
        for(let item of files) {
            console.log(item.name, item.buffer);

Used libs

License: MIT