0.8.3 • Published 6 years ago

frost-builder v0.8.3

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6 years ago

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Frost Builder

A simple way to control your application builds and targets

Frost does offer a framework agnostic "Renderer" that builds production ready bundles and has a universal development server, but that isn't the goal. The goal is to make complex builds simpler.

At it's core, Frost is just a task runner. The tasks that Frost runs are built around "Renderers". A Renderer an object that operates on Webpack compiler instances.Frost comes packaged with some prepared compiler configurations as well as a default renderer to demonstrate the concept.


Basic Usage


The Run command takes an environment and a command and will run that command for all current renderers associated with the build.

run(env, command)
// env: The environment the build should run in
// command: The command that should be run by the renderer


The runOne command is similar to run, but takes a new parameter to specify which renderer should run the command

runOne(env, renderer, command) {
    // env: The environment the build should run in
    // rendere: The specific renderer that is the target
    // command: The command the renderer should run


The runSequence command is essentially like running runOne, multiple times. The command takes in an array of objects containing an environment, a renderer, and a command. These will then be run in sequence.

runSequence(sequence) {
    // sequence: [{ env: 'development', renderer: 'frost', command: 'server' }]

Default Usage

As said above, Frost comes packaged with a default Renderer that will run your builds when there is no custom Renderer specified. Fine grained options can be tuned in your frost.config file, but the main commands exposed by the default Renderer are


client(env) {
    // client takes the client entry from your frost config and creates a bundle in the specified env


server(env) {
    // Server takes the server entry from your frost config and creates a bundle in the specified env


universal(env) {
    // Universal looks at both the client and server entry and creates a Webpack Multicompiler to bundle both builds in the specified env


dev() {
    // Dev creates a Universal, hot-reloaded development server by creating a Webpack Multicompiler and express server to reload on changes

With a set of custom renderers

Using Frost with custom renderers is as easy as making the appropriate changes to your config file. Simply create a renderers entry, and populate the Array with the name of the renderers you would like to include. Frost will resolve them from your node_modules

config config = {
    renderers: ['custom-renderer1', 'custom-renderer2']

Modifying the build through the configuration

For most builds that will not require custom renderers, the configuration file you provide is the easiest place to tweak your builds to your liking. For a full list of options, check out the schema

Modifying the entry

The config provides a client and server entry file location

const config = {
    entry: {
        client: 'path/to/entry.js',
        server: 'path/to/server.js'

Creating a Vendor Bundle

Simply add the names of the vendors to the config vendor entry array

const config = {
    entry: {
        vendor: ['react', 'react-router', ...]

Customizing the output

Customizing the output is essentially the same as the entry.

const config = {
    output: {
        server: 'path/to/server/output',
        client: 'path/to/client/output',
        public: '/your/public/path'

Using Hot-Module Reloading

To use Hot-Module Reloading, in addition to running the dev command, you must have it turned on in the config (defaults to true)

const config = {
    build: {
        useHmr: true

Enabling Source-Maps

Source maps slow down build time, but are incredibly useful. You can enable them in the build section of the config

const config = {
    build: {
        sourceMaps: true

Using a CSS Preprocessor

Frost supports the use of Sass, Scss, Less, and Stylus. None of them are enabled by default.

const config = {
    build: {
        css: {
            preprocessor: 'sass' // 'scss', 'less', 'stylus'

Extracting CSS

By Default, Frost is setup to extract CSS Chunks, this is useful for code-split, universal applications. You can turn off extraction entirely, or only extract a single file with extract-text.

const config = {
    build: {
        css: {
            extract: 'text' // 'chunks', 'none'

Specifying custom cssLoader and postcssLoader rules

You can also override the css-loader and post-css loader options. By default they are true, which means that interally Frost will assign a configuration to them. If you provide an object here, it will use that instead of the defaults, or if it receives false, will not use the loader at all.

const config = {
    build: {
        css: {
            postcss: {
                query: {
                    sourceMaps: true        
            } // or true or false

Using minification for your js files

Frost supports standard UglifyJS minification as well a Babili Minification for more modern builds. By default minification will only run on production builds and the type can be specified in the config.

const config = {
    build: {
        compression: {
            kind: 'babili' // or uglify


You can enable HTTPS by flipping the config option to true and providing paths for your cert and key files.

const config = {
    serverOptions: {
        useHttps: true,
        keyPath: 'certs/localhost.key',
        certPath: 'certs/localhost.cert'

Enabling Service Workers

Frost provides some PWA options to help you get set up with a service worker. All you need to do is turn on workers and then provide the path to your worker entry file.

const config = {
    pwa: {
        hasServiceWorker: true,
        workerEntry: 'my/worker/path.js'

Creating your own Renderer

Really, a Renderer is something that controls the actual build process itself. They extend the base Renderer class (not to be confused with the default Frost Renderer) and expose a build method. This build method should be the method that executes your process.

Frost is target towards Application Bundles, providing default Webpack configurations to extend and build Renderers from. Other bundlers, while they might function, are not officially supported but could possibly be in the future.

To solidify this concept, we can build a small example Renderer below. This Renderer will be simple and have one-job -- to create a multi-entry webpack build and generate html-templates that only contain the relevant js chunks that pertain to them.

More on this coming soon

import { Renderer, ClientCompiler } from 'frost-builder';
import HtmlWebpackPlugin from 'html-webpack-plugin';

export default class TemplateRenderer extends Renderer {
    constructor(templates) {
        // we call super here so we have access to a config file and a builder, the webpack execution layer
        this.templates = templates;

    // The build method as described above is mandatory. This is the entry to your renderer. All this.builder methods return promises.

    async build(env) {
        const compiler = this.createCompiler(env);

        // call the method to run a webpack compiler on the builder
        await this.builder.build(compiler, env);
        return this.

    createPlugin() {
        // create an array of html webpack plugins with some template data
        return this.templates.map(template => {
            new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
                template: template.template,
                chunks: [`${template.name}`],
                filename: `${template.name}.html

    createCompiler(env) {
        // The parent renderer class exposes a getProps method which returns variables about the environment of the build
        const props = this.getProps(env, 'client');

        // Create a ClientCompiler only, but this could be worked into a MultiCompiler architecture faily easily
        const compiler = ClientCompiler(props, this.config);
        const plugins = this.createPlugin();

        // Add the new plugins to the existing compiler and return it
        return compiler;