2.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

ghc-db v2.2.0

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3 years ago

ghc-db 2.2.0

This module helps you to work with GH_DB. https://github.com/GreenHouseControllers/GH-database


npm install ghc-db --save


npm install ghc-db 

add module to project

Add this string everywhere where you want to use db methods.

const db = require('ghc-db');

connect with db:

Do it only once in te main file of the project.

db.connect(url, token);   


db.connect('http://localhost:7202', 't111');

default url is "http://localhost:7202"

default token is "t111"

You can change port and token in db ./config/config.json

exemple of config file

    "port": 7202,
    "dbToken": "t111"

functions and callbacks

All requests mast be inside async function or callback.


About methods

Methods dirFile

  1. readFile - getElement file and return its contents.
  2. createFile - create file and return message or error.
  3. removeFile - remove file and return message or error.
  4. createDir - create directory and return message or error.
  5. removeDir - remove directory and return message or error.
  6. writeFile - write data to file and return message or error.
  7. rename - rename file or directory and return message or error.
  8. getDirContent - get content of directory (the same as ls in terminal).

Methods json

  1. readJson - getElement and parse json file and return its contents.
  2. writeJson - write json file and return message.
  3. getElement - return element from array in json file.
  4. pushElement - push element to the end of array in json file.
  5. deleteElement - delete element from json array.

Methods collection

main 1. createCollection - create collection and return message. 2. removeCollection - remove collection and return message.

CRUD 1. create - add object and return message. 2. read - read collection and return its content. 3. update - delete object and add new object and return message. 4. delete - delete object and return message.

more methods 1. get - get object by key and value. 2. renameCollection - rename collection.

Methods storage

  1. upload - upload your file to the storage.
  2. download - download file from the storage.
  3. remove - remove file from the storage.

Methods admin

  1. register - register user that can work with db without token, but you need token for register.
  2. login - authorizes the user without token and returns you token.
  3. getErrorLog - returns full error log list.


dirFile methods:

  1. readFile read file and return its contents.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newFile.json" 
let answer = await db.readFile(data);
  1. createFile create file and return message or error.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newFile.json" 
let answer = await db.createFile(data);
  1. removeFile remove file and return message or error.
    const data = {
       path: "./exemple_path",
       name: "newFile.json" 
    let answer = await db.removeFile(data);
4. createDir 
create folder and return message or error.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir" 
let answer = await db.createDir(data);
  1. removeDir remove folder and return message or error.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir" 
let answer = await db.removeDir(data);
  1. writeFile write data to file and return message or error.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir", 
    data: data
let answer = await db.writeFile(data);

json methods

  1. readJson read json file and return its contents.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir" 
let answer = await db.readJson(data);
  1. writeJson write object, or array to json file and return message or error.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir",
    data: data
let answer = await db.writeJson(data);
  1. getElement return element from array in json file. (here data is name or number of the element)
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir",
    data: "name_of_element"
let answer = await db.getElement(data);
  1. pushElement push element to the end of array in json file
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir",
    data: data
let answer = await db.pushElement(data);
  1. deleteElement delete element in the array.
const data = {
    path: "./exemple_path",
    name: "newDir",
    data: data
let answer = await db.deleteElement(data);

crud methods

  1. create add a new element to the collection.
const data = {
    name: "newDir",
    data: data
let answer = await db.create(data);
  1. read read collection.
const data = {
    name: "newDir"
let answer = await db.read(data);
  1. update change one element to other
const data = {
    name: "newDir",
    key: "key",
    data: "value of object",
    newData: data
let answer = await db.update(data);
  1. delete delete one element in the collection
const data = {
    name: "newDir",
    key: "key",
    data: "value of object"
let answer = await db.delete(data);

create and remove collection

  1. createCollection - create collection.
const data = {
    "name": "newCollection",
    "path": "./exemple_path/newCollection.json",
    "fileName": "newCollection.json"
let answer = await db.createCollection(data);
  1. removeCollection - remove collection.
const data = {
    "name": "newCollection"
let answer = await db.removeCollection(data);

More collection methods

  1. get - get one element from the collection (if you have collection with the same objects that you fined db will return just the first)
const data = {
    "name": "newCollection",
    "key": "name",
    "data": "jack"
let answer = await db.get(data);
  1. renameCollection - rename collection
const data = {
    "name": "newCollection",
    "newName": "otherCollection"
let answer = await db.renameCollection(data);


  1. upload - uploads files to the storage.
const fs = require('fs');
const FormData = require('form-data');

const upload = async () => {
    let data = new FormData();
    data.append('filedata', fs.createReadStream('/some/path/file.txt'));

    let answer =  await db.upload(data);
  1. download - downloads files from the storage.
const data = {
    "name": "image.jpg"

let answer = await db.download(data);
  1. remove - remove file from the storage.
const data = {
    "name": "image.jpg"

let answer = await db.remove(data);


  1. login - login user.
const data = {
    "username": "joseph",
    "password": "123a",
    "token": "t111"

let answer = await db.register(data);
  1. login - login user.
const data = {
    "username": "joseph",
    "password": "123a"

let answer = await db.login(data);

Admin methods

  1. getErrorLog - returns all error logs
let answer = await db.getErrorLog();

example of return message:

file has been wrote

example of return error:

    "message": "Can not read file",
    "err": {
        "errno": -2,
        "code": "ENOENT",
        "syscall": "open",
        "path": "/home/DB/file_system/example/example.txt"

To find info about errors, look at the file sistem documentation

Example of full error log

        "time": "10-29-2020, 12:57:01 pm",
        "log": {
            "message": "Can not remove collection",
            "err": {}
        "time": "11-06-2020, 12:43:39 pm",
        "log": {
            "message": "Can not remove file",
            "error": {
                "code": "ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE"
        "time": "11-06-2020, 12:44:10 pm",
        "log": {
            "message": "Can not remove directory",
            "err": {
                "errno": -2,
                "syscall": "rmdir",
                "code": "ENOENT",
                "path": "/home/glab/GH-database/data/file_system/example"
        "time": "11-06-2020, 12:44:26 pm",
        "log": {
            "message": "Can not get collection path",
            "err": "invalid collection name"

example of code

const db = require('ghc-db'); //add ghc-db
const express = require('express');

const app = express();
const PORT = 3000;

// add bodyParser
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

//connect with db
// work with file
app.get('/json', async (req, res) => {
    try {
        //create data
        const data = {
            path: "./exemple_path",
            name: "newFile.json" 
        //request to db
        let answer = await db.createFile(data);
// work with json
app.get('/json', async (req, res) => {
    try {
        //create data
        const data = {
            path: "./exemple_path",
            name: "newFile.json" 
        //request to db
        let answer = await db.readJson(data);
// work with crud
app.get('/crud/create', async (req, res) => {
    try {
//create data
        const data = {
            "method": "create",
            "name": "newCollection",
            "data": {
                "name": "jack",
                "age": 15
        //request to db
        let answer = await db.create(data);

app.post('/getImage', async function(req, res){    
        let data = {
            name: req.body.name
        let answer = await db.download(data); 
    } catch (err) {

app.listen(PORT, function() {
    console.log(`DB started on port ${PORT}`);