0.0.6 • Published 10 months ago

grapest v0.0.6

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10 months ago

Grape Discord Self-Bot

Grape is a Discord self-bot built using Discord.js v13. It provides various functionalities for interacting with Discord guilds, roles, users, and voice channels.


  • Retrieve roles by name or ID within a guild.
  • Retrieve guilds by name or ID.
  • Get members of a role within a guild.
  • Extract user information by ID or username.
  • Find the voice channel a user is currently in.


  1. Clone this repository or download the source code.
  2. Install dependencies using npm:

    npm install discord.js-selfbot-v13
  3. Configure your bot by adding your Discord token in the config.json file.


  1. Import the Bot class from grape.js into your project.
  2. Create a new instance of the Bot class.
  3. Call the appropriate methods to utilize the features provided by Grape.


const { Bot } = require('grapest')

const grapeBot = new Bot();
const Grape = new grapeBot.Grape();
const extract = new grapeBot.extract();
const roles = new client.roles();

// Login with your Discord token

// Get a role by name within a guild
const guild = await roles.getGuild("GuildName, GuildId");
// role while be search by name or id Ex (admin) or adm or id 10343...
const role = await roles.getRole(guild, role);

// Get member of anyGuild
const extract = new grapeBot.extract();
// Only Accept User(1100918300017442937,._7up ,@._7up)
const user = await (extract.UserByID("id") || extract.UserByName("username"));
const voiceChannel = await Grape.Find(user);


Using self-bots violates Discord's Terms of Service. Self-bots can result in your account being banned. Use at your own risk.