0.0.6 • Published 5 years ago

graphql-fleetgrid-com v0.0.6

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Last release
5 years ago


Clone project and install:

$ git clone git@gitlab.com:fleetgrid/fleetgrid-graphql.git

$ cd fleetgrid-graphql
$ npm i

Run the project locally (outside of EC2):

# start ssh tunnel to ec2 instance that is in the same VPC as aurora
$ forever start tunnel-ssh.js

# tunnel should be running on

# generate prisma code and then run server
$ npm start

# you should then see
# Server is running on http://localhost:4000

Open url in browser and checkout the docs/schema. Heres is a few example queries that we can run:

# {
#   findOneUser(where: { username: "trabur" }) {
#     id
#     username
#   }
# }

  findManyUser(skip: 0){

# mutation {
#   createOneUser(data: { username: "trabur" }) {
#     id
#     username
#   }
# }

# mutation {
#   deleteOneUser(where:{id:"cjyqlcmmf00007fvt2zxv8g9v"}) {
#     id
#   }
# }

Migrate your database using Lift

Every schema migration with Lift follows a 3-step-process:

  • Adjust data model: Change your data model definition to match your desired database schema.
  • Save migration: Run export npm_package_config_database_url="postgresql://root:CjUH21EW1peaJYng@"; prisma2 lift save --name 'init' to create your migration files on the file system.
  • Run migration: after a git push the gitlab-ci will run prisma2 lift up to perform the migration against your database.

note: be sure to create database named fleetgrid in pgAdmin before running the first lift migration.

Node.js behind NGINX

I used the following guides to setup our prisma node.js app behind nginx load balancer.

Publish ORM to NPM

The entire deployment process to publish a new module version has been reduced to the following commands.

# npm version 0.0.1
$ npm version <newversion>