1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

gravatar-from-email v1.0.0

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Last release
1 year ago


Get a Gravatar as a URL from an email


pnpm add --save-prod gravatar-from-email

Warning: This package is ESM only

Note: The engines field is set to >=18, but it should work with Node.js >=14.16, and >=16.0


import { gravatarFromEmail } from 'gravatar-from-email';


gravatarFromEmail(email, options?): URL

email (required)

Type: string

Email to get the Gravatar for.


Type: Options

An optional Object can be passed to the function. If omitted, the following defaults are always applied:

  rating: 'g',
  size: '80',


Why bother making this?

A lot of websites support Gravatars these days, either implicitly, or they allow you to set your profile picture explicitly by passing an image request URL.

Why use this over existing implementations?

No reason at all. If you find existing implementations better suited to your needs, by all means, use that. I wrote this for my own needs, and plan on maintaining it for a long time.

Why does this not also check if the input (email) is email-like?

That’s not what this module is intended for^1. Use email-regex for that.

Why does this return a URL and not a string?

Because it is more versatile. You can always use .toJSON(), or .toString() to convert the URL to a string.

Why use a named export instead of a default export?

In this case, it’s a preference. This is extensively discussed here.

Why not support the http:// protocol even though Gravatar supports it?

Because it’s 2023. Also, because it is more secure than the alternative.



^2: It does not support ESM, has an external dependency (crypto-js), and is not actively maintained

^3: It does support ESM, is actively maintained, and will probably work just as well as this package. But it has external dependencies (md5-hex and type-fest)

^4: It does not support ESM, has external dependencies (@sailshq/lodash and machine), and is not actively maintained

^5: It does not support ESM, has an external dependency (md5), and is not actively maintained