Avatar / profile picture component. Resize and crop your uploaded image using a intuitive user interface.
Avatar / profile picture component. Resize and crop your uploaded image using a intuitive user interface.
A React component used to show users avatar or initials
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
Universal React avatar component makes it possible to generate avatars based on user information.
Gravatar Node.js library
Avatar component for Vue.js
A universal avatar component for Angular applications that fetches / generates avatar based on the information you have about the user.
ReactJS component to upload, crop, and preview avatars
A package of Essential JS 2 layout pure CSS components such as card and avatar. The card is used as small container to show content in specific structure, whereas the avatars are icons, initials or figures representing particular person.
Javascript identicon generator
Angular Avatar is a simple and lightweight AngularJS directive that generates a letter's avatar like Microsoft or Google do in their web apps. First letter of each word in a string or a group of initials will be used to generate the avatar. The image of t
A customizable Gravatar for Angular applications.
Get the URL to a Gravatar image from an identifier, such as an email
Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps
a vue plgin for image upload and crop(vue图片剪裁上传插件)
React component for a user avatar with fallback to colored initials
An avatar library for designers and developers.
React component for avataaars
Component for gravatar image tags
Standard library for Node/Sails applications. Hand-picked and maintained by the Sails.js core team.