1.10.76 • Published 2 years ago

greendirect-api v1.10.76

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Last release
2 years ago


GreenDirect API server application powered by NestJS, TypeORM, Postgres, and Docker.


Make sure to have the following installed:

  • Node 10+ / NPM 6.1+ for application
  • docker for postgres database
  • jest for unit testing
  • tslint for TypeScript linting (tslint in VSCode to automate linting)
  • prettier for auto formatting in VSCode
  • Make sure you setup an npmjs.com account and request access to the @sierralabs private repos for the NPM dependencies.


Using your npmjs.com account from above, run:

$ npm login
$ npm install

Development Guide

Dev Database Setup

Setup the Postgres database instance. When running the below command for the first time the db/greendirect-schema.sql will be applied.

Database Name: greendirect

# Rebuilds the database with a new Docker container.
$ npm run db

# Load initial mock data via tests.
$ npm run mocks

db runs migrations automatically.

Run the app

# development
$ npm run start

# development: watch mode (restarts on changes)
$ npm run start:dev

For development, you can explore the API endpoints via Swagger: http://localhost:3000/explorer/

# production mode (uses compiled JS)
$ npm run start:prod

Testing Guide

Test Database Setup

Creates a separate database instance for test. Database name: greendirect-test

# Rebuilds the test database with a new Docker container.
$ npm run test:db

# Load initial mock data
$ npm run test:mocks

test:db will automatically run migrations.

Run automated tests

(requires the above database setup)

# unit tests
$ npm run test

# end-to-end tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

Run local test server (manual test)

Requires: greendirect-test database, greendirect-web running at localhost:5050

npm run local-server


Version bump

Use npm version command to set a git tag and update package.json with a new version number.

Deploying to AWS Fargate ECS/ECR environment

Create a deploy.[NODE_ENV].json file in config/ with the following information:

  "deploy": {
    "projectName": "greendirect",
    "aws": {
      "accessKeyId": "",
      "secretAccessKey": "",
      "region": "us-west-2",
      "ecr": {
        "uri": "241940929212.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/greendirect-staging",
        "tag": "latest"
      "ecs": {
        "service": "greendirect-staging-service",
        "cluster": "greendirect-staging-cluster"
    "npmToken": ""

NOTE: npmToken is for @sierralabs/ NPM package installation on docker instance. You can create a NPM_TOKEN by following these instructions: https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/working_with_tokens (make sure you create a readonly token using --read-only flag.)

After creating the deploy config file you can execute the following replacing NODE_ENV=staging with the desired environment.

$ NODE_ENV=staging gulp deploy

Database Migrations

IMPORTANT: Since migrations are possiby destructive operations, DO NOT run migrations scripts with automation. Do it manually so that any issues can be caught immediately.

Creating Migrations

First, modify your entity classes with property changes. Second, follow the procedures below.

When naming migrations, include the operation and affected column/table.

$ npm run db:migrate:new -- "AlterOrderAddTypeColumn"

This will automatically generate your migration file with changes based on your entiy classes. The file will be placed in db/migrations/[timestamp]_AlterOrderAddTypeColumn.ts with both UP and DOWN sql scripts.

NOTE: Auto generating the migration files guarantees that the entity definition matches the database schema exactly.

YAH! To run (add NODE_ENV to change environment):

$ npm run db # already includes run migrations
$ npm run db:migrate:up # executes all
$ npm run db:migrate:down # undoes the last migration, run again for each migration.


Clear persistent NPM packages

Delete you node_modules folder. Then:

$ npm install
$ npm cache verify

Recreating Database Schema

When making changes to the database schema you can create a sql dump to replace db/greendirect-schema.sql by running:

docker exec -t greendirect-api_db_1 pg_dump -U root greendirect > db/greendirect-schema.sql

Development: greendirect-api_db_1 - is the name of the docker container on your machine (development).

Test: greendirect-api_db-test_1 - is the name of the docker container on your machine.

Cleaning and resetting the Docker DB

If you want to reset the DB back to the emtpy schema you'll need to delete the docker container and the docker image.

Just re-run the npm scripts for database:

# for development
$ npm run db

# for test
$ npm run test:db

The script already automates the following commands:

# stops, removes volumes, and removes containers
$ docker-compose down -v --rmi local

# rebuilds and starts containers in background
$ docker-compose up --build -d


# to start  with fresh docker build, remove all (both development and test):
$ docker-compose down -v --rmi all --remove-orphans