0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

gulp-drupal-theme-core v0.1.0

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7 years ago

Gulp Drupal Theme - Core


Maintenance Gitter travis

This theme core is to be included in your main project and sets up many Gulp tasks that can work in many flexible ways by passing in different config objects, which can be based off of gulpfile.default.yml (and is merged with).


  • SCSS => CSS compiling with LibSass, PostCSS, linting, and SourceMaps
  • JS compiling via Babel, linting and aggregation
  • WebPack module bundling
  • SVG => Font Icons compiling with support for adding mixins and classes to SCSS along with a demo page
  • Drupal file watching to trigger Drush cache clears

All is easily configurable by changing values in your gulpfile.yml file in your project. These values are merged into the gulpfile.default.yml file - look there for the available options and defaults.


  • BrowserSync live reload and style injection (should be OK, not tested)
  • Images => Images optimization (to validate)
  • JS specs => JS tests using Karma



  • npm install gulp-drupal-theme-core --save-dev
  • Create a gulpfile.yml in your theme, and overrides options from the gulpfile.default.yml
  • Make a gulpfile.js in your project, with:
    "use strict";

    const gulp = require("gulp");
    const yaml = require("js-yaml");
    const fs = require("fs");

    // `rc` allows all config options to be overridden with CLI flags like `--js.enabled="` or in `~/.p2-theme-corerc` files, among many others: https://www.npmjs.com/package/rc
    const config = require("rc")("gulp-drupal-theme-core", yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/gulpfile.yml`, "utf8"), { json: true }));
    const themeCore = require("gulp-drupal-theme-core");

    const tasks = {
        compile: [],
        watch: [],
        validate: [],
        clean: [],
        "default": []

    themeCore(gulp, config, tasks);

    gulp.task("clean", gulp.parallel(tasks.clean));
    gulp.task("compile", gulp.series(
    gulp.task("validate", gulp.parallel(tasks.validate));
    gulp.task("watch", gulp.parallel(tasks.watch));
    gulp.task("default", gulp.series(


In order to use Babel, you need to create a .babelrc into your project, with the presets that you want installed.


You need to create a .eslintrc.js file, and specify whitch rules that you want (eslint-config-ovh is recommanded).


Global Commands

  • gulp - Run all compile tasks, and watch for changes
  • gulp compile - Run all compile tasks
  • gulp validate - Run all validate tasks (eslint, ...)
  • gulp watch - Watch for changes
  • gulp clean - Run all clean tasks

Specifics Commands

You can launch specifics tasks, for example "lint CSS files". In this example, you can use gulp validate:css.

All the documentation can be found inside the docs folder.


Have a look at the Contributing section. If you have any question feel free to discuss about it on our Gitter.


Original project from p2-theme-core.


MIT (original license)