1.8.13 • Published 7 years ago

gulpfile-preset v1.8.13

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Last release
7 years ago

Gulpfile Preset

A boilerplate for common gulp tasks I use in projects. Also serves as a build app wrapper


$ npm install gulpfile-preset

Initial Post-Install

Right after initial installation, you may run the post install script in order to setup the files. You don't have to do this if the files are already setup before. $ node ./node_modules/gulpfile-preset/misc/postinstall.js
This will generate the following files and folders at your root folder:

./gulp/exceptions     Contains custom error files
./gulp/helpers        Contains helper files
./gulp/images         Contains images used for notification
./gulp/tasks          Contains the task files. Each task is in its own file
./gulp/boot.js        Prepares the build wrapper app
./gulp/config         Configurations
./gulpfile.js         Gulp entry


Initial tasks available. You can always register additional tasks by creating one in the gulp/tasks folder.

Task NameDescription
stylesCompiles SCSS files into a single CSS file
scriptsTranspiles, combines, minifies and ES6-compliant scripts into one
imageMinifies images
svgMinifies SVGs and creates a sprite
testsRuns Jasmine Spec Runner for your Javascript behavioral tests
watchWatches for file changes and runs task accordingly



  • Non-breaking watch. Each task has its build errors handled as much as possible so as not to break the watch.
  • Fast plugins. Plugins are carefully selected to use the fastest possible.


  • Add a postinstall prompt to run misc/postinstall.js at initial install
  • Rename App namespace ( 'Build' perhaps? )
  • Use ES6 syntax for tests once ES6 is fully supported in PhantomJS