0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago
hubot-spatial v0.1.0
I (=hubot) inform where nearby spots are to provide a path to map for your team.
This map can show you the place and spots with lat/lng in URL parameter.
See scripts/spatial.coffee
to know me.
npm i hubot-spatial --save
You can change a data provider to give a location of spots. The spots is free wifi points in Japan as defaut.
- Fork the gist
- Change the code for REST URL (ArcGIS Feature Layer) to provide a data and a field name for title in your gist
var titleFieldName = 'field name for title';
var query = L.esri.query({
url: 'your service URL'
- Change the code for path to map and in
appUrl = 'https://bl.ocks.org/username/raw/gistid/?lat=' + json.candidates[0].location.y + '&lng=' + json.candidates[0].location.x
you> 探して 東京都墨田区押上1-1-2
hubot> 東京都墨田区押上1-1-2周辺の無料 wifi スポットだよ!
you> 探して 渋谷駅
hubot> 渋谷駅周辺の無料 wifi スポットだよ!
8 years ago