humpback v0.11.2
Stability: 1 - Experimental
##Preamble Humpback was born out of necessity. We fell in love with sails.js, Angular.js, and Zurb Foundation and we knew right away that we wanted to build an intuitive platform to use these frameworks in large production level applications at blistering development speeds. The first attempts at Humpback were behind closed doors and intended to be proprietary. Then, after many many debates, we decided to OS an entire rebuild of Humpback using node-machines, possibly treeline, JSdata, Foundation-apps, and all the wonderful new projects that have come out recently. We are building the platform publicly so there is as much external input as possible and will launch contributor guidelines when they are ready.
This file will be updated as this project evolves. Also, check out the WIKI.
This product is currently NOT PRODUCTION ready.
##Overview Humpback is to the frontend what treeline is to the backend of a sails.js app. We've concretely decided to use Foundation-apps as the frontend framework and JSdata as the client side persistence layer. Both of these are forward thinking technologies, and we are focusing on Humpback as a Single Page Application (SPA) builder not a website generator. It's also a fast track for your next hackathon with things like auto linking views/scss/controllers/modules etc.
##Quick Start
For now, there is no complete CLI or node module, so to get started with humpback
you can use the standard sails.js way. First you will need to have node.js/NPM,
sails.js, Ruby, Sass, and PhantomJs installed.
NOTE: PhantomJs works best if installed globally npm install phantomjs -g
Then, Fork this repo
$ npm install
$ sails lift
##What you should know if you consider using Humpback There is plethra of awesome technologies being used in Humpback. If you consider using Humpback for production, you and your team should have an understanding of the following:
- Node.js
- Sails.js
- Angular.js
- Foundation-apps
- JS-Data
- i18n
Additional things that will come in handy
- Node-machines
- Bower
- Grunt
Methodologies to keep in mind
- Single Page Applications (SPAs)
- Model View Controller (MVC)
##Role based authorization, Lightweight CMS, Lightweight Email, and Prebuilt Back Back Admin
One of the most repetitive tasks that we do with every sails project is
Role based authorization, Content Management, Email Management, and GUI Data Management.
So with Humpback, we built that in natively. We did it for two reasons 1) we do it for 99% of
the sails.js projects we create anyways 2) It's a great working example of how
the humpback frontend and backend work together. It's not a sails.js version
of wordpress or anything like that, just a great time saving way to see all
the working pieces.
By default a single super user is created:
username : admin,
password : admin123
This user can Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) anything built on Humpback and is the only source to add additional Admin users in.
NOTE: you'll want to change the super user's password before production
Humpback uses sails.js's native combined with JSdata and a
custom provider for storage of client side models. By default, humpback
client side models communicate with the the REST routes via the prefix /api
and pluralize turned to false.
##File Structure Humpback's file structure is identical to a normal Sails.js app with a few exceptions.
- Humpback uses bower to manage frontend dependencies.
- Humpback generators create additional files compared to their sails.js counterparts.
- Humpback uses SASS in lieu of less (to support foundation-apps).
- Humpback includes a humans.txt.
- Humpback includes an app folder for angular controllers and models.
- Humpback includes
environment file for testing. - Humpback includes a test folder for unit testing.
- Humpback includes a
file for consitent javascript across the front and back end. - Humpback removes the
folder to be more consitent with the app file structure. Humpback removes the
folder to be more consitent with the app file structure.-- api
- -- controllers
- -- hooks
- -- models
- -- machines
- -- policies
- -- responses
- -- services
- -- assets
- -- assets
- -- img
- -- iconic
- -- pngs
- -- svgs
- -- css
- -- img
- -- app
- -- controllers
- -- directives
- -- filters
- -- hooks
- -- models
- -- policies
- -- providers
- -- services
- -- views
- -- app.js
- -- bower_components
- -- scss
- -- templates
- -- favicon.ico
- -- robots.txt
- -- humans.txt
- -- assets
- -- config
- -- node_modules
- -- tasks
- -- test
- -- views
- -- .gitignore
- -- .jshintrc
- -- .bowerrc
- -- .sailsrc
- -- .travis.yml
- -- app.js
- -- Gruntfile.js
- -- bower.json
- -- package.json
- --
- --
Humpback has a semantic layout for the assets/app
folder (where all of the fronted files are stored).
It uses the humpback generators and sails-linker
to automatically and semantically bind all of your
frontend JavaScript files together as sperate modules. Then when the app is lifted for production,
it minifies all of it together into a single production.js file.
NOTE: You will still want to create all of your view files in .ejs in the views
folder so that they can be compiled into the assets/app/views
folder with grunt-ejs and html2js.
##System Defaults Humpback overrides as few system defaults as possible, but there are some things that are changed for this particular SPA concept.
->prefix: 'api/'
##Reserved Model Names Humpback reserves certain model names. While you are free to extend the models you should not attempt to create models with these name spaces:
If you absolutely must use different model names, you can set replacements in the
file. You'll need to update the api/models
and api/controller
files as well. See humpback-hook
for more details.
If you are using sails-stripe, you should consider not using those model names as well.
##Reserved Controller Names Humpback reserves certain controller names. While you are free to extend the controllers you shound not attempt to create controllers with these name spaces
##Reserved Policies
##Reserved Services
##Installable Hooks (aka Humpback Barnacles) Humpback makes use of installable hooks, we call them barnacles. By default the included barnicles are:
responsible for authorization logic, includes passporthumpback-validation-hook
responsible for creating model validation errors in i18nhumpback-admin-hook
responsible for creating a lightweight and customizable admin areahumpback-cms-hook
responsible for creating an extenable lightweight content management system.humpback-gui-hook
responsible for creating the admin data GUIhumpback-email-hook
responsible for creating email templates
##Generators Humpback's generators override sails stock generators to create additional files:
sails generate humpback-api <API_NAME>
sails generate humpback-model <MODEL_NAME>
sails generate humpback-controller <CONTROLLER_NAME>
sails generate humpback-view <VIEW_NAME [FEAUTRE/MODULE]>
Humpback also has a few custom generators that make development faster and will also work with the future release of
Humpback comes bootstrapped with sails-stripe to make humpback apps SaaS friendly and stripe ready. See this link for setup.
sails generate sails-stripe
##i18n model validation and Translation Humpback includes custom validation transaltion for i18n as well as uses i18n to translate the app into the desired language.
##Foundation-apps Humpback's default frontend is Zurb's Foundation-apps. Humpback exentends a few of foundation-apps' modules functionality but supports them all. Since we are using sails as the view router, you will want to avoid using foundation-apps built in router fuctionality or any of it's funcationality that relies on gulp.
Iconic and Open Iconic allow for responsive and stylized SVGs to be used
across the frontend. Humpback uses grunt-svg-toolkit to optimize svgs.
For more information on great ways to create SVGs for humpback, see Iconic's illustrator-svg-exporter
and grunt-svg-toolkit
We included a dependency on PhantomJs. This dependency is to support certain
levels of image manipulation as well screenshot creation. For best restults
PhantomJs should be installed globally.
npm install phantomjs -g
or click here
##Change Log ###0.11.1 Add initial View generator and semantic layout of module names and file includes.