1.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

i18n-squish v1.0.1

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Last release
10 years ago


Watch and compile language files into single locales ready to be served to angular-translate using angular-translate-loader-url. Can be used with or without Express and optinally watches files using node-watch to recompile upon changes.


  1. Require the package with an Express app and optional parameters object: require('i18n-squish')(app, params).


  1. dir (default: 'app/i18n'): the directory where all language files reside
  2. out (default: dir + '/_compiled'): the directory to output compiled locale files
  3. endpoint (default: '/api/lang'): the endpoint to create an Express GET route for fetching locales - this defaults to the angular-translate-loader-url default
  4. whitespace (default: 0): number of spaces to use as whitespace in JSON.stringify call
  5. watch (default: false): boolean indicating whether uncompiled langauge files in dir should be watched and recompiled upon changes
  6. express (default: false): boolean indicating whether the module should create the Express endpoint defined by endpoint

All language files should be named after their respective locale. A language files filepath denotes the property names which will lead to it in the compiled locale file. For example, if a language file exists at /app/i18n/routes/login/en.json, the compiled JSON file en.json will contain routes.login.


Given the following file structure and default options:

└─ /branding
     └─ fr.json
└─ /routes
     └─ en.json
     └─ fr.json

Compiled files will be created as follows:

└─ ... 
└─ /_compiled
     └─ en.json
     └─ fr.json

Using express: true and default endpoint: '/api/lang' options will mean retrieving the en.json file is as simple as sending a GET request to /api/lang?lang=json. This operation is performed automatically by angular-translate-loader-url when using $translateProvider.useUrlLoader('/api/lang').