A translation module for AngularJS
A translation module for AngularJS
Extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project
Angular translate one-time directive
Concatenates and registers translations for angular-translate in an AngularJS module.
Pluggable loader for angular-translate that allows separate independent angular modules to contribute their angular-translate translations.
A gulp plugin to merge JSON files into one file grouped by a pattern.
Converting json to po
Gulp version of grunt-angular-translate. Simply extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project created by Pascal Precht.
Extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project
Gulp version of grunt-angular-translate. Simply extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project created by Pascal Precht. Forked from
Another version of gulp-angular-translate-extract. Extracts all the translation keys for angular-translate, saving separated files relative to the parent folder where the keys are, ideal when using a feature folder structure organization.
Gulp plugin to bundle JSON localization files
Grunt tasks to automatically extract translations from your djangularjs project
A publish of 1.x version of angular-translate
A JS library to verify the coherence and the correctness of angular-translate elements.
Extract text directly from templates and generate translator-friendly json files
Translate values of key-value pairs of an Angular-Translate JSON File into Pseudo
Yeoman generator for AngularJS with gulp, browserify, Angular-Material, SCSS, angular-ui, angular-translate, karma, jasmine and ftp deployment
Yeoman generator for AngularJS with gulp, browserify, bootstrap, SCSS, angular-ui, angular-translate, karma, jasmine and ftp deployment
Yeoman generator for AngularJS with gulp, browserify, bootstrap, SCSS, angular-ui, angular-translate, karma, jasmine and ftp deployment