2.4.2 • Published 4 years ago

image-output v2.4.2

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Last release
4 years ago

image-output Build Status unstable

Output image data to a destination: file, canvas, console, stdout, ImageData etc.


$ npm install image-output

var output = require('image-output')

// create chess pattern png from raw pixels data
	data: [0,0,0,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 0,0,0,1],
	width: 2,
	height: 2
}, 'chess.png')


output(source, destination?, shape|options?)

Output pixel data source to a destination based on options. Undefined destination displays image to console/stdout. The operation is done in sync fashion. destination and options may come in the opposite order for conveniency.

output([0,1,1,0], [2,2,1], 'a.png')


Shoud be an actual image data container, one of:

  • Canvas, Context2D, WebGLContext
  • ImageData or Object {data: Uint8Array, width, height}
  • DataURL or base64 string
  • Image, Video, ImageBitmap with resolved data
  • Array, Array of Arrays, Uint8Array, FloatArray with raw pixels
  • ArrayBuffer, Buffer
  • Ndarray

Handy for that purpose is image-pixels:

var pixels = require('image-pixels')
output(await pixels('image.png'), 'image-copy.png')


Can be any image output destination:

StringFile to create or path, in node. If includes extension, mimeType is detected from it.
Canvas2D, Context2DRender pixel data into a canvas. Canvas is resized to fit the image data. To avoid resizing, use options.clip property.
document, ElementCreate a canvas with diff data in document or element.
consoleDisplay image to console in browser or to terminal in node.
Array / FloatArrayWrite pixel data normalized to 0..1 range to a float-enabled array.
UintArrayPut pixel data to any unsigned int array.
Buffer / ArrayBufferPut pixel data into a buffer, possibly encoded into target format by options.type.
NdarrayWrite pixel data into an ndarray.
ImageDataPut data into ImageData instance, browser only.
ObjectCreate data, width and height properties on an object.
FunctionCall a function with ImageData as argument.
StreamSend data to stream, eg. process.stdout.
WebStreamTODO. Send data to stream, eg. process.stdout.


type / mimeEncode into target type, by default detected from file extension. By default image/png.
qualityDefines encoding quality, 0..1, optional. By default 1.
...restRest of options is passed to encoder.
<!-- clipDefile clipping area rectangle from the initial data to save. -->

Customize color palette in terminal

You can choose color palette with flags or environment variable FORCE_COLOR=0123

node ./script.js --no-color
node ./script.js --color
node ./script.js --color=256
node ./script.js --color=16m




© 2018 Dmitry Yv. MIT License.