0.0.6 • Published 8 years ago

inspectr v0.0.6

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8 years ago


A CLI for inspecting React components to reveal propTypes and defaultProps values.


npm install -g inspectr

##Usage inspectr takes two arguments

inspectr <module> [component] 

inspectr takes the -f option to specify a specific file path to inspect

inspectr <module-path> [component] -f 

###module The module argument is the name of the module to search for a React Component to inspect or if you pass -f the relative file path to a module to inspect.

###component The component argument is optional if you are inspecting default exports, however to inspect named exports, you need to pass the name of the export here.

##Examples ###Inspecting node modules Assuming you want to inspect react-router and are in your project root, run -

inspectr react-router

│ Property         │ Type                   │ Default Value                              │
│ history          │ React.PropTypes.object │ N/A                                        │
│ children         │ React.PropTypes.object │ N/A                                        │
│ routes           │ React.PropTypes.object │ N/A                                        │
│ RoutingContext   │ React.PropTypes.func   │ function RoutingContext() {                │
│                  │                        │     _classCallCheck(this, RoutingContext); │
│                  │                        │                                            │
│                  │                        │     _Component.apply(this, arguments);     │
│                  │                        │   }                                        │
│ createElement    │ React.PropTypes.func   │ N/A                                        │
│ onError          │ React.PropTypes.func   │ N/A                                        │
│ onUpdate         │ React.PropTypes.func   │ N/A                                        │
│ parseQueryString │ React.PropTypes.func   │ N/A                                        │
│ stringifyQuery   │ React.PropTypes.func   │ N/A                                        │

If you want to inspect the Link component, you could run

inspectr react-router Link

│ Property          │ Type                   │ Default Value │
│ to                │ React.PropTypes.string │ N/A           │
│ query             │ React.PropTypes.object │ N/A           │
│ hash              │ React.PropTypes.string │ N/A           │
│ state             │ React.PropTypes.object │ N/A           │
│ activeStyle       │ React.PropTypes.object │ N/A           │
│ activeClassName   │ React.PropTypes.string │ N/A           │
│ onlyActiveOnIndex │ React.PropTypes.bool   │ N/A           │
│ onClick           │ React.PropTypes.func   │ N/A           │

###Inspecting file paths To inspect your own components you can use file paths with the -f option.

inspectr app/javascripts/components/button.jsx -f

##Limitations Currently inspectr can only determine PropTypes through evaluting the checkType returned from the React PropTypes definition. So this means it supports the following propTypes-

  • React.PropTypes.array
  • React.PropTypes.bool
  • React.PropTypes.func
  • React.PropTypes.number
  • React.PropTypes.object
  • React.PropTypes.string
  • React.PropTypes.any