1.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

interactive-scatterplots v1.0.5

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Last release
6 years ago


Diamond prices example


npm install interactive-scatterplots


import scatter from 'interactive-scatterplots'

const svg = scatter.plot(data, x, y[, options])


  • data an array of rows
  • x a column name string or function specifying which data to use on the x axis
  • y a column name string or function specifying which data to use on the y axis


The options object can be used to set a number of options. Wherever functions are passed in, they take as their parameter the current data row.

  • width (number)
  • height
  • padding padding around the chart's grid to fit axis labels and chart title. Object with top, right, bottom and left properties
  • title the chart's title
  • r the (constant) radius for each circle
  • rScale a column name string or function to dynamically scale circle radii between 0 and r instead
  • id a column name string or function to use as data-id property on each circle, associated label and voronoi polygon
  • xExtent/yExtent the extent (data domain) of the chart in either dimension
  • xStops/yStops the values at which to draw grid lines in the background
  • xLabel/yLabel the labels describing the two axes
  • yLabelRight whether to move the y axis' title to the right hand side of the chart
  • classCircles a function returning a class string for each circle
  • styleCircles a function returning a CSS properties object for each circle
  • label a function returning a circle's label string, or null if it shouldn't be labelled
  • fitLine whether to draw a line of best fit
  • voronoi whether to compute and draw a voronoi grid overlay
  • ... full docs to follow

Default styles

These can be found in dist/scatter.css. To import them in Sass:

@import 'node_modules/interactive-scatterplots/dist/scatter';