1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

invoicematic v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

InvoiceMatic CLI

invoicematic lets you generate your invoice directly from the command line by parsing your git activity. It requires an account on InvoiceMatic.io, having a cloud back-end is required to enable the integration with existing invoicing solutions like Freshbooks.


npm install -g invoicematic

Then check your install by running:

invoicematic help


You will have to register with InvoiceMatic before using the command line. Just run the following command to register:

invoicematic register


Just run the invoicematic command on a local target git repository to generate a timesheet and draft invoice in your account. You will then be able to review online, and fix invoice entries before sending the final invoice to your customer.


  • invoicematic help
  • invoicematic register
  • invoicematic login
  • invoicematic invoice ~/dev/myrepo --account=Ybsis --number=INV20201912A —from=2020/02/01 —until=2020/02/29 —current="day|week|month"
  • invoicematic invoice ~/dev/myrepo --account=Ybsis --number=INV20201912A —current="day|week|month"