0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

isa-synct v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


Initial template for your services!.

Comes with:

  • TypeScript;
  • GenericException base for all exceptions;
  • BaseController for controllers extends from it;
  • Dockerfile;
  • RabbitMQ consumers/producers;
  • Swagger endpoints using swagger-express-ts package;
  • TSDoc with typedoc package;
  • Kubernetes deployment config;

How to run

  • Run yarn dev to spawn a nodemon server watching source files
  • Create a .env file in root. This file keep some important enviromment variables has:
    • PORT
    • MONGO_DB

Edit src/config/env.ts with your current needs

Common everyday commands

  • yarn dev: starts a nodemon server
  • yarn build: builds the project
  • yarn build:webpack (requires yarn build): build the project into a single file with webpack
  • yarn build:docker: builds a docker image of this service
  • yarn publish:docker: (requires yarn build:docker) push the docker image
  • yarn format: uses Prettier to format your code
  • yarn lint --fix: runs tslint
  • yarn build:docs: runs typedoc and generate documentation
  • yarn release: creates a new tag and changelog with a given release number



Controllers of this boilerplate are handled by inversify-express-utils package.

Here is a exemple:

export default class SyncController {
  @inject(REFERENCES.SyncService) private syncService: SyncService;

    description: '',
    summary: '',
    responses: {
      200: {
        description: 'Success',
        type: SwaggerDefinitionConstant.Response.Type.ARRAY,
        model: '',
  async getSyncs(@response() res: Response) {
    const result = await this.syncService.find({});

  @httpPost('/', ..._createEditSyncValidator)
  async postSync(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response, @requestBody() sync: SyncInterface) {
    const newSync = await this.syncService.insert(sync);

Everything is injected by inversify and the composition root lives in src/config/inversify.config.ts.

Inside the composition root, we import all controllers and inversifyjs takes care to setup our application (as seen on src/index.ts)

To use swagger, see documentation of swagger-express-ts (https://github.com/olivierlsc/swagger-express-ts)


The service layer extends the BaseController<T> which has all methods to handle the mongoose model (with has typings too!).


To use a consume/producer function for RabbitMQ, bootstrap the connection on your service like this:

 * Creates a RabbitMQ Channel and setup the queue for this service
// Run this function on constructor
private async _createRabbitMQChannelAndSetupQueue() {
  this._channel = await createRabbitMQChannel(env.rabbitmq_url);
  // Some consumer on ./src/queue/consumers
  consumeCreateUser(this._channel, this._consumeCreateUser);
 * RabbitMQ Consumer CREATE_USER Function
 * Creates a user
 * @param payload RabbitMQ ConsumeMessage type.
private _consumeCreateUser = async (payload: ConsumeMessage) => {
  const data = JSON.parse(payload.content.toString());
  /** DO SOMETHING  */
  this._channel.ack(payload); // sends a acknowledgement

The producer is straight forward: just call the function that sends something to a queue (ex: ./src/queue/producers/)


All exceptions that are catch by src/shared/server/middlewares/exception.ts, have GenericException as they base (some edge cases will be handled by the default express error handler).

Currently built-in exceptions:

  • AuthException: should be throw on authentication errors
  • EntityNotFoundException: should be throw on not found queries
  • MongoNotConnectedException: internal exception for mongo errors
  • RouteNotFoundException: throw when you hit a route that doenst't exist
  • UnprocessableEntityException: should be throw on a entity can't be saved/updated
  • UpstreamConnectionException: internal exception for RemoteController exceptions

Service authorization

In src/shared/server/middlewares you can find a Unauthorized.ts file that handles authorization logic of this service.

Using this middleware, you should have another service with endpoint /auth that receives a JWToken via Authorization header.

If that service responds with 200, you're authorized to procced with your request into this service.

Dependency Injection

This template uses inversifyjs to handle DI with a IoC container. The file that handles that is src/config/inversify.config.ts

import '../entities/Tenant/TenantController';
import '../shared/middlewares/HealthCheck';

import { Container } from 'inversify';

import REFERENCES from './inversify.references';
import Connection from '../shared/class/Connection';
import TenantService from '../entities/Tenant/TenantService';
import tenantModel from '../entities/Tenant/TenantModel';
import RemoteController from '../shared/class/RemoteController';

const injectionContainer = new Container({ defaultScope: 'Singleton' });



export default injectionContainer;

If your controller has another class dependency, inject the dependency onto your class like this:

export default class SyncController {
  @inject(REFERENCES.SyncService) private syncService: SyncService;

Docker and Kubernetes

To build a docker image, you have to build the project using npm run build and npm run build:webpack. Then, use npm run build:docker, and to publish, use npm run publish:docker. Remember to edit these commands if you use private repos.

The Kubernetes deployment file (deployment.yaml), has a LivenessProbe that checks if the route /health returns 200. This route, pings to the database. If something goes wrong, your service will be restarted.

The deployment also has a TimeZone configuration that you can set the TimeZone of the running container. The default is pointing to America/Recife and you can change this anytime if you need.

The Service object in deployment.yaml file expose the Pod created by the Deployment to the world on port 80 and binding the port 3000 of the Pod to it.

After configuring, you need to add the Service definition in a ingress controller of your k8s cluster.

Since this template uses Kubernetes, the .dockerignore and Dockerfile files DOESN'T have a reference to .envfile (which, also is ignored on .gitignore file). The way we use here on @e3labs is setting a envFrom field on deployment.yaml.

Here is a example:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: e3-product-service
  replicas: 4
      app: e3-product-service
        app: e3-product-service
        - name: e3-product-service
          image: <some-image>
            - containerPort: 3000
            - configMapRef:
                name: env-config
            initialDelaySeconds: 20
            periodSeconds: 5
              path: /health
              port: 3000

Always remember:

  • Set configmap on your cluster
  • Change the image of your container to match your registry