0.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

iso-locale-tools v0.1.1

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3 years ago


All world countries and data points about them, as well as tools for interfacing with that data.


Install with npm or yarn.

npm install iso-locale-tools
yarn add iso-locale-tools


The full JSON array of all world countries and information about them lives in src/data/countries-expanded.json.

Each country is represented as an object.

  • name
    • common: common name (in English)
    • official: officially recognized name (in English)
    • native: list of names in the country's recognized languages
      • [key: ISO_639_3]: ISO 639-3 language code
        • common: common name (in native language)
        • official: officially recognized name (in native language)
    • alternates: array of alternate name spellings
  • flag: unicode string flag
  • cca2: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
  • cca3: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code
  • ccn3: ISO 3166-1 numeric code
  • ioc: International Olympic Committee code
  • governance
    • isSovereign: whether or not the country is independent (i.e. is self-governing)
    • governingBody: the country that governs the dependency (undefined if isSovereign is true)
    • isUNMember: whether or not the country is a member of the UN (undefined if isSovereign is false)
    • isEU: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a member of the EU
    • isSchengen: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a member of the Schengen Area
    • isEurozone: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a part of the Eurozone, i.e. whether or not they use the Euro currency
  • languages
    • official: an array of officially recognized languages
      • name:
        • common: the name of the language in English
        • native: the name of the language in that language
      • iso639_3: ISO639-3 language code
      • bcp47: BCP47 tag
      • iso14924: ISO15924 script tag
      • iana: array of assigned IANA tags
      • isExtinct: whether or not the language is no longer spoken
      • isSpurious: whether or not the language is spurious, i.e. questioned if it ever existed
    • spoken: list of ISO639-3 language tags of languages spoken in the country, but are not recognized as 'official' languages
  • geography
    • coordinates: numeric coordinates of the center of the country
      • latitude
      • longitude
    • isLandlocked: whether or not the country is landlocked (not bordering the ocean)
    • capitalCity: a list of capital cities
    • landArea: size of the country in km2
    • region: the region the country is in (e.g. 'americas', 'europe')
    • subregion: the subregion of the country (e.g. carribbean)
    • borderCountries: list of countries by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes that border the country
  • locale
    • ietf: a list of IETF locale codes (e.g. en-US)
    • measurementSystem: system of measurement in use
    • drivingSide: driving side
    • hourClock: type of clock used
    • timezones: list of tz database timezones
      • name: name of timezone
      • type: the type of timezone (primary or alias)
      • linkedTo: (if alias) the primary timezone this timezone links to
      • utcOffset: hours offset from UTC
      • dstOffset: hours offset from UTC during DST (if country doesn't observe DST, this is the same value as UTC offset)
    • dateFormats: date formats for each IETF locale
      • key is the IETF locale name
      • value is the date format, where:
        • G = era
        • y = year
        • M = month
        • d = day
    • weekStartsOn: which day is the first day of the week on the calendar
    • distanceUnit: the unit of distance used (kilometer or mile)
    • temperatureMeasurement: the unit of temperature (celsius or fahrenheit)
  • currencies: list of accepted currencies
    • name: official currency name (in English)
    • shortName: the name of the currency itself (e.g. 'dollar' as opposed to 'US Dollar')
    • iso4217: ISO 4217 code
    • isoNumeric: ISO 4217 numeric code
    • symbol: unicode symbol (e.g. '$')
    • subunit: subunit to whole value (e.g. 'cent')
    • subunitToUnit: number of subunits to reach a whole unit value (e.g. 100 cents = 1 dollar)
    • prefix: symbol that prefixes a currency amount (e.g. '$1')
    • suffix: symbol that suffixes a currency amonut (e.g. '1€')
    • decimalMark: symbol that denotes a decimal place
    • decimalPlaces: number of decimal places rounded to
    • thousansSeparator: symbol to denote thousands separation
  • tld: list of top-level domains used
  • idd: international dialing direct info
    • prefix: geographical code prefix (e.g. +1 for US)
    • suffixes: list of suffixes assigned (e.g. 201 in US)
    • callingCodes: list of calling codes (combinations of the prefix and each suffix - e.g. +1201)
  • subdivisions: list of ISO 3166-2 subdivisions of each country
    • name: name of the subdivision in the country's recognized languages
      • [key: ISO_639_3]: ISO 639-3 language code
        • official: official subdivison name
        • common: locally used name variant
        • native: official name in non-alphanumeric script language (e.g. arabic, cyrillic)

There is also a truncated list (src/data/countries.json) that abbreviates and filters out certain data to reduce file size.

Full country list vs. truncated country list

languages.officialA list of full language objectsA list of ISO639-3 language codes
currenciesA list of full currency objectsA list of ISO4217 currency codes
locale.timezonesA list of full timezone objectsA list of tz database timezone names
subdivisionsA list of subdivision objectsundefined

Note: subdivisions is removed from countries.json because for most countries, it's a huge list and many times isn't needed.


This package contains datasets for multiple different things related to world countries. The datasets can be found in src/data/.

import { 
  countriesExpanded, // full countries list
  countries, // truncated country list
  currencies, // world currencies list
  languages, // world languages list
  timezones, // tz database timezones list
} from 'iso-locale-tools'


There are several types and enumerators to assist in handling different ISO codes.


// ISO3166-1 alpha2 (cca2) codes
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha2 {}
ISO3166_1_Alpha2.AX // "AX"

// ISO3166-1 alpha2 codes keyed by country name
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry {} 
ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry.denmark // "DK"

// ISO3166-1 alpha3 (cca3) codes
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha3 {}
ISO3166_1_Alpha3.ALA // "ALA"

// ISO3166-1 alpha3 codes keyed by country name
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha3ByCountry {}
ISO3166_1_Alpha3ByCountry.denmark // "DNK" 

// ISO3166 numeric (ccn3) codes
enum ISO3166_1_NumericByCountry {}
ISO3166_1_NumericByCountry.british_virgin_islands // "092"

// ISO3166-2 subdivision codes
enum ISO3166_2 {} // ISO3166-2 subdivision codes
ISO3166_2.BT_42 // "BT-42"


// currency object type
type Currency = {
  name: CurrencyNamesByISO4217 | string
  shortName: CurrencyNamesByISO4217
  iso_4217: ISO4217
  symbol: CurrencySymbolsByISO4217 | string
  subunit: string | null
  subunitToUnit: number | null
  prefix: string | null
  suffix: string | null
  decimalMark: string | null
  decimalPlaces: number | null
  thousandsSeparator: string | null

// ISO4217 currency codes
enum ISO4217 {}
ISO4217.USD // "USD"

// currency names by ISO4217 codes
enum CurrencyNamesByISO4217 {}
CurrencyNamesByISO4217.USD // "United States Dollar"

// currency 'short' names by ISO4217
enum CurrencyShortNamesByISO4217 {}
CurrencyShortNamesByISO4217.USD // "dollar"

// currency symbols by ISO4217
enum CurrencySymbolsByISO4217 {}
CurrencySymbolsByISO4217.USD // "$"


type Language = {
  name: {
    common: string
    native: string | null
    alternates?: string[]
  iso639_3: ISO639_3,
  bcp47: BCP47,
  iso15924: ISO15924
  iana: string[]
  countries?: ISO3166_1_Alpha2
  isExtinct: boolean
  isSpurious: boolean

// ISO639-3 language codes
enum ISO639_3 {}
ISO639_3.eng // "eng"

// BCP47 language tags
enum BCP47 {}
BCP47.abq_Cyrl // "abq-Cyrl"

// ISO15924 codes
enum ISO15924 {}
ISO15924.cyrl //


type Locale = {
  ietf: IETF[]
  drivingSide: DrivingSide | DrivingSides
  measurementSystem: MeasurementSystem | MeasurementSystems
  hourClock: HourClock | HourClocks
  timezones: Timezone[] | TZTimezones[]
  dateFormats: {
    [key in IETF]: string
  weekStartsOn: WeekStartDay | WeekStartDays
  distanceUnit: DistanceUnit | DistanceUnits
  temperatureUnit: TemperatureUnit | TemperatureUnit

// distance unit -- can use either the type or the enum
type DistanceUnit = "kilometer" | "mile"
enum DistanceUnits {
  KM = "kilometer",
  MI = "mile"

// temp unit -- can use either the type or the enum
type TemperatureUnit = "celsius" | "fahrenheit"
enum TemperatureUnits {
  C = "celsius",
  F = "fahrenheit"

// week start day -- can use either the type or the enum
type WeekStartDay = "friday" | "saturday" | "sunday" | "monday"
enum WeekStartDays {
  FRIDAY = "friday",
  SATURDAY = "saturday",
  SUNDAY = "sunday",
  MONDAY = "monday"

// driving side -- can use either the type or the enum
type DrivingSide = "left" | "right"
enum DrivingSides {
  LEFT = "left",
  RIGHT = "right"

// measurement system -- can use either the type or the enum
type MeasurementSystem = "metric" | "imperial"
enum MeasurementSystems {
  METRIC = "metric",
  IMPERIAL = "imperial"

// hour clock -- can use either the type or the enum
type HourClock = "12hr" | "24hr" | "mixed"
enum HourClocks {
  AM_PM = "12hr",
  MILITARY = "24hr",
  MIXED = "mixed"

// timezone object
type Timezone = {
  name: Timezones
  type: "canonical" | "link"
  linkedTo: string | null
  utcOffset: string
  dstOffset: string

// IETF locale codes
enum IETF {}
IETF.en_CA // "en-CA"

// tz database timezone names
enum TZTimezones {}
TZTimezones.windhoek // "Africa/Windhoek"


type Location = {
  coordinates: Coordinates
  isLandlocked: boolean
  borderCountries: ISO3166_1_Alpha3
  capitalCity: string[]
  landArea: number
  region: Regions
  subregion: Subregions

// coordinates object
type Coordinates = {
  latitude: number
  longitude: number

// regions
enum Regions {}
Regions.oceania // "oceania"

// subregions
enum Subregions {}
Subregions.australia_new_zealand // "Australia and New Zealand"



  • countryNameToKey(name: string): CountryKey: gets the country name key for a country by it's common name (name.common)
  • removeDiacritics(str: string): string: Removes diacritics (accented characters, etc.) from a string
import { countryNameToKey, removeDiacritics } from 'iso-locale-tools'

const countryKey = countryNameToKey("Svalbard and Jan Mayen")
// returns `svalbard_jan_mayen`
const cca2 = ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry[countryKey]
// equivalent to ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry.svalbard_jan_mayen

const aland = removeDiacritics("Åland Islands")
// returns "Aland Islands"


  • getConversionRate({ from, to }: { from: ISO4217, to: ISO4217 }): number | Error: returns the conversion rate between 2 currencies, returns an error if one encountered. This function utilizes the free version of the currconv api.
import { getConversionRate, ISO4217 } from 'iso-locale-tools'

const conversionRate = getConversionRate({
  from: ISO4217.USD,
  to: ISO4217.EUR
// returns the conversion rate from the us dollar to euro


  • convertDistance(distance: number, fromUnit: "kilometer" | "mile"): number: converts a distance from a given unit to the opposite unit
  • getDateFnsLocale(locale: IETF, { fallbackLocale }: { fallbackLocale: DateFnsLocale }): DateFnsLocale: returns a date-fns locale object. if a direct match is not found, it'll try to detect the closest locale, otherwise it uses a fallback. the default fallback is en-US.
  • getDatePatternForLocale(locale: IETF): gets the date format pattern (e.g. 'yyyy-MM-dd') for a given locale
  • getDateTimeForTimezone({ date, dateTimeFormat, timezone, serverTimezone }: { date?: Date | number | string, dateTimeFormat: string, timezone: TZTimezone, serverTimezone?: TZTimezone }): Date: returns a date formatted and converted to a given timezone. if date is not provided, it fallsback to Date.now(). serverTimezone is the timezone to compare against, if necessary (fallback is UTC).
import { 
} from 'iso-locale-tools'

const distance = convertDistance(2, "kilometer")
// returns 1.242742 (miles)

const dateFnsLocaleDirect = getDateFnsLocale("en-AU") // returns the en-AU locale
const dateFnsLocaleClosest = getDateFnsLocale("es-PY") // there is no 'es-PY' locale, so this will return the es locale
const dateFnsLocaleFallback = getDateFnsLocale("aay") // there is no 'aay' locale or a closest match, so this will return the 'en-US' default fallback locale
const dateFnsLocaleFallbackCustom = getDateFnsLocale("aay", { fallbackLocale: "en-CA" }) // will return en-CA as a fallback

const datePattern = getDatePatternForLocale("nl-AW") // returns "dd-MM-yyyy"

const dateTimeInTimezone = getDateTimeForTimezone({
  date: 1636911831222,
  dateTimeFormat: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm",
  timezone: "Africa/Windhoek",
// returns "14-11-2021 19:44"


  • bearingToDirection(bearing: number): Directions | undefined: converts a bearing (in degrees) to a given cardinal direction
  • getCenterOfCoordinates(coordinates: Coordinates[]): Coordinates: finds the direct center of a group of coordinates
  • getRhumbLine(fromLongitude: number, toLongitude: number): number: gets a rhumb line between 2 longitudes
  • geographicDistanceTo({ from, to, unit, useRhumbLine }: { from: Coordinates, to: Coordinates, unit: DistanceUnit, useRhumbLine?: boolean }): number: get the great-circle distance between 2 points (using haversine formula). set useRhumbLine to true to get the distance between 2 points using a rhumb line.
  • bearingDistanceTo({ from, to, useRhumbLine }: { from: Coordinates, to: Coordinates, useRhumbLine?: boolean }): { initialBearing: number, finalBearing: number}): returns the initial bearing from start point to destination point, and the final bearing which differs by varying degrees according to the lat/long. set useRhumbLine to true to get the bearings over a rhumb line.
import {
} from 'iso-locale-tools'

const direction = bearingToDirection(261)
// returns 'WNW'

const location1 = { latitude: 12.5, longitude: -69.9 }
const location2 = { latitude: 52.5, longitude: 5.75 }

const center = getCenterOfCoordinates([
// returns { latitude: 38.44160133305245, longitude: -42.280221828555504 }

const rhumbLine = getRhumbLine(location1.longitude, location2.longitude)
// returns 1.3203415791337105

const distance = geographicDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2, unit: "mile" })
// returns 12792.535602738117

const distanceUsingRhumbLine = geographicDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2, unit: "kilometer", useRhumbLine: true })
// returns 8156.327629644782

const bearing = bearingDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2 })
// returns { initialBearing: 51.51700060782139, finalBearing: 231.5170006078214 }

const bearingUsingRhumbLine = const bearing = bearingDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2, useRhumbLine: true })
// returns { initialBearing: 56.90674499795489, finalBearing: 236.9067449979549 }
