Simple module providing ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 country code to english country name lookup and reverse lookup
Simple module providing ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 country code to english country name lookup and reverse lookup
Provides information about countries and states of the world.
Sovereign countries' names in many languages with their ISO-3166-1 alpha-2.
In-memory countries' database
aasaam javascript library
Download flag svgs from
Fetches ISO 3166-1 country codes from
A utility library for ISO-3166 codes
Provides ISO 3166-1 values and types. Country codes are fetched from [`takuma7/iso-3166-1-csv`](, which contains up-to-date canonical codes scraped from ISO's website.
Simple module providing ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 country code to english country name lookup and reverse lookup
All world countries and data points about them, as well as tools for interfacing with that data.
Simply a list of ISO-4217 currencies with name, code, symbol, & decimal rounding
Give an object of geodata, returns standardized nostr geotags
Simply a list of ISO-4217 currencies with name, code, symbol, & decimal rounding
Simply a list of ISO-4217 currencies with name, code, symbol, & decimal rounding
Library with country codes
ISO 3166 (standard for country codes and codes for their subdivisions)
Countries of the world and relational data