0.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

iso-morphic-style-loader-jeseeq v0.0.2

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Last release
6 years ago

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npm install iso-morphic-style-loader --save-dev

In fact, there is nothing different with the style-loader, just use the same config as you like.

However, some more work if you want to add critical path CSS with isomorphic app:

/// Such as server.js, where you render your isomorphic app and will send it
/// back to your user.
data.styles = []
// iso-morphic-style-loader will export global.__universal__ and you
// can access it to get styles.
if (global.__universal__) {
  global.__universal__.forEach(v => {
      id: v.id,
      cssText: v.content.join('\n')
// Then we will pass this styles to your React Component.
const html = ReactDOM.renderToStaticMarkup(<Component {...data} />)
res.status(route.status || 200)
res.send(`<!doctype html>${html}`)


// Here maybe your component.js
// Perfect, we can insert styles easily.
render() {
  return (
    {styles.map(({id, cssText, ...rest}) =>
        dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: cssText }}


  1. For server side, the lib will export __universal__ to global, and you can access it to get styles.

    __universal__.forEach(v => console.log(v.id, v.attrs, v.content))

    __universal__.map(v => console.log(v.id, v.attrs, v.content))

    Nothing will happens if you ignore __universal__, no errors in server side rendering, and works the same as style-loader do.

    But if you want to optimize for critical path CSS rendering, please inject styles during server side rendering.

  2. The browser side behaviour is exactly the same as style-loader@0.18.2. And you can enjoy all features supported by style-loader@0.18.2.

  3. No FOUC, no duplicate!

    1. The script will try to remove the styles injected at server side to prevent duplicate.
    2. However it only remove after client side styles created, so no FOUC.


Left is with style-loader and right is with iso-morphic-style-loader.