1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

js-notifier v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago


NotificationJS is a personal project that I used to improve my front-end skills. It is build completely using Javascript Vanilla, CSS3 and HTML5. No frameworks or third-party libraries used. This project was inspired by React-toastify and Web dev Simplified.


import Toast from "/yourpathtothelib/Toast.js";

// instantiate toast
new Toast({
  text: "Hello World! :) (very original huh)",
  progressBar: true,
  autoClose: 5000,
  animation: "bounce"


  • Define the lifetime of the toast
  • Super customizable (styles, icons, type)
  • Pause toast when the window loses focus
  • Pause toast when the user hovers over it
  • Has onClose hook
  • Dark mode
  • Define your animation
  • Much more :D


textstringSets the text content of the toast.
positionstringPlaces the toast container in one of the following positions: top-right, top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right.
onClosefunctionDefines what should be done after the toast has been closed.
progressBarboolDefines if the toast should have a progress bar or not.
autoClosenumber | boolSets the lifetime of the toast. If 0 or false the progress bar will not be displayed even if the progressBar option has been set to true.
closeOnClickboolIf set to true makes the toast disappear when clicked.
pauseOnHoverboolIf set to true makes the "toast aging" paused when hovered.
pauseOnFocusLossboolIf set to true makes the "toast aging" paused when the window loses focus. Ex. the user navigates to a new tab.
newestOnTopboolIf set to true makes the new toast appear above the others.
darkModeboolSets the dark or the light theme.
typestringRenders the toast with one of the following styles: default (light or dark), success, info, warning, danger, success-bg, info-bg, warning- bg, danger-bg.
stylesobjectAllows to override the default styles of the toast such as background color, color, the color of the progress bar etc.
iconstringSets the icon that will rendered with the text. You must pass the d attribute of the path of an svg.
animationstringSets the animation the toast will perform when opened and closed.
draggableboolIf set to true makes the toast draggable. When it gets dragged over a certain point, it will begin to fade.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change :shipit:

People I'd like to mention

Again, I'd like to mention @fkhadra and @WebDevSimplified that inspired me to code this project.


License under MIT