1.0.0-alpha2.0 • Published 7 years ago

justo.dummy v1.0.0-alpha2.0

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7 years ago


A test dummy library.

Proudly made with ♥ in Valencia, Spain, EU.

Developed in Dogma, compiled to JavaScript.


The library must be included using the module justo.dummy and importing as follows:

import dummy from "justo.dummy";

dummy is an object to create dummies.

Test doubles

A test double is an object representing other, used for performing unit tests. Types:

  • Test dummies. Test double responding to calls with no action.
  • Test stubs. Test double responding to calls with predefined responses.
  • Test spies. Test double monitoring the calls to a function or to an object.

Test dummies

A test dummy is an object that represents other: a function or an object. A function dummy does nothing when called. An object dummy does nothing when its doubled members are called.

Function dummy

A function dummy does nothing. These are created using dummy.func():

function dummy.func() : function

dummy.func() returns a function dummy.


var fn = dummy.func()
fn()              //does nothing
fn(12, 34, 56)    //does nothing

Object dummy

An object dummy is an object whose doubled members does nothing. These are created using dummy.obj():

function dummy.obj(object, members) : object

The parameter object is the object to double. The parameter members indicates the member names to dummy:

  • For an attribute or field, the syntax is @name.
  • For a method, the format is method().


var user = dummy.obj({username: "user01", password: "pwd"}, "changePassword()")
user.changePassword() --does nothing
user.changePwd()      --raises error due to the method doesn't exist

var user = dummy({username: "user01", password: "pwd"}, ["changePassword()", "otherMethod()"])
user.changePassword() //does nothing
user.otherMethod()    //does nothing
user.changePwd()      //raises error due to the method doesn't exist

7 years ago


7 years ago