Abstract logger TypeScript interface with a dummy logger that does nothing, useful for libraries.
Abstract logger TypeScript interface with a dummy logger that does nothing, useful for libraries.
A fake template literal tag to trick syntax highlighters, linters and formatters into action.
Mock 'http' objects for testing Express, Next.js and Koa routing functions
Generates passages of lorem ipsum text suitable for use as placeholder copy in web pages, graphics, and more. Works in the browser, NodeJS, and React Native.
A react helper for skeleton loaders
Node server for dynamic, fake JSON.
Fake SMTP Server for email testing
Random image generator
Populate a SQL database with fixture data
Package to mock HTTP APIs for fast and reliable testing.
Authentication middleware for JSON Server
Concatenate files with source maps.
placeholder text & images for HTML prototyping in modern JS apps
Mock AWS Amplify JavaScript SDK for offline scenarios
Mongoose dummy data generator
a few Sun Tzu quotes from The Art of War
Simplistic model factory for Node/JavaScript
Placeholder Images and Dummy Text for Vue.js
Fake identities generator for node.js (names, addresses, phones, IPs and others). Supports multiple languages.
Template helper for generator lorem-ipsum placeholder text. Should work with any template engine, but can also be used a regular javascript util.