Get the native type of a value.
Get the native type of a value.
Transform all for-of loops into the equivalent array for loop
The core scraping functionality of scrape-it.
MDN polyfills
Capitalize your titles properly
Get the unicode code of an emoji.
typeof number, or use a default
Expands string index ranges within whitespace boundaries until letters are met
Stream-based MQTT broker
Object.setPrototypeOf Polyfill
Get the static methods of a JavaScript class.
Get the methods of a JavaScript class.
Generate a table of contents based on the heading structure of a html document.
A better English POS tagger written in JavaScript
returns the next highest power of two
A basic logger middleware for InversifyJS
Rounds an integer up to a power of 2
Prevents for..of loops usage
retext plugin to add part-of-speech (POS) tags
retrieve the type of your value by using constructors when possible