Get the native type of a value.
Get the native type of a value.
Coalesce for JavaScript. Returns the first value that is not undefined or null.
Get a property from an object using dot (object path) notation.
Returns `true` if a value exists in the given string, array or object.
retrieve the type of your value by using constructors when possible
Returns a filtered copy of an object with only the specified keys, exactly like `pick` from lo-dash / underscore.
Like pluck from underscore / lo-dash, but returns an object composed of specified properties, with values unmodified from those of the original object.
Get a nested property or its value from an object using simple `a.b.c` paths.
JavaScript utilities for arrays.
Get the type of something. Seriously.
Smart and small type lib.
*fastest* tool to get native type of value
compare the type of your value with one or several types
Get the type of something. Seriously.
Returns object constructor name
Get the class type of any object
A partial to provide a better typeof capability by returning the practically correct type in string representation of the specific object.
get the type of a javascript value
Returns type of value or object instance. An alternative to typeof operator.