2.1.1 • Published 5 months ago
kaifu v2.1.1
An intuitive command-line tool for downloading and unpacking SourceMap files.
npm install -g kaifu
Usage: kaifu [options...] <url|file|directory>
-o, --output-dir <dir> Specify the output directory.
-m, --merge Unsafely merge all unboxed trees into a single folder.
-s, --short Display a short summary.
-v, --verbose Provide detailed output.
-q, --quiet Suppress most output messages (minimal output).
--skip-empty Skip unboxing of empty files.
--version Show the version number and exit.
kaifu --o ./mdn https://developer.mozilla.org/
kaifu -sm https://developer.mozilla.org/
$ npx kaifu --merge --output-dir ./ngrok http://6f0f744027c8.ngrok.io
Loading resources:
▸ http://6f0f744027c8.ngrok.io/
▸ http://6f0f744027c8.ngrok.io/index.js
▸ http://6f0f744027c8.ngrok.io/index.js.map
Unboxing resources:
📦 http://6f0f744027c8.ngrok.io/index.js.map
├─ node_modules
│ ├─ preact
│ │ ├─ compat
│ │ │ └─ dist
│ │ │ └─ compat.mjs [8778 bytes]
│ │ ├─ dist
│ │ │ └─ preact.mjs [10097 bytes]
│ │ └─ hooks
│ │ └─ dist
│ │ └─ hooks.mjs [2641 bytes]
│ ├─ wouter
│ │ ├─ index.js [4772 bytes]
│ │ ├─ matcher.js [2073 bytes]
│ │ └─ use-location.js [2986 bytes]
│ └─ zustand
│ └─ index.js [4202 bytes]
└─ src
├─ api
│ └─ client.js [1189 bytes]
├─ pages
│ ├─ AuthPage
│ │ └─ index.jsx [84 bytes]
│ └─ DashboardPage
│ ├─ index.jsx [673 bytes]
│ └─ store.js [620 bytes]
├─ utils
│ └─ useWillUnmount.js [136 bytes]
├─ App.jsx [560 bytes]
└─ index.jsx [150 bytes]
1 sourcemap file found, 14 files unboxed.
Short version preview
$ kaifu --merge --short --output-dir ./mdn https://developer.mozilla.org/
Loading resources:
▸ https://developer.mozilla.org/static/js/runtime-main.bcb5cedd.js.map
▸ https://developer.mozilla.org/static/js/2.b0186e16.chunk.js.map
▸ https://developer.mozilla.org/static/js/main.e2b366ea.chunk.js.map
▸ https://developer.mozilla.org/static/css/main.e7962908.chunk.css.map
Unboxing resources:
▸ runtime-main.bcb5cedd.js.map → ./mdn [1 file]
▸ 2.b0186e16.chunk.js.map → ./mdn [39 files]
▸ main.e2b366ea.chunk.js.map → ./mdn [41 files]
▸ main.e7962908.chunk.css.map → ./mdn [71 files]
4 sourcemap files found, 152 files unboxed.
Note: Kaifū means "unboxing" in Japanese.
MIT © Nikolay Solovyov