Unpacks the content found within a text, delimited by an opening char and a closing char, e.g., 'Can extract (only the content found here within these parentheses)'
Unpacks the content found within a text, delimited by an opening char and a closing char, e.g., 'Can extract (only the content found here within these parentheses)'
parse a bundle generated by browser-pack
Unpack a tarball stream
Blazing-fast binary parser builder
Yet another node.js struct implementation (object↔︎buffer conversion)
Packs/Unpacks/Measures structs according to Python's `struct` format
JavaScript binary parser for any browser or environment.
ES6 module to encode and decode UTF-8 strings.
A module to encode and decode IEEE 754 floating point numbers.
Python struct for javascript
Encode and decode unsigned integers to and from byte buffers.
Encode and decode two's complement integers to and from byte buffers.
A C-struct library to manage binary structures with Node.JS
**Structjs** allows mapping of contiguously allocated binary data to JavaScript objects for both Node.js and the Browser.
Blazing-fast binary parser builder
file operations emitter middleware
Minimalist numeric binary packing utilities for node.js
Blazing-fast binary parser builder
A nodejs module for pack or unpack nodejs Buffer with specified format, can be used in tcp or udp binary protocol pack or unpack, or formated binary file pack or unpack.