Unpacks the content found within a text, delimited by an opening char and a closing char, e.g., 'Can extract (only the content found here within these parentheses)'
Unpacks the content found within a text, delimited by an opening char and a closing char, e.g., 'Can extract (only the content found here within these parentheses)'
The exact-math is a set of methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rounding, ceiling, flooring and powering calculations. It can be used with big number as it handles the floating point problem.
convert group to non-capturing-group: `(.+)` -> `(?:.+)`
textlint rule for checking full-width or half-width bracket in Chinese text
a simple nested group parser
Strip pairs of outermost brackets (custom, round, curly, angle, braces, parens, chevrons).
textlint rule for checking nested pairs
Check if a string/text has balanced character or word pairs, e.g. '(', ')' or 'if', 'end'
Functions without parentheses
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/tabler-parentheses/1.3.0
Use the Tab key to skip any character.
Find your brackets and quotes in pairs
Allows parentheses to be omitted in javascript 'if', 'while' and 'for'(each) statements
A Prettier plugin for preserving lines.
A Prettier plugin that aligns properties of object literals.
Disallow arrow functions with block parentheses where they are not needed.