0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

leaflet-featuregroup-ogcapi v0.1.0

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2 years ago


Leaflet plugin to load & display vector data from a OGC API Features service.

This LeafletJS plugin adds a new class, L.FeatureGroup.OGCAPI, subclass of L.GeoJSON. Every time the map viewport (center/zoom) changes, the data will be reloaded.



Loading the plugin

Load the plugin by adding the appropriate <script> HTML tag, for example:

<script src='https://unpkg.com/leaflet-featuregroup-ogcapi@0.1.0/Leaflet.ImageOverlay.OGCAPI.js'></script>

The plugin is available as an NPM package with the name leaflet-featuregroup-ogcapi; you might prefer to run npm install leaflet-featuregroup-ogcapi if you're using a build system, or you might prefer to manually copy the Leaflet.FeatureGroup.OGCAPI.js from this repository.


To instantiate a L.ImageOverlay.OGCAPI, specify the base URL of the landing page for the OGC API, and the ID (not the name, not the title) of the "collection" in the OGC API.

For example:

var overlay = L.imageOverlay.ogcapi("https://maps.ecere.com/ogcapi/", {
	collection: "SanDiegoCDB:Trees",",

Optionally, you can specify:

  • A limit value (default 100). This is the maximum number of vector features to be loaded at any given time.
  • A padding value (default 0.1). This is somehow akin to the padding of L.Renderers: the percentage (default 10%) that the bounding box of data to be loaded extends beyond the visible bounds. Larger values means fewer reloads when the user pans around the map, but risk hitting the limit earlier.
  • All options as in L.GeoJSON. Specifically, style, pointToLayer and onEachFeature are available to style the features and bind interactivity when they're spawned.

For example:

var overlay = L.imageOverlay.ogcapi("https://maps.ecere.com/ogcapi/", {
	collection: "NaturalEarth:raster:NE1_HR_LC_SR_W_DR",
	limit: 500,
	padding: 0.2,
	onEachFeature: function(feat, layer) {

Editing features

This implementation covers the not-yet-approed Part 4 of the OGC API Features specification, as of July 2022. The documentation used is the one at https://docs.ogc.org/DRAFTS/20-002.html .

The following methods are implemented:


The following is not implemented:


To create/replace/delete a feature, call the corresponding method, passing the GeoJSON representation of the feature to it. replaceFeature and deleteFeature depend on the GeoJSON representation having an id property.

This plugin does not mandate any specific UI for editing features. For a full example using leaflet-geoman, see https://ivansanchez.gitlab.io/leaflet.featuregroup.ogcapi/demo.html . Note, in the code for that demo, how the leaflet-geoman events are linked to FeatureGroup.OGCAPI operations.

This implementation makes assumptions about the REST URLs for creating/replacing/deleting features. See https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-features/issues/742 .


Part 2 (CRSs) of the OGC API Features spec is not implemented. This implementation has only been tested using Leaflet's default L.CRS.EPSG3857CRS (notL.CRS.EPSG4326, and notproj4leaflet`). It might not work as expected when using any other CRS / projection.

Part 3 (CQL) of the OGC API Features spec is not implemented.

When reloading a feature visible on the map, its corresponding Leaflet L.Layer is removed and re-added to the map. This means, among other things, that any open popups will glitch.


The code for this plugin is under a Beerware license:

"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE": ivan@sanchezortega.es wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.


2 years ago