0.1.0 • Published 11 years ago
leaflet-knn v0.1.0
Next-nearest neighbor searches with sphere-knn, with a Leaflet-friendly API.
var gj = L.geoJson(GEOJSON_DATA);
var nearest = leafletKnn(gj).nearest(L.latLng(38, -78), 5);
using it
wget https://raw.github.com/mapbox/leaflet-knn/master/leaflet-knn.min.js
(or without the .min.
if you want more debugging power)
With browserify
npm install leaflet-knn
var index = leafletKnn(layer)
Generates a lookup function from an L.geoJson
layer object.
API is the same as the sphere-knn API
for the lookup function, but with nice handling for l.latLng
index.nearest(point: L.LatLng or [lon, lat], n, max_distance)
Given a point, find the nearest points to it. If the index contains multi-point features, like lines, polygons, and so on, it returns points in those features and can return more than one point in each feature.
- point: L.LatLng or lon, lat, index, max points: int, max distance: number)`
- n: the maximum number of points returned from the search
- max_distance: maximum distance in meters
index.nearestLayer(point: L.LatLng or [lon, lat], n, max_distance)
Like nearest
, except multiple matches in the same multi-point feature are
collapsed, so the array returned has one result per layer.
- point: L.LatLng or lon, lat, index, max points: int, max distance: number)`
- n: the maximum number of points returned from the search
- max_distance: maximum distance in meters