0.3.4 • Published 3 years ago
leaflet-layerjson v0.3.4
Leaflet JSON Layer
Simple way for transform any JSON data source in a Leaflet Layer!
A Dynamic Leaflet Layer that load JSON data in layer in the form of markers with attributes
and minimize remote requests with caching system
Tested in Leaflet 0.7 and 1.1
Option | Data | Description | |
url | String | remote url | |
jsonpParam | String | callback parameter name for jsonp request append to url | |
jsonpParam | String | callback parameter name for jsonp request append to url | |
callData | Function | custom function for data source, params: (req: url | bbox, callback: func), return {abort: func} or jQuery jqXHR Object |
Filtering | |||
propertyItems | String | json property used contains data items | |
propertyLoc | String | json property used as Latlng of marker, if is array: 'lat','lon' select double fields | |
locAsGeoJSON | String | interpret location data as lon, lat value pair instead of lat, lon | |
propertyTitle | String | json property used as title in marker | |
filterData | Function | function for pre-filter data | |
Rendering | |||
dataToMarker | Function | function that will be used for creating markers from json points | |
layerTarget | L.Layer | pre-existing layer to add markers(L.LayerGroup, L.MarkerClusterGroup) | |
buildPopup | Function | function popup builder | |
optsPopup | String | popup options | |
buildIcon | Function | function icon builder | |
Caching | |||
minZoom | Number | min zoom for call data | |
caching | Boolean | remote requests caching | |
cacheId | Function | function to generate id used to uniquely identify data items in cache | |
minShift | Number | min shift for update data(in meters) | |
precision | Number | number of digit send to server for lat,lng precision | |
updateOutBounds | String | request new data only if current bounds higher than last bounds | |
updateMarkers | Boolean | update all markers in map to last results of callData |
Event | Data | Description | |
'dataloading' | {req: url | bbox} | fired before ajax/jsonp request, req is bbox if url option is null |
'dataloaded' | {data: json} | fired on ajax/jsonp request success |
var l = new L.LayerJSON({url: "search.php?lat1={lat1}&lat2={lat2}&lon1={lon1}&lon2={lon2}" });
This plugin support Grunt for building process. Therefore the deployment require NPM installed in your system.
After you've made sure to have npm working, run this in command line:
npm install