0.1.4 • Published 5 years ago

leaflet-particles v0.1.4

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5 years ago


Plugin to visualise dispersion of particles on a leaflet map.

Creates a custom leaflet layer with display modes:

  • Final particle distribution:
    • final downstream (source) or upstream (sink) percentages
  • Cumulative exposure:
    • percentage passing through cell from an upstream source or to a downstream sink
    • displays a heat-map of total exposure
  • Animation:
    • use key frames to facilitate animation of particle positions over time
    • displays circles at particle locations, colored by their age


  • investigate L.setOptions ability to handle nested objects in initialise
  • unify color scale options for diff displayModes
  • better parameterisation of styling, options


Assuming you have node and npm installed:

npm install leaflet-particles --save


This plugin has external dependencies:

To use this plugin, you either need to:

  • load these dependencies yourself (prior to loading leaflet-particles); or
  • use the standalone version with dependencies bundled, in dist/leaflet-particles-standalone.js

use and options

Note that L.setOptions does not seem to be deep extending as expected, to avoid issues in the immediate term - supply a full set of options (explicitly define defaults)

// create a particle layer
const mode = 'FINAL';
const particleLayer = L.particlesLayer({

  // an array of keyframes, default: null
  data: data,

  pane: 'myCustomPane', // name of an existing leaflet pane to add the layer to, default: 'overlayPane'

  // define the indices of your data point arrays, default:
  dataFormat: {
    idIndex:    0,
    lonIndex:   1,
    latIndex:   2,
    depthIndex: 3,
    ageIndex:   4

  // one of: 'FINAL', 'EXPOSURE', 'KEYFRAME', default: null
  displayMode: mode,

  // which keyframe should display on init, default: 0
  startFrameIndex: 0,

  // the colors to use in chroma-js scale, default: (shown below)
  ageColorScale: ['green', 'yellow', 'red'],

  // the domain to fit the ageColorScale, default: keyframe length
  ageDomain: [0, 100],

  // heatmap.js options for heatmap layers, see:
  // https://www.patrick-wied.at/static/heatmapjs/example-heatmap-leaflet.html
  // note that additionally; we have an enhanced version of the leaflet-heatmap.js plugin (see /src)
  // that provides advanced cell/radius options, see: https://github.com/danwild/leaflet-heatbin
  heatOptions: {

    // example fixed radius of 1000m
    fixedRadius: true,
    radiusMeters: 1000,

    // e.g. bin values into 250m grid cells
    heatBin: {
      enabled: true,
      cellSizeKm: 0.25

  // the intensity value to use for each point on the heatmap, default: 1
  // only used if not heatBin.enabled
  exposureIntensity: 1,
  finalIntensity: 1,

  // callbacks when layer is added/removed from map
  onAdd: function(){}
  onRemove: function(){}


// add the layer to overlay control
const layerControl = L.control.layers({}, { particles: particleLayer });

// data and display mode can be updated like:

// when in keyframe mode, set active frame like:

public methods

isActivecheck if the particle layer is currently active on the map
setDatadata: {Object}update the layer with new data
updateupdate the layer/redraw
setOptionsoptions: {Object}update the layer with new options
setDisplayModemode: {String}one of: FINAL, EXPOSURE, KEYFRAME
getDisplayModeReturns the current displayMode
setFrameIndexindex: {Number}display the particles at the given frame index
getFrameIndexGet the current frame index (-1 if not set)
getGridInfoA wrapper function for L.heatBin.getGridInfo to get information about the grid used for binning
getParticleLayerget the current underlying map layer used for drawing READONLY
getParticleIdsget an array of unique particle ID's
getUniquePercentRangeignoreStatic: {boolean} disregard staticMax if setget an array of unique particle ID's
onAddoptional callback when layer has been added to map
onRemoveoptional callback when layer has been removed from map

data format

const data = {
  // ISO timestamp for each keyframe
  // contains an array of particles (each particle snapshot is represented by an array)
  "2017-03-02T01:00:00.000Z": [
	  6,       // particle id
	  145.077, // lon
	  10.0710, // lat
	  0.5,     // depth (m)
	  1.0      // age
  "2017-03-02T02:00:00.000Z": [...]

5 years ago


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