1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

leaflet-vectorhats v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Leaflet-Vecotrhats is a small plugin for leaflet to quickly draw vector hats on polylines for vector visualization.


TODO: You can use npm to install leaflet-arrowheads:

npm install -leaflet-arrowheads


Vectorhats can be applied to any polyline, whether unisegmental, multisegmental, continuous, or discontinuous:

var myVector = L.polyline([ coords ]).vectorhats()

Vectorhats will be added to your polyline and will automatically be added to and removed from the map when you call add and remove methods on your polyline:

myVector.addTo(map) or myVector.remove()

If you need to access the vectorhats directly, you can call the .getVectorhats() method on your polyline.

myVector.getVectorhats() // returns the vectorhats polyline object
myVector.getVectorhats().remove() // removes vectorhats from map

Vectorhats can also be deleted from their parent polyline entirely:


Vectorhats can take a configuration object as its argument:

var myVector = L.polyline([ coords ]).vectorhats({ <Options> })


Vectorhats offers a variety of options for rendering and styling vectorhats. See the options table below. Vectorhats inherit all options from L.Path. Vectorhats also inherit all options from their parent polylines, except fill, fillOpacity, and smoothFactor. These can be changed manually when defining the vectorhats' options, but changing smoothFactor will result in improperly rendered arrows.


https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#links .