0.1.0-0 • Published 2 years ago

lemoji v0.1.0-0

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2 years ago


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Emoticons made using a series of symbols.

What is this?

This package contains emoji made with unicode characters.You can easliy use text (e.g. :angry) to type the emoji maybe you want (ꐦ≖ ≖).

About lemoji

  • it has associated tags, description, and category.
  • it is built entirely with typescript.
  • And this package is safe.

who needs this bag?

  • If you want to use emoji on an operating system that doesn't support graphics.
  • Or you like them very much.
  • Or hope to use these emoji in your project.


This package supprts esm and commonjs. You can use npm, yarn, or pnpm to install this package.

use npm

npm install lemoji

use yarn

yarn add lemoji

use pnpm

pnpm add lemoji

How to use

This package exports the following identifiers: lemoji, nameToEmoji, emojiToName.

If you use commonjs, you can use require to import the identifiers

const { nameToEmoji } = require("lemoji")

If you use esm, you can use import to import identifiers

import { nameToEmoji } from "lemoji"


lemoji: it is a objects (Ilemoji[]).Every lemoji has the following fields:

  name: string;
  emoji: string;
  tags: string[];
  description: string;
  category: string;
  • Example

    import {lemoji} from 'lemoji'
  • fields:

       "emoji": "(·•᷄ࡇ•᷅ )",
       "names": ["tangled"],
       "tags": ["frustrated","unhappy"],
       "description": "tangled face",
       "category": "Smileys & Emotion"
       "emoji": "(◍•ᴗ•◍)",
       "names": ["smiley"],
       "tags": ["happy","joy","haha"],
       "description": "grinning face",
       "category": "Smileys & Emotion"

nameToEmoji: it is a objects (InameToEmoji).Every nameToEmoji has the following fields:

  [name: string]: string;
  • use esm

    const { nameToEmoji } = require("lemoji")
    console.log(nameToEmoji.angry)//ꐦ≖ ≖
    console.log(nameToEmoji.happy)//(•̀ᴗ• )
  • use commonjs

    const { nameToEmoji } = require("lemoji")
    console.log(nameToEmoji.angry)//ꐦ≖ ≖
    console.log(nameToEmoji.happy)//(•̀ᴗ• )

emojiToName: it is a objects (IemojiToName).Every emojiToName has the following fields:

  [emoji: string]: string;
  • use esm:

    import { emojiToName } from "lemoji"
    console.log(emojiToName["(\xB7\u2022\u1DC4\u0847\u2022\u1DC5 \uFF09"])//tangled
  • use commonjs:

    const { emojiToName } = require("lemoji")
    console.log(emojiToName["ꐦ≖ ≖"])//angry

use cli to search name

if you want to know wether there is this name, or want to contribute an emoji, you can use it.

  • if you don't have a global download

     npx lemoji -n happy
     //The name is already there (happy), and its emoji is((•̀ᴗ• )) please rename it
  • if you have a global download, you can directly use.

    lemoji -n happy
