0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

logfunction v0.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


The simplest possible logging library.


Other log libraries have interfaces that are hard to mock/shim/intercept/inject. For example, they often have who-knows-how-many logger.{info,debug,warn}(...?) methods. What exactly is the signature there? logger is an object with an interface that varies across libraries.

This one is simple. You dont have a logger object, you have a logger function. The first argument is a log level hint, and the rest of the args get logged.

It's written in TypeScript and has types such that you can't pass wrong values for the log level argument.

I found this useful while building permanent.cloud. Consider check it out and following along via email or @PermanentCPU.



import log from "logfunction"

// log(level, ...loggables)
log(process.env.LOGFUNCTION_LEVEL, "my message", { meta: "data" })

In a shell

$> node index.js 
$> LOGFUNCTION_LEVEL=debug node index.js
my message

That's it :|