1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-argentina v1.0.2

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4 years ago


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🇦🇷 A list of cool projects made in Argentina



8169@mgonto/restangularAngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily
6297@cazala/synapticarchitecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser:arrow_upper_right:
3337@flesler/jquery.scrollToLightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery:arrow_upper_right:
1708@cazala/coin-hiveCoinHive cryptocurrency miner for node.js:arrow_upper_right:
693@leoasis/redux-immutable-stat…Redux middleware that detects mutations between and outside redux dispatches. For development use only.
650@mgonto/angularyticsThe solution to tracking page views and events in a SPA with AngularJS
647@elmasse/nexteinA static site generator with markdown + react for Next.js:arrow_upper_right:
626@rickyrauch/nodejs-starterSingle Page App setup using industry's best practices and modules. Node.js, Express, Mongoose, passport.js, component.io, Jade, Stylus and Bootstrap.:arrow_upper_right:
619@flesler/jquery.localScrollAnimated anchor navigation made easy with jQuery:arrow_upper_right:
610@alcuadrado/hieroglyphyTransform any javascript code to an equivalent sequence of ()[]{}!+ characters that runs in the browser!:arrow_upper_right:
606@jfromaniello/passport.socketioaccess passport.js authenticated user information from socket.io connection
523@pazguille/voix:loudspeaker: A JavaScript library to add voice commands to your sites, apps or games.:arrow_upper_right:
522@pazguille/viewport:computer: Gets the dimensions of the Viewport and beyond.
388@pazguille/aloadLoads images, background images, scripts, styles, iframes, videos and audios asynchronously (just 241 bytes).:arrow_upper_right:
310@flesler/hashmapHashMap JavaScript class for Node.js and the browser. The keys can be anything and won't be stringified
297@pazguille/fliploadFlipping elements and show a loading indicator easily.:arrow_upper_right:
284@leoasis/react-soundSound component to play audio in your web apps
263@impronunciable/moviedbMovieDB API node.js Library
233@cazala/shoalautonomous agents + genetic algorithms:arrow_upper_right:
227@jfromaniello/winserRun a node.js application as a window service using nssm.
220@pazguille/scrollingDEPRECATED: You should use https://github.com/pazguille/decouple Decouple the scroll event from the callback functions.:arrow_upper_right:
182@flesler/jquery.serialScrollAnimated scrolling of series with jQuery:arrow_upper_right:
175@impronunciable/TuiterTwitter API lib for nodejs
164@jfromaniello/url-joinJoin all arguments together and normalize the resulting url.
157@cazala/mnistmnist digits in javascript:arrow_upper_right:
151@leoasis/graphql-tag.macroBabel Macro for graphql-tag
150@cazala/react-coin-hiveMine cryptocurrency while your users haven't engaged with your content lately:arrow_upper_right:
150@mgonto/mgo-mousetrapHandling keyboard interaction on an Angular app: An Angular Mousetrap wrapper
146@pazguille/shuffle-arrayRandomize the order of the elements in a given array for the browser and node.js.:arrow_upper_right:
137@pazguille/is-nearCalculates if the mouse position is near to a given element.:arrow_upper_right:
107@jfromaniello/express-unlessConditionally add a middleware to express with some common patterns
90@pazguille/stickyStick elements to the top of the viewport when the user scrolls down.:arrow_upper_right:
78@jfromaniello/selfsignedGenerate self-signed certificates from node.js
73@flesler/config-nodeFlexible lightweight configuration loader for Node
63@elmasse/Ext.ux.CoverCoverflow implementation for Sencha Touch:arrow_upper_right:
61@impronunciable/hackdashIdeas for a hackathon:arrow_upper_right:
57@pazguille/clicktapA JavaScript library to prevent the 300ms click delay on touch devices (just 736 bytes).:arrow_upper_right:
53@mgonto/mgo-ui-router-gotoA directive for ui-router that lets you link to states instead of URLs
51@mgonto/meaner-seedA better organised, more complete and updated MEAN seed
49@pazguille/jventAn universal JavaScript Emitter based on NodeJS EventEmitter.
48@leoasis/workshop-pensando-en…Workshop introductorio a React:arrow_upper_right:
47@pazguille/decoupleDecouple the DOM events from expensive functions.
45@fernandezpablo85/Xba simple js library for backoff callbacks
44@federicobond/solidity-parser-antl…A Solidity parser for JS built on top of a robust ANTLR4 grammar
43@flesler/node-spiderGeneric web crawler powered by NodeJS
41@cristiandouce/mongoose-votingMongoose plugin for upvote/downvote models. Extends Mongoose model with voting functionality.
39@leoasis/graphql-persisted-do…Webpack loader that adds a documentId to a compiled graphql document, which can be used when persisting/retrieving documents
36@jfromaniello/node-gpstrackerserver library for a GPS / GPRS tracker
36@mgonto/gulp-browserify-libr…This is a seed (kickstarter) project to create your own library which will use Browserify and Gulp
34@pazguille/musique:musical_note: A JavaScript Music Player API to create custom players.:arrow_upper_right:
34@ianaya89/vue-sticky-jsVue.js directive to make sticky elements built on sticky-js:arrow_upper_right:
33@elmasse/elmasse-bundleUNMAINTAINED A Resource bundle implementation for ExtJS
32@jfromaniello/liJavaScript utility to parse and generate the Link header according to RFC 5988.
31@pazguille/pathSimple routing library using HTML5 history.pushState or hashbang for web browsers.
31@ianaya89/generator-vue-compon…📦 Yeoman generator to build your own Vue.js components
31@federicobond/eth-mutants👾 A mutation testing tool for Solidity contracts
29@cazala/dongernpm package to generate dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ:arrow_upper_right:
29@woloski/nodeonazure-blogNode on Azure blog based on wheat
28@ianaya89/vue-glitch👻 Vue.js component to apply glitch effect in any kind of text:arrow_upper_right:
28@pazguille/async-imgDEPRECATED: You should use https://github.com/pazguille/aload Asynchronous Image Loader.:arrow_upper_right:
27@federicobond/solcheckA Solidity linter written in JS
26@ianaya89/vue-esc:running: Vue.js directive to add a document event listener on escape keyup.
24@pazguille/upfileMakes file inputs a pleasure to use with progressive enhancement.:arrow_upper_right:
23@prigazzi/slider-jqueryMejorando el Slider - Un tutorial de jQuery
23@leoasis/makery.jsFactory-style (via blueprints) object creation for tests. Inspired by Ruby Machinist.
23@jfromaniello/passport-hawkPassport strategy for the Hawk authentication schema.
23@elmasse/Ext.i18n.Bundle-touc…Bundle implementation for Sencha Touch
22@mgonto/angular-uxA library that helps you create live, navigable prototypes with the help of AngularJS but without having to learn how to code ;). DESIGNERS, I'm looking at you!:arrow_upper_right:
19@pazguille/selfstorageLibrary for caching JavaScript resources in the localStorage.
19@federicobond/soliA set of utilities (currently in alpha) for exploring Solidity contracts
19@jfromaniello/refresh-tokenHelper to get a valid oauth 2 token given a refresh token.
18@jfromaniello/node-windows-certsGet certificates from the windows cert store from node.js
18@jfromaniello/npm-install-retryCommand line utility that retries npm install when NPM fails with npm ERR! cb() never called
17@leoasis/fnkyA funky (and "souly"?) library for functional programming in Javascript
17@eordano/sherlockA wallet for the Bitcoin connoisseur
17@pazguille/CORSSimple and tiny CORS component
17@matiu/dolar-blueClient for the Dolar blue API in nodejs
16@flesler/parallelCLI tool to execute shell commands in parallel, based on GNU parallel command
16@pazguille/camera-action:camera: Camera-action is a component to ease camera (getusermedia) management.
16@elmasse/hyper-markdown-previ…Preview Markdown files right from your Hyper Terminal!
15@retrofox/calendar-toolsCalendar Tools
15@jfromaniello/parse-linksParse a Links header into a JavaScript object.
15@pazguille/euclideanCalculates the distance between two points.:arrow_upper_right:
14@cazala/hahahumorous javascript obfuscation tool:arrow_upper_right:
14@flesler/uver-cliCLI for uver, bump the version on package.json and other files
14@germancutraro/Mei.jsa minimal, simple and helpful library for you:arrow_upper_right:
13@Villanuevand/openve-cli📡 Localiza las comunidades tecnológicas de Venezuela 🇻🇪 que hacen vida en Telegram reconocidas por OpenVE.
13@pazguille/emitter-es6A JavaScript Emitter written in ES6.
13@pazguille/mediumjsA small library that implements the Mediator Pattern in JavaScript.
13@cazala/react-redux-perfPerformance Engineering with React + Redux
12@jfromaniello/mongo-getdbA very opinionated way to connect with the mongodb driver.
12@flesler/connect-pauseConnect/Express middleware to simulate latency for debugging
12@pazguille/gloomyA simple and semantic substitution template engine for the browser :[:arrow_upper_right:
12@leoasis/react-style-hot-relo…Exploring how to make react-style work with HMR and react-hot-loader
12@retrofox/datatableDataTable component
12@ianaya89/vue-i18n-directives🎏 Helper directives for vue & vue-i18n
11@pazguille/editable-pluginSimple and tiny in-place Editor
11@lortmorris/curso.nodejs.eduitCurso Node.js, EducacionIT. Powered by César Casas
11@pazguille/route66Simple routing library using hashbang for web browsers.
10@jfromaniello/slidoA web application to generate HTML5 slideshow from markdown.
10@mgonto/angular-101-from-n00…AngularJS Training with excercises
10@pazguille/ask:grey_question: A JavaScript library to ask basic questions.
10@retrofox/nodejs-doc-esnodejs - documentación en español
10@flesler/jquery.preloadMulti-functional image preloader plugin for jQuery:arrow_upper_right:
10@jfromaniello/mockuirerequire a module with mocked dependencies in node.js
9@pazguille/editable:pencil2: Simple and tiny in-place Editor component
9@jorgeucano/bootcampBootcamp Angular 2 & Firebase:arrow_upper_right:
9@flesler/node-http-codesMap of HTTP status messages to their code, based on Node's built-in mapping
9@jfromaniello/fstream-s3Advanced FS streaming to amazon s3 for Node
9@jfromaniello/teamcity-badgesTeamcity Badges
9@cazala/synaptic-wikipediaThis is the source code for Synaptic's Wikipedia example:arrow_upper_right:
9@jfromaniello/passport-sharejsUse passport.js user profile from session to authorize operations on Share.js documents.
8@mgonto/angular-security-wor…Security workshop with Angular
8@jfromaniello/winston-winlogWindows Event Log logger for the node.js Winston module.
8@leoasis/redux-state-routerDefine your urls as a function of your state
8@cazala/cheapbaselike Firebase, but for free (thanks to Heroku).:arrow_upper_right:
8@cristiandouce/merge-utilDeep merge object utility
7@ianaya89/platzi-music-api📻 REST API for platzi-musci-vue projects built with Node.js & Express. This API acts like a reverse proxy to Spotify REST API.
7@flesler/uverBump the version on package.json and other files
7@germancutraro/Login-App-nodejs:wink: Authentication System for public usage:arrow_upper_right:
7@lortmorris/curso.react.eduitCurso de React de EducaciónIT
7@cazala/synaptic-workshopSynaptic workshop for MuleSoft's MeetUp 2017
7@germancutraro/LinkedList-Data-Stru…❄️ Linked List Data Structure in JavaScript
7@flesler/XMLWriterXML generator for Javascript, based on .NET's XMLTextWriter.
7@pazguille/oops.jsOops! JS is an Object Oriented JavaScript Library
7@jfromaniello/lru-memoizerMemoize functions results using an lru-cache.
7@impronunciable/gbotGoogle Talk bot based on http://simonholywell.com/post/2013/02/cr… :)
7@flesler/luckyCLI tool to measure the state of your luck, at the moment
7@cristiandouce/mongoose-gravatarMongoose plugin for generating gravatar.com urls
7@elmasse/nextein-starterNextein starter
7@elmasse/ext-jwt-testUsing JWT Tokens with Node & ExtJS 5:arrow_upper_right:
6@ianaya89/vs-storage-checker:tv: Node console app to check the status of your Vidispine storages.
6@lortmorris/curso.mongodbavanzad…Curso de MongoDB, plan para EducacionIT. Powered by Cesar Casas
6@federicobond/c3-linearizationA package for doing Solidity and Python-style C3-linearization in ECMAScript
6@jfromaniello/strider-hipchatStrider plugin for hipchat
6@pazguille/jquery.corsSimple and tiny CORS jQuery Plugin (only 0.447 kb)
6@mgonto/reactive-frontend-os…Reactive Frontend Oscon Slides
6@cazala/nftmarketcaptop non-fungible tokens by (avg) market capitalization:arrow_upper_right:
6@manoloide/P5PenApp for drawing in P5js:arrow_upper_right:
5@impronunciable/zeligClassic convolution filters on top of component/convolve
5@impronunciable/NJStreamNewline delimited JSON streaming made easy
5@lortmorris/restfulmodel2Restful Application (API) scaffolding. Easy way to build enterprise API Applications using swagger.
5@federicobond/beatsA small web interface for MPD. Not maintained
5@elmasse/cementCustomElements / WebComponents
5@matiu/stupid-clonesDetect Bitcoin Transaction Clones (due to transaction id malleability)
5@germancutraro/youtube-clone-reactj…▶️ A very humble search engine and YouTube video player, made with React.js 🎥:arrow_upper_right:
5@germancutraro/Shopping-Cart-MERN💸 Simple Online Shopping Cart made with the MERN Stack:arrow_upper_right:
5@jfromaniello/ejs-amdstandalone and express/connect middleware to serve EJS template as AMD .js files to the browser
5@a0viedo/accountdown-oauthAccountDown plugin to manage OAuth authentication
5@jfromaniello/master-processreload node.js apps with no downtime
5@federicobond/solidity-extract-imp…A simple tool to extract imports from Solidity source files
5@impronunciable/emoA simple example project using preact
4@ianaya89/generator-babel-webp…Yeoman generator for npm client side libs using babel, webpack & karma
4@evaferreira/SlideShowSysSlideshow system, a mix of deck.js and CSSS
4@pazguille/saw.jsSimple Ajax for Web Workers
4@leoasis/cycle-pocPlaying with Cyclejs
4@mgonto/instagram-user-hash-…Searcher for pictures for a particular user that contain a particular hashtag
4@Villanuevand/fanatico-f1Fanático F1, es una aplicación donde se pueden visualizar los resultados de la Formula 1. Creada con fin de conocer y comprender AngularJS.
4@ianaya89/vue-jsx-demoVue.js web app with JSX:arrow_upper_right:
4@retrofox/component.jsComponent daemon
4@gvilarino/docker-testingSimple node.js app for container linking testing
4@retrofox/slugizeString slugize component
4@jorgeucano/nativescript-whatsap…example in nativescript with firebase ... pseudo whatsapp
4@jfromaniello/socket-io.sessionsaccess express.js session from socket.io
4@elmasse/postcasts-mvppostcast app:arrow_upper_right:
4@cazala/earthquakesjust an experiment mixing Firebase open datasets + Google's WebGL Globe:arrow_upper_right:
4@flesler/electron-wi-fineA connectivity monitoring app, built on Electron
4@cristiandouce/csvCSV Component.
4@mgonto/angello-angularjs-in…NodeJS Express app for Angello sample in AngularJS in Action
4@jfromaniello/rendirectExpress middleware to render a message and redirect the browser
3@cristiandouce/queryX-Browser DOM element selector supported by jquery/sizzle and inspired in component/query
3@retrofox/romanizeConvert a number to roman numerical format
3@retrofox/buttonsetbuttonset component
3@federicobond/ethereum-paypubAn ethereum implementation of the PayPub protocol for trustless payments for information release
3@retrofox/standarizeString standarize component
3@pazguille/bus:bus: A JavaScript Event Bus written in ES6.
3@fernandezpablo85/react-typescript-tut…react tutorial written with TSX and es6 classes
3@germancutraro/Spotify-client-react…🎧 Spotify song searcher using the Spotify API, React and Redux 🎵:arrow_upper_right:
3@lortmorris/moviesSingle model rest using swagger for demos into course Node.js. If you aren't student, ignore!
3@ianaya89/heroku-alarm-clock:clock9: cron node app to prevent heroku apps from sleeping.
3@mgonto/reactive-all-the-thi…Reactive All The Things talk in ngConf
3@jorgeucano/typescript-bootcampbootcamp for .NetConfAr
3@mgonto/angularjs-good-pract…AngularJS Good Practices
3@ianaya89/demo-auth-jwt-api🔑 Express demo API with JWT Authentication:arrow_upper_right:
3@retrofox/mooDooSimple clase que implementa un slide show usando un film:arrow_upper_right:
3@flesler/stress-node-serverNode Server for running stress tests
3@cristiandouce/timeagoSimple timeago component with moment.js i18n support.
3@flesler/node-http-statusHTTP Status class for NodeJS and Express
3@retrofox/node-calcalendars manager
3@woloski/yaml-config-azureread a yaml config file from azure blob storage and use it for sensitive configuration data
3@jfromaniello/tortuAJLogo command line interpreter
3@impronunciable/talk-plugin-emoji-co…Emoji-friendly Coral Project talk comments
3@jfromaniello/sns-subscribe-intern…Subscribe an SNS Topic to an internal webhook.
3@impronunciable/randomComponent that generates random numbers.
3@jfromaniello/xtailRestart, stop or start service while watching its log file.
3@leoasis/react-job-boardQuick example job board app using React.
3@eordano/fidelity.linkA pseudonymous anti-spam identity system based on bitcoin.:arrow_upper_right:
3@lortmorris/restfulmodelRESTFul Scaffolding
3@retrofox/nodejs-learning-esAprendiendo Nodejs en idioma español:arrow_upper_right:
3@elmasse/taskr-standarda taskr plugin to run standard linter
2@impronunciable/8nVisualizaciones de hhba acerca del #8n.
2@cristiandouce/cqncSimple manager for sequence fx animations or whatever
2@mgonto/gon.to-oldThe blog & website for gon.to
2@cristiandouce/Kolorsdead-simple color picker
2@cazala/cazala.github.iothis is the source of my website:arrow_upper_right:
2@retrofox/node-saveAs"Save As ..." a complete website in server side
2@fernandezpablo85/linkedin-js-testA test harness for LinkedIn's javascript API
2@fernandezpablo85/backbone-jQuery-exam…One todo list sample application, written in backbone and jQuery to compare both
2@fernandezpablo85/dust-javarender dust from java using rhino
2@mgonto/restangular-talk-wit…Restangular talk with rights for images
2@retrofox/removeremove elements from array
2@elmasse/elmasse.github.ioPersonal Blog - Now Powered by Nextein (https://nextein.now.sh):arrow_upper_right:
2@retrofox/to-objectConverts an array to object
2@elmasse/nextein-wwwnextein-www with Nextein :heart: - Use the source!:arrow_upper_right:
2@a0viedo/glob-cli2CLI tool to expand globs
2@elmasse/es7-next-testTrying ES7 decorators and other goodies
2@retrofox/namizeString namize component
2@elmasse/sencha-cmd-plusSort of Sencha Cmd Version Manager. Not quite there yet.
2@germancutraro/mern-crud-system🌟 Crud using the MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Reactjs & Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
2@gvilarino/api-starterExpress-based simple REST API starter project, with ES6 support
2@germancutraro/Simple-simulation-of…:virgo: A very simple shopping cart console simulation using classes of js-es6
2@elmasse/yalexYet Another Lexer
2@germancutraro/reactive-search-node…:zap: Reactive search using node-axios-express-mongodb:arrow_upper_right:
2@leoasis/js-runner-fatigueJS (runner) Fatigue - A game to cope with learning different JS stacks
2@germancutraro/Contact-Form-nodejsContact Form using Nodemailer for the email service
2@germancutraro/Queue-Data-Structure❄️ Queue Data Structure in JavaScript
2@flesler/jwt-crackMulti-threaded brute force JWT cracker in pure Node.js
2@germancutraro/CRUD-nodejs:tada: A customers admin application using nodejs, express and mongodb:arrow_upper_right:
2@flesler/todo-listA single HTML page tool to track time spent on tasks
2@germancutraro/React-StarterReact skeleton with React-Router, Redux, Redux-Persist, Axios and more!
2@flesler/stress-nodeStress test library for Node JS
2@germancutraro/Chart.Js-MongoDB-nod…:bar_chart: Simple ChartJs with data from mongodb:arrow_upper_right:
2@flesler/word-clockA responsive HTML5 Word-based clock:arrow_upper_right:
2@flesler/idonethis-formVery simple mobile-friendly HTML form to submit dones to IDoneThis:arrow_upper_right:
2@manoloide/manoloide.github.iomini site
2@impronunciable/isopoaugmented sounds using the Web Audio API
2@ianaya89/js-meets-blockchain🤝 Demo of JavaScript Meets The Blockchain Talk
2@impronunciable/nicar-whoisExpress example app for meetup #nodejs_ar.
2@ianaya89/node-explorerA file explorer in your browser served with NodeJS
2@impronunciable/indecGoogle Drive to JSON for the browser
2@leoasis/enter-hangmanHangman game made with React for a live coding session at Meetup.js Buenos Aires
2@woloski/AspNetWebApiWithSubd…test repo to repro asp.net web api issue


385@nicolasjafelle/PagingListViewPagingListView is a ListView with the ability to add more items on it when reaches the end of the list.
286@nicolasjafelle/PagingGridViewA Paging GridView with the same behavior as PagingListView.
256@nicolasjafelle/SherlockNavigationDr…SherlockNavigationDrawer is the implementation of the latest Google UX component, Navigation Drawer. It should work exactly as Google Drive plus!! It works with ActionBarSherlock and devices with pre HC.
215@nicolasjafelle/ExpandableViewExpandableView is a View showing only a content and when clicked on it, it displays more content in a fashion way
201@vcalvello/SwipeToActionAn easy way to add a simple 'swipe-and-do-something' behavior to your RecyclerView items. Just like in Gmail or Inbox apps.
154@nicolasjafelle/RefreshMenuItemMenu item to show an indeterminate progress in the Android ActionBar.
137@nicolasjafelle/AndroidDemoDemo app to show how to start an Android App
88@zurche/plain-pieA simple plain pie chart widget fully customizable
88@fernandospr/javapns-jdk16Apple Push Notification Service Provider for Java
74@nicolasjafelle/QacheeQachee is a generic cache system to use specially for Android Apps.
32@fernandospr/spring-jetty-exampleSpring MVC 4 example application
31@sebacipolat/SuperStateViewAn Android Library created to make easy the implementation of stateviews like empty states views, error messages,other.
31@BrianValente/WAMODAndroid Studio project of WAMOD, a WhatsApp mod
25@nicolasjafelle/GoogleMapsV2DemoDemo project of the Google Maps API v2 fully working in Android Studio!
25@fernandospr/java-wnsJava Service Provider to send push notifications to Windows 8/10 devices through WNS
15@emigonza/JavaPOSJavaPOS Device Controls, Device Services and Events v1.13
12@EmmanuelMess/Simple-AccountingAndroid app that helps you balance:arrow_upper_right:
12@emigonza/POSdeviceSimulatorSimulator of JavaPOS devices. http://code.google.com/p/pos-device-simu…
11@emigonza/POStestOpen Source project designed to give developers a GUI based utility for exercising POS devices using JavaPOS. http://postest.sourceforge.net/
10@zurche/beer-detectorAn Android Beer Detector developed to test Google's Vision API:arrow_upper_right:
10@jcodagnone/jiolsuckerITBAOnline Scrapper:arrow_upper_right:
9@zurche/open-weather-map-and…An API wrapper of OpenWeatherMap.org for Android
7@zurche/mvp-firebaseThis project demonstrates how to setup a project to use a firebase database using Model View Presenter & Interactors architecture.
7@amouly/scrolltricksScrollTricks Android example for Android Studio
7@nicolasjafelle/AndroidOrmLiteDemoThis is a demo to show how powerfull and easy ORMLite could be.
7@benoffi7/cursoAndroidUTNCurso Android UTN
6@patriotaSJ/LeerComentariosDBRem…accedemos a una base de datos remota
6@nicolasjafelle/AndroidCastDemoAndroid Studio project of the "cast-android-tictactoe".
6@111milprogramadores/01-cineEjercicio 1 de Programación Orientada a Objetos y Bases de Datos
6@fernandospr/android-overlay-dial…A customizable dialog shown on top of the window
5@nicolasjafelle/HoloForFroyoHolo for Froyo
5@patriotaSJ/LoginBDRemoteEs una aplicación de Android que se conecta con una base de datos remota para hacer un simple LOGIN
5@patriotaSJ/MenuLateralSlidemenu lateral personalizado
4@champo/TPE-PAWTrabajo practico especial para Proyectos de Aplicacion Web
4@emigonza/UnicentaPOSUnicenta POS 2.80 - Based on Openbravo POS
4@groldan/geoserver_trunkClone of the GeoServer central subversion trunk branch:arrow_upper_right:
4@patriotaSJ/BluetoothConexion arduino con android
4@patriotaSJ/ProyectoTuristico-ma…listview viewpager turismo completo
3@Fersca/Mercadolibre-API-Dem…Mercadolibre-API-Demo in order that you can do a copy & paste and create your own ML-API Application:arrow_upper_right:
3@amouly/foscam-android-sdk-e…Android app using Foscam SDK
3@leonardxfce/9024-XPPractica de XP segundo año ies 9024
3@nicolasjafelle/GalleryCameraDemoExample of Gallery and camera image/file pick up
3@zurche/osm-droid-exampleThis project is to understand how OSMDroid maps functionality is implemented in an Android Studio Gradle Android project.
3@sebasjm/antlrA mirror of ANTLR project repository:arrow_upper_right:
2@zurche/color-weatherA location based weather app for Android.
2@emigonza/SmartPOSERPExtensionSmart POS ERP Extension
2@emigonza/jpfbatchJPFBatch es un clon de la utilidad pfbatch.exe de epson escrito en java
2@emigonza/UnicentaPOS302UnicentaPOS 3.0.2
2@emigonza/SmartPOSERPCustomiza…SmartPOS ERP Customization
2@emigonza/UnicentaPOS_ADUnicentaPOS sincronized with ADempiere
2@Fersca/NeurophNeuroph artificial neural network implementation for color detection
2@champo/dUtaSpecial assigment for Communication Protocols at ITBA
2@Fersca/MercadoLibreProblemas de programación - Mercadolibre
2@emigonza/OpenBravoPOSOpen Bravo POS for SmartPOS Adempiere
2@fernandospr/android-maps-userloc…Demonstrates how to use maps and the current user location
2@delucas/2011-LenguajeDeProgr…Sitio con trabajos de alumnos, de clase, y en general, de la materia de la UNTreF (Argentina)
2@delucas/UNTreF-LP1Proyecto con los ejemplos de clase de Lenguaje de Programación 1, UNTreF
2@lbalmaceda/libgdx_flappyFlappyBirds Demo from a libgdx tutorial
2@111milprogramadores/CertificacionInstruc…Material para la Certificación de Instructores
2@sebacipolat/SquireAn Android news reader example app, using The Guardian API. Is a good example of a basic app with MVP + Retrofit +RXJava+ Picasso + ButterKnife + Material Design:arrow_upper_right:
2@111milprogramadores/02-pizzeriaEjercicio 2 de Programación Orientada a Objetos y Bases de Datos
2@frapeti/DeviceSettingsCyanogenMod Device Settings ported to Stock ROMs
2@zurche/partifyApplication intended to be used in parties to ease and share the process of choossing the party music.
2@patriotaSJ/Sqliteutilizamos una bd local con sqlite
2@delucas/java-warriorjuego educativo para programadores, basado en el ruby-warrior


651@MarcosMeli/FileHelpersThe FileHelpers are a free and easy to use .NET library to read/write data from fixed length or delimited records in files, strings or streams:arrow_upper_right:
275@kblok/puppeteer-sharpHeadless Chrome .NET API:arrow_upper_right:
237@Zaphyk/project-skylinesprocedural retro 3d game for the GitHub Gameoff 2017:arrow_upper_right:
111@pcibraro/hawknetHawk protocol implementation for .NET
68@kzu/NuDoqA standalone API to read .NET XML documentation files and optionally augment it with reflection information.:arrow_upper_right:
59@kzu/InjectModuleInitiali…Console program and nuget package to inject a module initializer method into a built .NET assembly:arrow_upper_right:
48@lontivero/peer2netA P2P library to create peer-to-peer applications with .Net
46@lontivero/vinchucaA resilient peer-to-peer botnet agent in .NET
45@nmilcoff/EasyTipViewC# port of https://github.com/teodorpatras/EasyTipV… EasyTipView is a fully customisable tooltip view for iOS.
42@kzu/NuGetReferencesSave time by managing your NuGet references right from the Solution Explorer packages.config
30@lontivero/BlockchainParsera .NET bitcoin's blockchain parser
29@m4v/RCSBuildAidKerbal Space Program plugin for RCS thruster placement
17@pcibraro/SelfHostUtilitiesA set of helper classes for easing the initialization of the self host web applications in .NET. This project contains classes for registering a new self signed certificate and the port registration to run under https.
15@nmilcoff/TagsViewSimple and highly customizable Xamarin.iOS tag list view. Originally inspired by https://github.com/ElaWorkshop/TagListVi…
15@ealsur/auth0swaggerSwagger documented API and Autorest generated client with Auth0
15@ealsur/HTTPDataCollectorAPIAzure Log Analytics HTTP Data Collector API wrapper
14@lontivero/Open.HttpProxyAn fully asynchronous .Net HTTP proxy focused on performance
13@ealsur/WebJobs.Extensions.G…Extension for Azure Webjobs SDK that returns groups of messages of an Azure Queue
12@kzu/SmartReferencesSmarter project and assembly references with MSBuild