1.0.9 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-austria v1.0.9

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Austria

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A list of neat projects made in Austria



10524@enyo/dropzoneDropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.:arrow_upper_right:
1841@michael/githubA higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser.
1597@nikgraf/belleConfigurable React Components with great UX.
1418@nikgraf/draft-js-pluginsReact Plugin Architecture for Draft.js including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers.
1372@okonet/react-dropzoneSimple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js.:arrow_upper_right:
1175@enyo/opentipOpentip is an open source javascript tooltip based on the protoype framework.:arrow_upper_right:
554@michael/multiselectjQuery UI Multiselect Widget:arrow_upper_right:
269@okonet/modalboxMac OS X style javascript pop-ups for your browser (based on prototype + script.aculo.us):arrow_upper_right:
263@michael/danceDon't be shy - take your data for a dance.:arrow_upper_right:
237@michael/unveilA data-driven visualization toolkit
190@DominikGuzei/flawless.cssA full stack html5 and css3 framework that uses less.js as it's core to provide a truly modular system with addons and other cute stuff ;-D
120@michael/askkenVisual Knowledge Browser:arrow_upper_right:
92@okonet/lint-stagedLint JS and CSS files staged by git
90@pangratz/ember.js-dashboardActivity of the Ember.js community at a glance: Twitter, GitHub, StackOverflow and Reddit:arrow_upper_right:
78@DominikGuzei/Class.jsLightning fast class system. Beautiful API. Rock solid debugging. 0.6 kb
75@michael/donutRadial Navigator built with Processing.js:arrow_upper_right:
63@pangratz/dnd-file-uploaddrag and drop file upload for a html5 capable browser:arrow_upper_right:
61@pangratz/dashboardGitHub Dashboard using Ember.js and Twitter Bootstrap:arrow_upper_right:
60@enyo/stateless-html-examp…This is an example repository for a colorglare.com article:arrow_upper_right:
53@pangratz/ember-mementoUndo / Redo functionality for Ember.Object's
48@michael/dejavisVisual Analytics for the Browser:arrow_upper_right:
47@DominikGuzei/ember-routing-statec…Example for fat-client ember application with routing and statechart
38@pangratz/ember-couchdb-adapte…CouchDBAdapter for Ember-Data
36@okonet/cooltipsCoolTips is a replacement for conventional web-browser tooltips. Cooltips is fully unobtrusive Class based on Prototype & Script.aculo.us, which is functional without any images (pure CSS).:arrow_upper_right:
35@michael/tweenMotion Tweening for Processing.js:arrow_upper_right:
34@michael/dejavis-sandboxA sandbox for pluggable data visualizations:arrow_upper_right:
33@okonet/webpack-long-term-ca…A demo config showing how to enable long-term caching using Webpack. Read medium link for details.
30@michael/kenVisual Knowledge Browser:arrow_upper_right:
28@michael/readerA stand-alone reader for Substance Documents (can be used as a blog):arrow_upper_right:
24@pangratz/irc-log-viewerCouchApp using Ember.js to show IRC logs stored in a CouchDB
23@okonet/ejs-loaderEJS (Underscore/LoDash Templates) loader for webpack
21@guybrush/showdownMIRROR of http://attacklab.net/showdown (newer/forked/npm version here: https://github.com/coreyti/showdown):arrow_upper_right:
20@oberhamsi/prettytiles-gamejsCPU heavy ISO landscape generator ported from processing to gamejs:arrow_upper_right:
16@DominikGuzei/Compact.jsA modular javascript framework based on require.js and an intuitive way to build class hierarchies
15@hns/rideRingo in-browser code editing
14@oberhamsi/planetary-gamejsphysics game, a gamejs app:arrow_upper_right:
13@michael/multiple_selectMooTools based multiple select widget:arrow_upper_right:
12@okonet/react-container-dime…Wrapper component that detects element resize and passes new dimensions down the tree. Based on https://github.com/wnr/element-resize-de…
12@guybrush/backbone-rpc-examplesync backbone-models via dnode!:arrow_upper_right:
11@ddprrt/connect-phpPHP middleware for https://github.com/senchalabs/connect
11@michael/stacksVisualizing groups of items as self-organizing stacks:arrow_upper_right:
11@okonet/yaml-loaderYAML loader for webpack (converts YAML to JSON)
10@guybrush/nexusremote program installation and control (work in progress/proof of concept):arrow_upper_right:
10@hns/ringo-modulrA port of the modulr client-side CommonJS module implementation to RingoJS
10@ddprrt/konamicode.jsEaster-egg your website with the konami-code
9@hns/hiccup.jsA port of the Hiccup HTML generation library to JavaScript
9@oberhamsi/telemachus-gamejsshoot'em'up game, a gamejs app:arrow_upper_right:
9@michael/bulletsUnveil.js graphics demo:arrow_upper_right:
8@hns/ringo-node-benchmarkHTTP benchmark comparing RingoJS and Node.js with a focus on object allocation
8@michael/chartA simple charting library that strictly separates data from graphical representation:arrow_upper_right:
8@michael/talkLet's talk data. In realtime.
8@michael/scatterplotAn interactive, animated Scatterplot for the Dejavis sandbox:arrow_upper_right:
8@enyo/md5MD5 algorithm written by Paul Johnston
7@hns/berkeleystoreA RingoJS datastore implementation based on Oracle (formerly Sleepycat) Berkeley DB.
7@michael/matrixMatrix Plot:arrow_upper_right:
7@oberhamsi/gameoflife-gamejsConway's Game of Life for GameJs:arrow_upper_right:
7@michael/linechartInteractive, animated Linechart, built with Unveil.js:arrow_upper_right:
6@oberhamsi/pirateking-gamejsPirate King:arrow_upper_right:
6@DominikGuzei/ember-testing-on-rai…Example that shows how to setup a complete testing environment for Ember.js apps on Rails
6@michael/hubSubstance Hub
6@guybrush/socketvateventvat + nssocket:arrow_upper_right:
6@michael/envisionA Collection Browser and Visualizer
6@oberhamsi/ositestatsWeb statistics, analytics server. PageImpressions, Uniques, Distributions for Traffic Sources, Browser/Os,...
5@DominikGuzei/sproutcore-statechar…A sample application to illustrate the benefits of statecharts in sproutcore
5@hns/ringo-cometdA cometd/bayeux plugin for ringo/webapp
5@hns/cassandrastoreA RingoJS JavaScript client for the Cassandra distributed database
5@michael/ndogen-clientOn-the-fly documentation generation powered by ndogen
5@pangratz/emberjs-couchapp-gemGem to create basic CouchApp which uses Ember.js
5@hns/ringo-storableA Ringo Storable implementation in pure ES5
4@hns/commonizeA utility to convert RingoJS modules into pure CommonJS modules
4@michael/libraryA home for Substance documents. Think of it as a database for digital documents.:arrow_upper_right:
4@DominikGuzei/node-ase-utilsNode package to encode / decode Adobe Swatch Exchange Files (ASE)
4@oberhamsi/nocmsContent managment system for lazy, unorganized people.
4@pangratz/ember-library-templa…Template for a new Ember.js library project
4@enyo/enyo.github.ioUser page
4@oberhamsi/ringo-oauthoauth web helpers for ringo
3@oberhamsi/ringo-webtutorialmarkdown source for http://ringojs.org/wiki/Tutorial (should be replaced with a tutorial on stick after Ringo 0.7 release):arrow_upper_right:
3@okonet/dialogboxMootools & Prototype.js class for unobtrusive facebook-style dialogboxes
3@okonet/metalsmith-remote-js…Fetch JSON from remote URLs, transform and inject as files into metalsmith pipeline
3@okonet/coloristCreates a palette from the given image (drag'n'drop):arrow_upper_right:
3@okonet/attr-acceptJavaScript implementation of the "accept" attribute for HTML5
3@okonet/CalendarPadA Mootools based class for a 3 months date selector.
3@hns/ringo-xmppA RingoJS package for writing server-side XMPP components
3@DominikGuzei/nerdcompanionCreate and Share Rails Guides easily:arrow_upper_right:
3@DominikGuzei/honeymoonAdvanced integration of the Sinon.js Mocking Library for the Jasmine BDD Framework
3@oberhamsi/y8y2Real-time strategy game based on the board-game Pandemic.
3@ddprrt/lessigLessig - try Less online
3@oberhamsi/ringo-tutorial-demob…demoblog app developed in course of tutorial:arrow_upper_right:
3@pangratz/babel-plugin-htmlbar…Babel plugin to replace tagged template strings with precompiled HTMLBars templates
3@oberhamsi/ringo-signpostsignpost lib packaged for ringo
3@hns/jetsonA streaming JSON parser for RingoJS based on Jackson
3@guybrush/bfydirhttp-server to browserify *.js in a dir:arrow_upper_right:
3@DanielG/panscrollUser script to pan webpages using the middle mouse button.
2@oberhamsi/ringo-geoipmaxmind geoip package
2@DominikGuzei/Handshake-ServerThis is the ruby server of the Handshake project
2@DominikGuzei/Handshake-Js-ApiAn evented javascript API for Handshake to facilitate websocket communication between games and control devices
2@hns/wiki-ngA minimal wiki demo app for helma-ng:arrow_upper_right:
2@enyo/copypastorAnother source code sharer
2@oberhamsi/creepyforest-gamejsgame sketch audio, gamejs app:arrow_upper_right:
2@enyo/functionbindA function.bind() IE polyfill
2@enyo/nibbleCSS framework based on nib
2@guybrush/n-semversemver for n:arrow_upper_right:
2@guybrush/unhosted.jsClient side Unhosted implementation for the browser:arrow_upper_right:
2@ddprrt/tooling-workshopsamples for my front-end tooling workshop on Grunt, Yeoman and Gulp
2@michael/mapSubstance Map Node Type
2@oberhamsi/httpclient-jettyA scalable HTTP client that provides both synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation.
2@michael/substanceCopy of Substance for legacy purposes.
2@enyo/excanvasExcanvas (modified so it works in IE8)
2@michael/substance-editorSubstance Editor
2@DominikGuzei/StylekitThe source code for the StyleKit project written in Google Web Toolkit:arrow_upper_right:


10019@PhilJay/MPAndroidChartA powerful Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
420@manmal/hn-androidHacker News client with a focus on reliability and usability.:arrow_upper_right:
389@Pirngruber/AndroidIMAndroid Instant Messaging Application
219@Wrdlbrnft/Searchable-RecyclerV…An example app using a SearchView to filter items in a RecyclerView while taking full advantage of item animations!
213@PhilJay/CircleDisplayAndroid View for displaying and selecting values in a circle-shaped View, with animations and touch gestures.
108@PhilJay/ValueBarA beautiful Android custom View that works similar to a range or seekbar. With animations.
56@Kaljurand/InimesedAn Android app that lets you search your contacts by voice. Internet not required. Based on Pocketsphinx. Uses Estonian acoustic models.:arrow_upper_right:
38@christophstrobl/spring-data-solr-sho…Sample Spring MVC Application demonstrating usage of Spring Data Solr.
38@Kaljurand/K6neleAn Android app that offers speech-to-text services to other apps:arrow_upper_right:
34@diwi/diewald_fluidprocessing library - fluid-simulation:arrow_upper_right:
31@phax/ph-cssJava CSS 2 and CSS 3 parser and builder
29@PhilJay/MPAndroidChart-Realmhttp://realm.io related features of the MPAndroidChart library.
28@phax/jcodemodelA fork of the com.sun.codemodel (status 2013/09)
25@diwi/Space_Partitioning_O…Octree/BVH: building and traversal (for fast ray-triangle-intersection)
18@diwi/diewald_shapeFileRea…java library for reading ESRI-shapeFiles:arrow_upper_right:
16@diwi/dLibsprocessing/java - kinect library:arrow_upper_right:
14@Kaljurand/ArvutajaAn Android app for voice actions in Estonian and English:arrow_upper_right:
14@pniederw/algs4partIGradle build template for Coursera's "Algorithms, Part I" course:arrow_upper_right:
12@phax/ph-ublJava library for reading and writing UBL 2.0 and 2.1 documents
11@phax/as2-libLibrary part of my OpenAS2 fork
10@Wrdlbrnft/EasyAdapterA powerful yet lightweight view injection & list creation library to easily and quickly create complex lists in the RecyclerView on Android.
9@derkoe/tapestry-jaxwsTapestry JAX-WS Integration
9@Kaljurand/DiktofonAn Android app, a dictaphone with Estonian speech-to-text:arrow_upper_right:
8@Kaljurand/speechutilsAndroid library for speech-to-text and text-to-speech apps
7@diwi/diewald_PS3processing/java libary for PS3-Eye camera:arrow_upper_right:
6@phax/as2-serverThe standalone AS2 server component based on as2-lib
6@diwi/diewald_CV_kitcomputer vision library for processing:arrow_upper_right:
6@Kaljurand/net-speech-apiJava API for the online speech recognition services provided by phon.ioc.ee
6@Kaljurand/GF-JavaJava front-end to a GF service, modeled after the GF Webservice.
5@mikegr/jodconverterJODConverter 3.0 branch:arrow_upper_right:
4@Kaljurand/EKISpeakImplementation of Android's TextToSpeechService that provides Estonian text-to-speech
4@manmal/MockingDroidTemplate app for easy HTML mockups for interactive usability testing.
4@mikegr/snipsnapSnipSnap - The easy Weblog and Wiki Software:arrow_upper_right:
4@mikegr/android-shuffleShuffle, a personal organizational tool, styled around the Getting Things Done methodology:arrow_upper_right:
4@phax/ph-javacc-maven-plug…An updated version of the javacc-maven-plugin using JavaCC 6.1.3
4@derkoe/multi-tenancyJPA/Hibernate - Spring Boot - Multi-tenancy Test Project
4@Wrdlbrnft/SimplePreferencesThe preferences you always wanted on Android:arrow_upper_right:
3@phax/ph-pdf-layoutJava library for creating fluid page layouts with Apache PDFBox
3@Wrdlbrnft/FloatingActionButton…Easy and simple way to create an expanding and collapsing menu with FloatingActionButtons
3@Wrdlbrnft/HelpersA collection of useful helper and utility classes.
3@phax/ph-commonsJava 1.6+ Library with tons of utility classes required in all projects
3@phax/as2-peppol-clientAn example AS2 client to easily send AS2 messages to PEPPOL
3@manmal/AIC-2010-Group-25Advanced Internet Computing at the TU Vienna, 2010 (winter term)
3@pniederw/ideajettypluginJetty Plugin for IDEA 9 Ultimate Edition (fork of http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=1…
3@phax/peppol-smp-serverA complete PEPPOL SMP server
3@mikegr/eFitBoosterAndroid appliation to track exercises in gym
2@Wrdlbrnft/GravityBehaviorA CoordinatorLayout Behavior which rotates a View according to gravity.
2@Wrdlbrnft/SimpleJsonThe next generation JSON Parser for Android:arrow_upper_right:
2@diwi/diewald_barcodebarcode library for processing:arrow_upper_right:
2@mikegr/mmcMMC Monitor:arrow_upper_right:
2@mikegr/aLogMyNightAndroid appliation to log drinking activities
2@Kaljurand/Mobile-APEAndroid client for the APE webservice:arrow_upper_right:
2@phax/peppol-directoryThe official PEPPOL Directory (former Yellow Pages) software
2@phax/erechnung.gv.at-webs…Utility classes and projects for the use with ER>B - the national Austrian Invoicing solution


875@techtalk/SpecFlowBinding business requirements to .Net code:arrow_upper_right:
689@nefarius/ScpToolkitWindows Driver and XInput Wrapper for Sony DualShock 3/4 Controllers:arrow_upper_right:
609@henon/GitSharpA Git implementation for .Net and Mono:arrow_upper_right:
403@filoe/cscoreAn advanced audio library, written in C#. Provides tons of features. From playing/recording audio to decoding/encoding audio streams/files to processing audio data in realtime (e.g. applying custom effects during playback, create visualizations,...). The possibilities are nearly unlimited.
388@flagbug/YoutubeExtractorA .NET library, that allows to download videos from YouTube and/or extract their audio track (currently only for flash videos).
183@flagbug/EsperaEspera is a media player that plays your music, YouTube videos, SoundCloud songs and has a special "party mode".:arrow_upper_right:
128@techtalk/SpecFlow-ExamplesExamples for SpecFlow usage:arrow_upper_right:
56@henon/GitSharp.DemoGit# Demo for Windows (WPF):arrow_upper_right:
36@techtalk/JiraRestClientA simple client for Atlassian JIRA service REST API
31@jguertl/SharePluginSimple way to share a message or link on a social network in your Xamarin.Forms projects.
29@flagbug/LagerA cross-platform settings storage for .NET
29@flagbug/FlagConsoleA .NET library, that helps to build text-based console application interfaces. It provides controls like panel, textfield, list view, menu and label. It also offers drawing capabilitys for rectangles, lines and ellipses/circles.
24@flagbug/FlagFtpFlagFtp is a FTP library for .NET, that supports various operations, such as retrieving file lists, write and read from/to files, retrieving file and directory infos, etc...
23@tibel/Caliburn.LightThe magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms.
20@flagbug/FlagSyncFlagSync is a synchronization and backup tool, written in C#, that allows you to synchronize or backup your files with local folders (or an extern harddrive or flashdrive) and FTP-Servers, as well as synchronize your non-iPod MP3-Player with iTunes.
19@AdmiralCurtiss/WfcPatcherPatches NDS games to allow them to connect to a custom NWFC server.
12@tibel/WeaklyWeakly is a collection of some useful weak-reference types.
12@davidroth/RuntimeControllerFac…An Asp.net MVC 2 ControllerFactory including some classes which allows you to edit your Controller classes at runtime, without restarting your application - powered by Mono C# compiler as a service..:arrow_upper_right:
11@henon/TicGit.netA simple distributed issue tracker based on git:arrow_upper_right:
11@flagbug/UnofficialGitterAppAn unofficial Android app for http://gitter.im
10@tibel/Caliburn.Micro.Extra…Some additions to Caliburn.Micro framework.
10@flagbug/ClickOnceToSquirrelM…A helper library for the migration from ClickOnce to Squirrel.Windows
9@flagbug/ReactiveMarrowThis library extends Reactive Extensions with a few helpers
7@AdmiralCurtiss/ToVPatcherPatcher for the PS3 Tales of Vesperia fan-translation.:arrow_upper_right:
7@AdmiralCurtiss/HyoutaToolsA collection of tools for extracting and/or reinserting data from/into video games.
7@davidroth/Entityframework6Contains a modified branch of EF (DbModelStore) for improved startup performance. For further information, please read my blog post.:arrow_upper_right:
7@henon/manic_diggeran open source clone of minecraft:arrow_upper_right:
7@flagbug/RareformThis is my personal common library, for .NET, written in C#. It contains classes and methods that I need in nearly every application I write. Feel free to use and contribute.
6@nefarius/CntlmUIGraphical User Interface and Startup-Agent for the Cntlm Authorization Proxy:arrow_upper_right:
4@nefarius/TrueMount-3Automounter for TrueCrypt
4@Tigraine/pandora-containerYet another lightweight IoC container:arrow_upper_right:
4@flagbug/Espera.NetworkNetwork classes and helpers for the Espera remote control API:arrow_upper_right:
4@techtalk/SpecFlow.VisualStudi…Visual Studio extension of SpecFlow (extracted from the main SpecFlow repo)
4@SabotageAndi/efl-sharpC# Bindings for Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
3@henon/WPFTestRunnerA simple ad hoc WPF Test Runner for NUnit
3@nefarius/WpfRichText.ExSimple WYSIWYG HTML editor control for WPF:arrow_upper_right:
3@nefarius/TrueMount-2Automounter for TrueCrypt.:arrow_upper_right:
3@davidroth/propertyexpressionan…A custom refactoring that transforms common property-expression helper code to the new c# 6 nameof expression:arrow_upper_right:
3@flagbug/FlvExtractA portable (PCL) .NET library that extracts the audio and/or video tracks from FLV files
2@nefarius/StreamsFinderMicrosoft´s new technology file system has a pretty unknown feature called data streams. Find hidden ones easily with this tool!:arrow_upper_right:
2@Tigraine/elms-connectorA connector for Microsoft's ELMS Campus verification:arrow_upper_right:
2@saxx/WuzlstatsWeb app to track wuzl (tabletop soccer) score.
2@bojanbjelic/xsltrPerforms xsl transformations. msxls replacement


37@SamBrishes/kenney-icon-fontThe Kenney Icon Font is specifically designed for your (browser) game or other gaming related website / project!:arrow_upper_right:
2@nicokratky/nicokratky.mewell... just the code of my website:arrow_upper_right:


2@moser96/responsive-svg-circl…An easy to use Circlebar script by using jQuery


299@lanoxx/tildaA Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix
159@jameswalmsley/RaspberryPi-FreeRTOSA port of FreeRTOS to the raspberry pi.
137@smarr/RoarVMRoarVM is a manycore Smalltalk Virtual Machine:arrow_upper_right:
101@tpoechtrager/cctools-portApple cctools port for Linux, *BSD and Windows (Cygwin)
75@jameswalmsley/bitthunderBitThunder - Reliable, real time, portable, scalable, embedded operating system, RTOS.:arrow_upper_right:
73@mkalten/reacTIVisioncomputer vision framework for tangible interactive surfaces
66@segler-alex/Pidgin-GPGGPG plugin for Pidgin
51@pipelka/vdr-plugin-xvdrDISCONTINUED - XVDR Plugin for VDR
41@stefanct/sglibSGLIB - A Simple Generic Library for C (originally by Marian Vittek and not maintained by Stefan Tauner at all!)
25@sebastinas/yafcYafc is yet another ftp client (with some handy features)
20@smarr/CLIPSA Tool for Building Expert Systems:arrow_upper_right:
19@m6w6/ext-httpExtended HTTP Support
14@mhaberler/libancillarysharing eventfd's across unrelated processes with libancillary
13@mm120/binutils-vc4The binutils, targeted for the VideoCore IV
12@zeha/python-superstaticstatic builds for python
12@mkalten/TUIO20_CPPC++ TUIO 2.0 reference implementation
11@aleho/htc-kernel-legendKernel for the HTC Legend
10@jameswalmsley/FreeRTOSGit Import of the FreeRTOS SVN repository.
10@m6w6/ext-pqPostgreSQL client library (libpq) binding
9@jameswalmsley/FullFATOpen-source, Thread-safe, Embedded, FAT file-system.:arrow_upper_right:
9@wash/rnacodeRNAcode - Detecting protein coding genes in multiple sequence alignment:arrow_upper_right:
8@lanoxx/libwnckThis is a copy of the libwnck code on git.gnome.org
8@Grarak/grakernel-tunaSamsung Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250)
8@mkalten/TUIO11_CPPC++ TUIO 1.1 reference implementation
7@wash/rnazRNAz - predicting structural noncoding RNAs:arrow_upper_right:
6@pipelka/paraguicross-platform widgetset for SDL (a new home for old code)
4@stefanct/openptpopenptp - Precision Time Protocol implementation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_T…
4@zeha/syslinuxsyslinux - a linux loader
4@lazka/stm32-hactarBasic OS for STM32F10x controllers
4@lanoxx/window-picker-appletA port of the window-picker-applet to Gnome 3
4@jameswalmsley/kconfig-frontendsGit Mirror of Yann Morin's kconfig-frontends project:arrow_upper_right:
3@lewurm/minimini is not ios (see hackmii.com for details)
3@zeha/xrdp-suse-forkgit import of xrdp-0.4.1-28.19.1.src.rpm
3@fghaas/drbd-8My forks of DRBD 8.3 and 8.4, for upstream to pull from
3@smarr/CSOMCSOM - C implementation of the Simple Object Machine Smalltalk
3@aleho/android_hardware_qco…Experimental implementation for Legend
3@Grarak/grakernel-n1Samsung Galaxy R (GT-I9103)
3@Grarak/grakernel-msm8226HTC Desire 816 (a5)
3@m6w6/ext-psiPHP System Interface / POSIX Standard Interface
3@fghaas/corosyncA copy of the Corosync git repo, hosted at git.corosync.org
2@lazka/gst-bs2bCrossfeed plugin for Gstreamer, using the bs2b library.
2@smarr/Classic-BenchmarksA collection of classic object-oriented benchmarks
2@stefanct/ch341eepromtoolThe EEPROM software for the WCH CH341A originally written by asbokid
2@aleho/ti_wilinkSources for tiwlan_drv.ko/sdio.ko on msm7k (wilink_6_1_0_0_115)
2@m6w6/ext-json_postJSON POST handler
2@m6w6/ext-proproProperty proxy
2@m6w6/ext-raphfResource and persistent handles factory
2@wash/sissizSISSIz: Dinucleotide controlled random alignments and RNA gene prediction


117@pmj/virtio-net-osxMac OS X driver for a (virtualised) "virtio" network device. Virtio network devices are supported by KVM and VirtualBox. Fastest virtual network device for VirtualBox OSX Guests, allows kernel debugging of guests via gdb.
95@thotro/arduino-dw1000A library that offers functionality to use Decawave's DW1000 chips/modules with Arduino.
48@manhofer/Line3DppLine3D++ - Multi-View Stereo using Line Segments
35@agrippa1994/DX9-Overlay-APIOverlay API for DirectX 9 based games.
27@motonacciu/meta-serializationA C++ header-only support for serialization of generic objects to be used when the type is known a-priori.
27@pmj/objective-vcdiffObjective-C wrapper for Google's open-vcdiff binary diff library
23@strahlex/QtQuickVcpA Virtual Control Panel for Machinekit written in Qt/C++/QML
23@taketwo/rsPCL grabber for RealSense devices
19@bedahr/SpencerSpeech Based Recommender System (Recomment 2.0)
16@motonacciu/clompOpenMP support for LLVM/Clang compiler
15@mlang/bmcBraille Music Compiler:arrow_upper_right:
13@manhofer/Line3DLine3D - Multi-View Stereo using Line Segments
11@SimonWallner/kocmoc-demoa neat little demo using openGL 3
10@clemenscorny/briskBinary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
10@motonacciu/mppAdvanced MPI bindings for C++
10@almightycouch/meteorppMeteor DDP & Minimongo implementation in C++.
8@taketwo/pmd_camboard_nanoROS driver for PMDvision® CamBoard nano depth sensor
8@taketwo/dsPCL grabber for DepthSense devices
7@pmj/QemuUSBTablet-OSXDriver allowing OS X guests to use the "usb-tablet" absolute pointing device in Qemu.
6@agrippa1994/WebSocket-APIWebsocket client API for AutoHotKey and other scripting and programming languages.
5@agrippa1994/iOS-PLCSiemens Simatic S7 communication software for iOS using Snap7
5@agrippa1994/CPP-SAMP-APIAn API for C++ which can send commands, show messages and much more in SA:MP
5@agrippa1994/SA-MP-WebSocketsSA:MP WebSocket-Client and Server implementation
4@pmj/osxbook-SimpleCrypto…An update to the SimpleCryptoDisk filter scheme driver example from the book Mac OS X Internals by Amit Singh
3@taketwo/tviewerA simple cloud viewer on top of PCL Visualizer
3@agrippa1994/nodejs-fdfCreate FDF files with nodejs
3@SimonWallner/kocmoc-coreCore engine parts of kocmoc:arrow_upper_right:
3@agrippa1994/passwdmgrConsole based application for storing passwords in an encrypted file.
3@agrippa1994/v8_testBasic C++ embedding tests with Google's V8 JavaScript-Engine
3@agrippa1994/samp-nodejs-pluginA plugin for creating gamemodes and filterscripts in SA:MP using nodejs via JXCore and SA:MP-GDK
3@Joe-Z/OF_ParticlesParticle-Emitter-Project for my Computer Graphics 2 course:arrow_upper_right:
2@strahlex/battleshipA Battleship Game
2@pmj/literal-collectionsFunctions for creating pre-populated ("literal") STL collections using C++11 variadic templates. Useful for compilers that don't support the new initialiser lists but do support variadic templates (such as clang 3.0.0 and GCC 4.3).
2@bedahr/recommentVoice controlled recommender system
2@SimonWallner/kocmoc-mainmain part of kocmoc:arrow_upper_right:
2@mlang/yatmYet Another Time Machine
2@agrippa1994/Password-ManagerA password manager for iOS and a password server written in PHP
2@agrippa1994/node-win32-keyhookGlobal keyhook library for NodeJS (Windows only)
2@Joe-Z/Super-Mario-Bros.--f…The first level of Super Mario Bros. made for 2 players with openFrameworks
2@agrippa1994/iOS-EncryptionEncryption app for iOS


2015@Gamua/Starling-FrameworkThe Cross Platform Game Engine:arrow_upper_right:
323@Gamua/Starling-Extension-P…A particle system for the Starling framework, compatible with the "Particle Designer" from 71squared.com
35@Gamua/Flox-AS3The ActionScript 3 SDK for the Flox Game Backend
20@PrimaryFeather/Memory3DA simple implementation of "Memory" (also known as "Concentration") showcasing Starling's Sprite3D functionality.
8@Gamua/Starling-Extension-D…Use normal maps for realistic light effects in the Starling Framework.
3@ripcurlx/make-it-easy-as3A tiny framework that makes it easy to write Test Data Builders in ActionScript 3


570@pkamenarsky/ateaA minimalistic menu bar time tracker for MacOS
51@bpsm/edn-javaa reader for extensible data notation
5@bpsm/xombieTeaching Clojure to love the XOM
4@bendlas/clojure.replBetter dir utility
4@bpsm/big-ivanTeaching Clojure to validate, parse and construct BIC and IBAN values.
2@pkamenarsky/tellmeA minimalist 1on1 web chat
2@bpsm/empty-maven-clojure-…A (mostly) empty clojure project based on clojure-maven-plugin
2@andeee/enclojeanClojure EnOcean library
2@andeee/netzwaechterleinA simple approach of building a netwatch service in clojurescript
2@bendlas/ai-challengegoogle ai challenge 2011
2@bendlas/newfactNew refactoring tool for clojure
2@bendlas/starfleetsCoding for fun


29@aschuch/node-nearest-neighbo…Nearest neighbor algorithm to find the most similar object within an array of objects.:arrow_upper_right:
6@emojicode/emojiblastTurn Atom into your Emojicode IDE
4@aschuch/node-entropyShannon Entropy calculation to measure the information gain of an array of objects.:arrow_upper_right:
2@segelgruppe/node-postmanA simple node project to take a POST request (eg from a contact form) and send a mail via the mandrill service.
2@aschuch/wine-apiA simple RESTful JSON API server to manage a wine collection.



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8 years ago