1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-croatia v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Croatia

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A list of neat projects made in Croatia



254@zeljkoprsa/Magento-BoilerplateMagento Theme Package based on HTML5 Bolierplate by Paul Irish coupled with CSS3PIE by 327 Creative LLC:arrow_upper_right:
105@silvenon/generator-wbpScaffold a modern workflow for developing web apps and sites
54@mkozjak/node-telnet-clientA simple telnet client for node.js
34@zappan/fulljsBackbone.js application example backed by Node.js REST API and MongoDB
23@zappan/Hello-Backbone-Node-…Application base for a Backbone.js application backed by Sinatra or Node.js API and MongoDB
17@Gajotres/Ionic2FirstAppThis is my first Ionic 2 application
13@dpskvn/ntropy.jsA random generator (string and number):arrow_upper_right:
13@silvenon/testing-react-and-re…Code from my blog series.:arrow_upper_right:
12@Gajotres/IonicGeolocationDemoThis is Ionic Framework Google Maps demo application
11@zappan/Orchard.Theme.TheOth…"The Other Side" theme for the Orchard CMS:arrow_upper_right:
10@dpskvn/express-sseAn Express middleware for quick'n'easy server-sent events.:arrow_upper_right:
10@silvenon/jszg-seleniumA meetup demo: Node.js Selenium testing workflow
8@Gajotres/Ionic2GoogleMapsExam…This is Ionic2 + Google Maps example
8@pkoretic/koa-static-serverStatic file serving middleware for koa with directory, rewrite and index support
8@Gajotres/IonicCarouselDemoThis is repository holds a Ionic carousel demo
8@Gajotres/IonicNativeAnimation…This is a demo of Ionic native animations
7@Gajotres/Ionic2RESTHttpExampl…This Example will show you how to make a REST HTTP call with Ionic 2
6@iskugor/ZenTiOOP framework for Titanum mobile framework
5@psyburn/backbone.listviewA generic list view for Backbone.js applications.
5@mkozjak/koa-cache-liteZero-dependency koa router cache
4@msval/hellocassandrainnode…Hello world for cassandra database in node.js
3@silvenon/zepto-module-demoThere are only upsides to converting Zepto into modules
3@dpskvn/mikulas.jsA Simple JS Clock Lib:arrow_upper_right:
3@silvenon/jszg-webpackA meetup demo: Unpacking Webpack
3@pkoretic/json_rpcFast and lightweight persistent promise based JSON RPC 2.0 client implementation over TCP and Unix socket
3@ibudiselic/structure.jsJavaScript library of useful data structures
2@silvenon/cbt-tunnelCreate a Local Connection for the CrossBrowserTesting app:arrow_upper_right:
2@msval/canvasoilpumpjackHTML5 Canvas Oil Pump Jack
2@dpskvn/simple-hooks-eventsA simple library for Hooks:arrow_upper_right:
2@perpaer/perpaerportfolio of mine
2@Gajotres/Ionic2ShareDataExamp…Ionic 2 Share Data Example
2@mabasic/flasknotesTechnology showcase for flask, sqlalchemy, backbone, jade templates, bootstrap and sqlite
2@aerkalov/ebook-web-readerE-Book Web Reader. Created for Booktype books but can be used separately to show static or books in EPUB format.:arrow_upper_right:
2@Gajotres/IonicMotionDetection…This is a demo for ngCordova + Ionic Motion Detection
2@Gajotres/IonicAdMobDemoThis is Ionic Framework AdMob demo application
2@zappan/mean-boilerplateMEAN stack boilerplate with build procedures in place


905@dmilicic/Android-Clean-Boiler…This is starter template for writing Android apps using Clean architecture
245@dmilicic/android-clean-sample…A sample app that showcases our Clean architecture approach to build Android applications.
63@rkovacevic/JSFBootstrapJBoss JSF 2 webapp archetype + Twitter Bootstrap:arrow_upper_right:
9@ilx/m2e-querydslm2e configurer for querydsl:arrow_upper_right:
5@mstipanov/niocommunicatorJava Nio Communicator
3@mstipanov/nioinvokerSpring Framework RMI NIO Invoker
3@ilx/m2e-annotationsm2e configurer for annotation processors (apt):arrow_upper_right:
2@mrPjer/KSET.org-for-AndroidA native Android client for Klub Studenata Elektrotehnike (KSET)'s webpage:arrow_upper_right:
2@jmarkovic/SupportAnnotationExa…Examples for many available annotations in Support Annotation package, complete with comments and javadoc explaining how to use them and when.
2@dmilicic/Android-Bluetooth-Sc…This is an open source bluetooth scanner for Android. It serves me as a boilerplate for building apps that interact with Bluetooth devices.
2@KarloKnezevic/FuzzyControlSystemFuzzy, Evolutionary and Neuro-computing. Fuzzy Control Ship System.
2@rkovacevic/ClasspathUtilUtility methods for searching classes in the Java classpath.


153@dajuric/dot-imagingMinimalistic .NET imaging portable platform
139@dajuric/accord-net-extension…Advanced image processing and computer vision algorithms made as fluent extensions and built for portability
69@anakic/JotJot is a library for persisting and applying application data (window locations and sizes, config settings, last entered data e.g. username etc.) in a consistend developer-friendly way.:arrow_upper_right:
16@ShendoXT/memcardrexAdvanced PlayStation Memory Card editor
10@dajuric/more-collectionsProvides a set of portable collections installable as source files via NuGet.
10@holisticware-admin/MonoVersal.AForgeNETMonoversal (universal) port of AForge.NET library to Windows Phone, Mono for Android and MonoTouch
9@moljac/MonoMobile.DialogMonoTouch.Dialog and MonoDroid.Dialog merged
8@moljac/MonoMobile.Google.GD…Google.GData port for mobile platforms
8@cartman300/SFMLTextBufferTextBuffers for SFML
8@spideyfusion/akibaA small utility for adjusting the resolution and framerate in AKIBA'S TRIP.
7@cartman300/gluacGMod lua equivalent of luac
7@cartman300/HackeryMaking the .NET runtime do stuff it's not even supposed to do!
7@filipkristo/LocalPasswordsWindows 10 UWP password manager
6@tpetrina/wp8-helpersHelper classes and asemblies for Windows Phone 8
6@cartman300/PeeperA screen recording software that doesn't spy on you (probably)!
5@anakic/Thingie.TrackingA library for persisting and applying object settings (i.e. window locations and sizes, user preferences, settings...). An alternative approach to using .settings and .config files.:arrow_upper_right:
5@dsoronda/AspNet.Identity.Dapp…AspNet.Identity implemented using Dapper micro ORM
5@tpetrina/FastSharpA new interactive C# editor designed for quick prototyping in mind.
4@moljac/Xamarin.UberTestersXamarin.UberTesters SDK bindings + upload APi
3@longspear/blaze-serverBattlefield 3 LAN emulator
3@moljac/System.DiagnosticsSystem.Diagnostics when missing ... (some MT and MA projects)
3@khorvat/DIPracticeLayeredArc…Layered Architecture - Dependency Injection in Practice
3@moljac/MonoMobile.SharpSNMPSharpSNMP port for MonoMobile (MonoTOuch and MonoForAndroid)
3@moljac/MonoVersalSharpSeria…SharpSerializer ports to MonoForAndroid, MonoTouch, WindowsPhone
3@cartman300/RuntimePInvokePInvoke at runtime for .NET
3@cartman300/gmsv_gsharp_win32Garry's Mod pure C# binary module proof of concept.
3@moljac/HolisticWare.IDEHolisticWare tools (item and project templates, code snippets/templates) for Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio
2@vjekob/NAV-Assembly-Resolve…Assembly Resolver utility for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2@gboduljak/Android-ToolkitV2Android Toolkit is an app for an Android device managment and modification. It has built in ADB Tools, Fastboot Tools and custom recovery flasher and much more. There is also support for remote ADB control. Version V2 is being written in MVVM for perfomance, architecture and code improvement .
2@cartman300/NotFuckingMinecraftVoxel engine thingy done in C# and OpenTK and stuff.
2@tpetrina/ImagingAppsApplications that use Nokia Imaging SDK and/or work with images
2@cartman300/Lua.NETLua(JIT) for .NET using P/Invoke
2@moljac/MonoTouch.SamplesMonoTouch Samples
2@tpetrina/wp-helpersCollection of various helpers for Windows Phone


64@marioloncarek/megamenu-jsLast responsive megamenu you'll ever need
7@marioloncarek/responsive-overlay-m…Framework for making responsive overlay menus


35@LorDClockaN/LorDmodUECM7 Ace kernel 2.6.35 from official source (by Cyanogenmod team) patched to extreme
6@dmarion/freebsd-armv6FreeBSD/arm on ARMv6/ARMv7
4@loboris/RePhone_on_LinuxRePhone develpment on Linux with Eclipse
3@LorDClockaN/LorDNeo_2639HTC OneX kernel for Sense
2@LorDClockaN/LorDmodSagaDesire S kernel
2@dmarion/xnuApple Darwin xnu Kernel:arrow_upper_right:
2@dmarion/flash32wFlash tool for STM32W based boards


10@antrad/If_Quake_2_Was_2DA Quake 2D demo I made in 2012 using MUG engine
4@kicho/CataclysmTEST - MaNGOS repo supporting Cataclysm Expansion (4.0.3-13329)
4@krofna/Warrior-of-Dreamworl…Warrior of Dreamworld is 2D Massivly Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game with Real-time combat
3@kicho/mangosBasically my test repo playground containing various custom fixes
2@kicho/ScriptDev2SD2 modified to work along with my "mangos" repo (github.com/kicho/mangos)
2@srdanrasic/OpenCLWrapperA simple OpenCL Wrapper created for a seminar project.


55@justpinegames/QuadtreeSprite-Exten…QuadtreeSprite extensions for Starling. Enables efficient handling of large number of children DisplayObjects.
15@Vj3k0/robotlegs-bender-exa…S(tarling), A(way3D), R(obotlegs 2), S(ignalCommandMap extension) integration example
7@justpinegames/ModiAS3 MVC model library for defining application data with serialization and observing.
3@Vj3k0/robotlegs-extensions…A set of extensions for Robotlegs 2 to support usage with the Starling framework.


3@srolija/node-passkitPassbook passes with PassKit (http://www.passkit.com) API made easy


35@minus5/gofreetdsGo Sql Server database driver.
8@mkasner/butlerExecute commands through SSH in Golang
3@stratoberry/go-gpsdGPSD client for Go.
2@vedranvuk/stringsAdditional string parsing functions for golang
2@mkasner/dropsWrite HTML5 applications in Golang


12@jsnajder/genprogGenetic programming library
2@jsnajder/hofmHigher-order functional morphology
2@vjeranc/moanLanguage-agnostic analyzer for positional morphosyntactic tags
2@vjeranc/concraft-hrA part-of-speech tagger for Croatian based on the concraft library.


323@lukagabric/LASIImageViewiOS UIImageView subclass - download image with different progress indicators:arrow_upper_right:
199@lukagabric/LTransitionImageViewiOS Image View with transition between images:arrow_upper_right:
94@lukagabric/LBorderViewiOS UIView with dashed or solid line border:arrow_upper_right:
58@lukagabric/LEffectLabeliOS Text Label With Effect:arrow_upper_right:
45@lukagabric/LPlaceholderTextViewUITextView subclass with placeholder text:arrow_upper_right:
36@lukagabric/LGDragDropiOS Drag&Drop in Objective-C and Swift 2.0:arrow_upper_right:
27@Planet1107/PNTToolbarSimple class which adds Safari like toolbar to keyboard and handles switching between input fields.
27@lukagabric/LGLinearFlowiOS Collection View linear flow layout with zoom effect and variable page size; Swift 2.0 and ObjC:arrow_upper_right:
21@lukagabric/LTimeriOS Timer:arrow_upper_right:
18@lukagabric/LFilterViewiOS Filter View - Checkbox and Radio:arrow_upper_right:
18@lukagabric/LRouteControllerSimple class to get and draw route with optional waypoints using Google Maps SDK for iOS.:arrow_upper_right:
13@bozidarsevo/sprite-kit-pongPong game made with Sprite Kit
12@lukagabric/LargeDatasetSampleiOS Large Dataset Sample - Core Data and NSFetchedResultsController with search (like Contacts in Phone application):arrow_upper_right:
11@lukagabric/LHelperiOS Helper Methods And Class Extensions:arrow_upper_right:
7@bozidarsevo/regular-rect-sktextu…SKTexture Regular Rect Coordinates Subtexture
7@bozidarsevo/sprite-kit-breakoutSprite Kit Breakout
5@lukagabric/WordFinderGraph theory - Objective C Breadth-first search example:arrow_upper_right:
5@brbulic/TracerouteTesterA simple iOS app with support to traceroute.
3@lukagabric/LTranslationsControl…iOS Translations Controller handles application localization with remote localization files.
2@lukagabric/LAbstractParseriOS Abstract Parser:arrow_upper_right:


38@dpavlin/perl-cwmpPerl ACS server implementing CWMP protocol to manage CPE clients:arrow_upper_right:
25@dpavlin/perl-Redis-obsoleteperl binding for Redis database - latest development is in melo's repository:arrow_upper_right:
22@dpavlin/Printer-ZebraZebra label printer ZPL interpreter and rasterizator:arrow_upper_right:
14@dpavlin/perl-Mifare-MADpretty print Mifare Classic MAD - Mifare Application Directory from dump files:arrow_upper_right:
12@dpavlin/angular-mojoliciousREST JSONP server for using mojolicious and CouchDB:arrow_upper_right:
10@dpavlin/Biblio-SIP2Simple 3M SIP2 Standard Interchange Protocol implementation in perl
9@dpavlin/Biblio-Z3950scrape web catalogs and serve them with Z39.50 server:arrow_upper_right:
7@dpavlin/Biblio-RFIDperl tools to use different RFID readers for library use:arrow_upper_right:
5@dpavlin/MojoFacetsServer-side facet browsing using Mojolicious and jQuery UI:arrow_upper_right:
5@dpavlin/bak-gitSimple tracking of remote files in central git repository with only shell, netcat, rsync and ssh on client:arrow_upper_right:
5@dpavlin/KohaLocal chages for FFZG which we done in Koha. Please see upstream repository for official version ---- Koha is a free software integrated library system. Koha is distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later. Please read the file LICENSE for more details.:arrow_upper_right:
4@dpavlin/snmp-jsonpull data from SNMP into JSON
4@dpavlin/Printer-EVOLISpixel-exact driver for EVOLIS Dualys two-side card printer in perl:arrow_upper_right:
3@dpavlin/MojoX-Gearmanexperimental Gearman support for Mojolicious
2@dpavlin/sql-sitemapCreate (huge) sitemap for web crawlers using SQL queries
2@dpavlin/google-map-tilesGoogle map data layer using custom tiles:arrow_upper_right:


170@Swader/nofwA no-framework application skeleton
112@ivanweiler/Inchoo_FacebookFacebook Connect Magento Extension
112@btoplak/Joomla-Anti-Malware-…a Joomla! and WordPress Security script that automatically scans the Joomla! or Wordpress files for some patterns and "fingerprints" of malware, trojans or other injections into PHP code
106@zytzagoo/smtp-validate-emailA PHP class for performing email addresses validation via SMTP
50@ihabunek/phormiumPhormium is a minimal ORM for PHP (which incidentally works with Informix)
50@Swader/homestead_improvedA un upgraded fork of the original Laravel Homestead
47@lecterror/cakephp-filter-plugi…A general filtering/search plugin for CakePHP apps:arrow_upper_right:
38@Swader/autofightA text based extensible "game" - an auto-fight script
29@Swader/diffbot-php-clientThe official Diffbot client library
27@lecterror/cakephp-fusion-chart…A FusionCharts plugin for CakePHP:arrow_upper_right:
24@ajzele/Inchoo_LoginAsCustom…Magento extension that enables admin users to login as any customer on the frontend.
19@ivanweiler/Inchoo_StripeStripe payment gateway Magento extension
18@Swader/RESTSitePoint Example Code - Vito Tardia - Full REST API
17@MatejB/rimrim - php library to get image types and size of remote images in optimized way
17@Swader/phalanxA starter app with Phalcon and Angular.
16@ihabunek/pdf417-phpA library for encoding and generating PDF417 2D barcodes
12@ajzele/Inchoo_AdminOrderNot…Magento extension that enables email notifications towards various emails when customer places the order. Useful when you want your personell notified that some customer just placed the order. Supports transactional email.
11@ajzele/Inchoo_PiwikMagento extension for Piwik - Open Source Website Analytics Software (http://piwik.org)
10@ajzele/Inchoo_TwitterConnec…Magento extension for "Sign in with Twitter" aka "Twitter Connect". Check https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/sign-t… for more details on how "Sign in with Twitter" works.
10@ajzele/Inchoo_OwaMagento extension for Open Web Analytics (http://www.openwebanalytics.com)
9@ajzele/Inchoo_LoggerRead you /var/logs/ from within Magento. Supports API access.
9@ihabunek/isaacSave game parser for Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
9@ajzele/Inchoo_FiskalizacijaMagento extension for Croatian fiscalization law.
9@Swader/bitfalls_utilsA set of helper classes I use in my web projects
7@lecterror/cakephp-feedback-plu…Add comments and star ratings to your existing CakePHP applications with ease.
6@Swader/ciplusplusCodeIgniter with layouting and widget functionality and built in Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5 Boilerplate
5@ajzele/Inchoo_TComPayWayMagento extension for Croatian T-Com PayWay payment gateway.
5@ivanweiler/Weiler_FireLoggerSimple Magento FireLogger integration
5@ajzele/Inchoo_AdminThemeMagento extension. Overrides the default Magento admin theme app/design/adminhtml/default/default with your own theme app/design/adminhtml/default/your-theme-…
4@ajzele/Foggyline_CctoolbarThis extension will allow you to do slight modifications to catalog toolbar, such as merge/combine "Sort by" and "order", custom labels for "Sort by", etc. This extension was originally built and tested on Magento CE v1.8.1.0.
4@ajzele/Inchoo_MaxOrderAmoun…Magento extension. Adds the possibility to limit the maximum order amount.
4@ajzele/Foggyline_MailchimpLight (one mailing list subscribe/unsubscribe with web-hooks) Mailchimp extension for Magento
3@tomislav/csquare-phpC-square (concise spatial query and representation system) implementation in PHP
3@ajzele/Foggyline_WatchdogConfigurable Magento v1.x extension for logging user and/or customer actions (frontend and backend).
3@ihabunek/starshipA static site generator in PHP
3@ajzele/Inchoo_PersonaMagento extension for Mozilla Persona - decentralized and secure authentication system for the web based on the open BrowserID protocol (http://persona.org).
2@ivanweiler/asciimage-phpPHP version of ASCIImage
2@lecterror/cakephp-naive-bayes-…A CakePHP plugin for text classification:arrow_upper_right:
2@ajzele/Inchoo_FoxMetricsMagento extension for FoxMetrics - Customer Analytics and Targeting (http://foxmetrics.com)
2@ajzele/B05032-Foggyline_Sli…Module covering book code
2@ajzele/Inchoo_MyCheckOutImplementation of PBZ MyCheckOut payment gateway.
2@ihabunek/tactician-pimpleAllows lazy loading of Tactician command handlers from a Pimple DI container.
2@ihabunek/phormium-modgenModel class generator for Phormium


541@aljosa/django-tinymceTinyMCE integration for Django:arrow_upper_right:
238@tkrajina/gpxpygpx-py is a python GPX parser. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is a XML based file format for GPS track logs.
197@senko/python-video-convert…Python Video Converter (ffmpeg wrapper):arrow_upper_right:
174@senko/tornado-proxyAsyncronous HTTP proxy with tunnelling (CONNECT) support
97@senko/dj-skeletorA skeleton Django project
67@tkrajina/srtm.pyGeo elevation data parser for "The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission" data
53@tkrajina/git-plusGit utilities
43@LukaSikic/HaCoder.pyFUD Backdoor Generator / Remote Administration Tool
12@tkrajina/cartesiusSimple python library for drawing coordinate system images and graphs
9@senko/python-loggerA convenience wrapper for Python's logging module:arrow_upper_right:
9@tkrajina/multi-gitgit plugin that enables you to execute a single git command on multiple repositories
9@aljosa/django-autoslug-fiel…AutoSlugField for Django based on django-extensions AutoSlugField, adds option to track parent field for slug.
8@senko/python-cli-runnerCommand line runner wrapper for Python:arrow_upper_right:
5@dinoperovic/django-shop-catalogCatalog app for django SHOP
5@tkrajina/echo-http-requestsGoogleAppEngine app that can be used to test http requests expected on a predefined url when you don't have a publicly available IP address. It is available on http://echo-http-requests.appspot.com
5@dkorunic/rpi-home-sensorsRaspberry Pi temperature, humidity and pressure graphing and storing
5@modulec/aptopApache Top like cli program
4@dkorunic/simple-dns-idsYet Another Simple DNS IDS System
4@tkrajina/Save-layers-as-image…GIMP plugin to save layers as images in GIMP
4@aljosa/django-verbatimDjango template block tag which renders template syntax characters within the block as normal text.:arrow_upper_right:
4@dinoperovic/djangocms-blogitSimple django-cms blog app
3@aljosa/django-tinymce-photo…this project is DEAD so don't use it, something better is in the works
3@aljosa/django-jqueryDjango app - bundles jQuery for django-staticfiles
3@corazza/Gravitonn-body simulator in Python:arrow_upper_right:
3@corazza/optimize-glassOptimization of glass shapes (Petnica International project):arrow_upper_right:
3@tkrajina/gaeutilsUtility for GoogleAppEngine
2@dinoperovic/djangocms-skeletorBoilerplate django CMS project setup
2@aljosa/django-facebook-exte…Django application with various extensions targeting Facebook APIs
2@dperetin/Nessus-XMLRPCNessus XMLRPC Python Module and CLI
2@aljosa/muchi.memuchi.me - api kod
2@senko/pcssThe Python CSS preprocessor
2@tkrajina/cmd-toolsMy personal utility command line tools
2@lpredova/pybookieHelper tool for betting on football matches based on multi agent approach
2@senko/googtextTranslate .po files using Google Translate:arrow_upper_right:
2@tkrajina/simple-py-nnHopfield neural network in python. This is a plain rewrite of the algorithm in Mark Thompson book JavaAI (http://www.markwatson.com/opencontent/)… Just for testing purposes.


218@vlado/rails_db_infoRails engine which will give you a quick display of your database schema and contents for reference
100@elvanja/jenkins-gitlab-hook-…Enables Gitlab web hooks to be used to trigger SMC polling on Gitlab projects
29@vlado/open_exchange_ratesRuby gem for currency conversion based on Open Exchange Rates API
18@vlado/remote_forgery_prote…Rails plugin that automatically adds authenticity token to Ajax request
16@vlado/rails_javascript_logRails engine (asset gem) containing Adam Schwartz's javascript logging library
14@vlado/rails_temporary_dataRails engine to simply save temporary data that is too big for session in database
9@zeljkofilipin/watir-nokogiriSpeeding up watir-webdriver with nokogiri.
6@ianic/mssqlMS Sql Server shell client
6@elvanja/codilityVarious Codility excercises
5@vlado/rindeedRuby wrapper around Indeed Web Services (XML interface).
5@zeljkofilipin/pacmanAutomating Google Pacman
5@vlado/sexy_buttonsSexy styled buttons for your Rails app with themes generator
4@xajler/algorithms-rbThe Algorithms from Coursera course Algorithms, Part I by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne written in Ruby.
4@vlado/divisibleRuby gem useful in case you need to find out if one number is divisible by another
4@shime/sinatrifyMake Rails controller actions look like Sinatra routes
3@zeljkofilipin/set-game-rbPlaying Set game with Ruby and Selenium:arrow_upper_right:
2@elvanja/gedankenexperimentvarious musings about a variety of topics
2@bruno-/easy-chef-railsEasily install Rails server environments with Chef
2@vlado/interceptorRails plugin that enables you to check if some process is running and to send signals to that process:arrow_upper_right:
2@berislavbabic/Band-notifierRails application for tracking music gigs for a band, and email notifying members.
2@zmajstor/rails_5_api_react_jsRails 5 alpha API for React.js with Twitter OAuth:arrow_upper_right:
2@vlado/spree_shop_sociallySpree extension for http://shopsocial.ly


55@spark-in-action/first-editionThe book's repo:arrow_upper_right:
31@melezov/scala-uuidAn optimized Scala wrapper for java.util.UUID - inspired by scala-time
6@melezov/pgscalaPostgreSQL JDBC wrapper for Scala
4@mentat-labs/sbt-nsaNo Strings Attached - Strongly typed compiler options for SBT
4@melezov/etbSome commonly used utilities for scala.
2@cehtunger/mailerScala + Lift framework for sending emails
2@tferega/format-nazyTabs must die.
2@melezov/xsbt-batshXSBT Batch and Bash creator
2@melezov/xsbt-pauseTiny XSBT plugin which adds pause functionality


6@fffilo/ubuntu-after-installExecute bash scripts after fresh Ubuntu install
5@ffzg/ganeti-extstorage-zf…Experimental Ganeti extstorage provider for ZFS volumes
3@iturcino/docker-filesDocker files
3@fffilo/vasiteVirtual machine for web development
2@akrasic/i3-configi3-configuration files
2@fffilo/gitsoundPlay sound on git command


90@marinbenc/ReactiveWeatherExamp…A simple iOS weather app using the MVVM pattern and RxSwift framework.
2@marinbenc/Starscream-RxSwiftA lightweight extension to Starscream to suscribe to websocket events with RxSwift


5@fer-ppj/ppj-labosiLaboratorijske vježbe iz predmeta Prevođenje programskih jezika
3@fer-ppj/ppj-uputeInformacije o predmetu Prevođenje programskih jezika:arrow_upper_right:

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. :tea:
  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6


Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău


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