1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-denmark v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Denmark

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A list of neat projects made in Denmark



3880@luis-almeida/unveilA very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images
3763@mafintosh/peerflixStreaming torrent client for node.js
1324@bramstein/fontfaceobserverFont load events, simple, small and efficient:arrow_upper_right:
1290@mafintosh/mongojsNode.js module that implements the offical mongo api:arrow_upper_right:
1287@mafintosh/playbackVideo player built using electron and node.js:arrow_upper_right:
1209@mafintosh/torrent-streamThe low level streaming torrent engine that peerflix uses
1170@mafintosh/chromecastsQuery your local network for Chromecasts and have them play media
1022@mafintosh/torrent-mountMount a torrent (or magnet link) as a filesystem in real time using torrent-stream and fuse. AKA MAD SCIENCE!
1013@paldepind/snabbdomA virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.
804@paldepind/flydThe minimalistic but powerful, modular, functional reactive programming library in JavaScript.
730@jseidelin/pixasticJavaScript Image Processing Library:arrow_upper_right:
658@saebekassebil/teoriaJavascript taught Music Theory:arrow_upper_right:
649@luis-almeida/filtrifyBeautiful advanced tag filtering with HTML5 and jQuery
616@luis-almeida/jPagesClient side pagination with jQuery and CSS3
564@mafintosh/airpasteA 1-1 network pipe that auto discovers other peers using mdns
544@mafintosh/is-my-json-validA JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast
542@paldepind/functional-frontend-…A functional frontend framework.
489@bramstein/trmixapply CSS based on your browser's text rendering engine:arrow_upper_right:
436@bramstein/typesetTeX line breaking algorithm in JavaScript
414@mafintosh/why-is-node-runningNode is running but you don't know why? why-is-node-running is here to help you.
404@bramstein/hypherA fast and small JavaScript hyphenation engine
402@kasperisager/sails-generate-authGenerate a Passport.js authentication layer for your Sails app that will Rock Your Socks™ No longer maintained:arrow_upper_right:
384@mafintosh/protocol-buffersProtocol Buffers for Node.js
363@raix/pushPush notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox):arrow_upper_right:
361@mafintosh/hyperdriveA file sharing network based on rabin file chunking and append only feeds of data verified by merkle trees.
321@mafintosh/webcatMad science p2p pipe across the web using webrtc that uses your Github private/public key for authentication and a signalhub for discovery
298@bramstein/fontloaderA fontloader polyfill
298@mickhansen/graphql-sequelizeGraphQL & Relay for MySQL & Postgres via Sequelize
278@mafintosh/peercasttorrent-stream + chromecast
269@mafintosh/torrent-dockerMAD SCIENCE realtime boot of remote docker images using bittorrent
255@mafintosh/hyperlogMerkle DAG that replicates based on scuttlebutt logs and causal linking
254@mafintosh/hyperfsA content-addressable union file system build on top of fuse, hyperlog, leveldb and node
241@bramstein/jlayoutJavaScript layout algorithms:arrow_upper_right:
239@mafintosh/peerwikiall of wikipedia on bittorrent
232@raix/Meteor-handlebar-hel…Handy handlers for Meteor handlebars:arrow_upper_right:
212@mafintosh/signalhubSimple signalling server that can be used to coordinate handshaking with webrtc or other fun stuff.
210@paldepind/union-typeA small JavaScript library for defining and using union types.
199@mafintosh/csv-parserStreaming csv parser inspired by binary-csv that aims to be faster than everyone else
191@mafintosh/pumppipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
190@mafintosh/respawnSpawn a process and restart it if it crashes
189@Munter/grunt-reduceA grunt kitchen that reduces your web ingredients down to their essence for optimal serving. Bon appétit!
169@raix/Meteor-famonoAdds library bundler to Meteor use with Famo.us demo at::arrow_upper_right:
151@paldepind/synceddbMakes it easy to write offline-first applications with realtime syncing and server side persistence.
150@bramstein/funcyAn experiment in adding functional pattern matching to JavaScript
150@paldepind/dffptchA micro library for diffing and patching JSON objects using a compact diff format
148@mafintosh/hypercoreHypercore is a protocol and network for distributing and replicating feeds of binary data.
146@mafintosh/poloPolo is a zero configuration service discovery module written completely in Javascript.
134@mafintosh/tar-fsfs bindings for tar-stream
128@mafintosh/tar-streamtar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator.
125@Munter/hyperlinkA node library and command line tool to test the integrity of your internal an external hyperlinks
120@mafintosh/webrtc-swarmCreate a swarm of p2p connections using webrtc and a signalhub
115@mafintosh/multicast-dnsLow level multicast-dns implementation in pure javascript
108@mafintosh/mp4-streamStreaming mp4 encoder and decoder
100@mafintosh/airswarmNetwork swarm that automagically discovers other peers on the network using multicast dns
99@mafintosh/deejayMusic player that broadcasts to everyone on the same network
90@ThomasBS/domainzterDomainzter is a self-hosted domain control panel - a simple web app to keep track of domains.
85@Munter/assetvizAssetviz is a web application code base visualization tool. Generate a self encapsulated html-file with a force directed graph representing the assets in your project and their relations.
84@freeall/single-line-logOutput one line and move to beginning of line. Useful for progress bars and counters with no breaks in the terminal
81@mickhansen/dottie.jsFast and safe nested object access and manipulation in JavaScript
78@freeall/progress-streamRead the progress of a stream
78@bramstein/url-templateA JavaScript URI template implementation (RFC 6570 compliant)
73@daviferreira/react-sanfonaAccessible react accordion component:arrow_upper_right:
70@AndreasMadsen/traceCreates super long stack traces:arrow_upper_right:
67@raix/Meteor-EventEmitterClient and server event emitter
65@daviferreira/react-viewport-slide…react-viewport-slider is a react component (obviously) that displays a sequence of contents using 100% of the viewport with and height.:arrow_upper_right:
62@bramstein/promisA small embeddable Promise polyfill
59@daviferreira/twitter-bootstrap-ad…Admin interface using twitter bootstrap.
58@bramstein/opentypeAn OpenType, TrueType, WOFF, and WOFF2 parser in JavaScript
56@bramstein/bit-arrayJavaScript implementation of bit arrays.
54@papandreou/node-cldrnode.js library for extracting data from CLDR (the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository)
52@bramstein/stateofwebtypeUp-to-date data on support for type and typographic features on the web.:arrow_upper_right:
52@sorribas/tcp-spyTCP Proxy server for debugging.
47@bramstein/hyphenation-patternsHyphenation patterns for use with Hypher
43@saebekassebil/musicjsonParses and translates MusicXML to MusicJSON and back again
41@Munter/node-histogramJavascript histogram library that gives you a data structure describing your PNG/JPEG/GIF. Works in NodeJS and any canvas supporting browser. Added bonus: Exports AMD module in the browser if require.js is loaded, otherwise falls back to exposing histogram on window.
41@cyberglot/bradocA node module to gen, validate and format Brazilian documents' numbers (aka CPF/CNPJ).
40@mickhansen/ssacl-attribute-role…Simple attribute whitelisting/blacklisting with roles for Sequelize
38@bramstein/jsizesjQuery CSS size properties plugin:arrow_upper_right:
37@AndreasMadsen/clarifyRemove nodecore related stack trace noise
37@papandreou/express-processimageExpress middleware that processes served images according to the query string
37@bramstein/text-overflowjQuery Text Overflow plugin:arrow_upper_right:
35@paldepind/functionizeA library which aids in making any JavaScript library more functional.
33@raix/Meteor-EventDDPA server and client event package, events via ddp:arrow_upper_right:
33@paldepind/KranAn entity system written in JavaScript.
31@papandreou/node-pngquantThe pngquant utility as a readable/writable stream
29@dreamineering/start.ionicgulp sass browserify angular ionic
28@papandreou/node-inkscapeThe inkscape utility as a readable/writable stream
27@daviferreira/viewport-sliderViewportSlider is a pure JavaScript implementation of Apple's product page showcase:arrow_upper_right:
26@sorribas/fully-connected-topo…Node module to create a network with a fully connected topology.
26@raix/docmeteorA mix of java like annotations and literal markdown for meteor package documentation:arrow_upper_right:
25@AndreasMadsen/stack-chainAPI for combining call site modifiers
25@Munter/unexpected-domDOM plugin for the unexpected assertion libary
24@bramstein/jslintJSLint: The JavaScript Quality Tool, command line version (Node.js)
23@saebekassebil/piuInfer/Recognize chords from collections of notes
23@AndreasMadsen/dprofSync but mostly async profiling and visualizing done dynamically
22@sorribas/after-allCall several asynchronous functions and invoke a callback 'after all' of them are done.
22@bramstein/junifyJUnify ― JavaScript Unification Library:arrow_upper_right:
22@freeall/redis-eventemitterRedis pubsub using an event emitter for node.js
22@AndreasMadsen/immortalDeprecated: Daemon tool made in pure javascript
21@freeall/domboA very thin layer on top of the DOM to make working with the DOM much easier. Also include some extra jquery-like features to work with events and classes.
20@freeall/create-repositoryAutomatically creates and sets up a new github repository
20@cyberglot/heartReact component to easily add Made with ♥ to your project/whatever.:arrow_upper_right:
20@papandreou/interA JavaScript locale library based on information extracted from the Unicode CLDR database
19@papandreou/node-pngcrushThe pngcrush utility as a readable/writable stream
18@papandreou/node-optipngThe optipng utility as a readable/writable stream
18@freeall/currency-codesNode.js module to work with currency codes based on ISO 4217
18@saebekassebil/subitoA music engraver framework in JavaScript
17@bramstein/knockout.selectionA selection binding for Knockout.js
17@bramstein/datrieA JavaScript Double Array Trie
16@daviferreira/jquery-sticky-columnjQuery plugin that allow you add sticky sidebars to your content.:arrow_upper_right:
16@Munter/express-systemjs-tra…Express middleware to speed up systemjs development loads by running translations serverside
16@bramstein/knockout.dragdropA HTML5 drag and drop binding for Knockout.
16@raix/Meteor-handlebar-bin…Handlebar helpers for twoway binding templates to collection
16@cyberglot/eventick.jsJavaScript wrapper around Eventick's API.
16@bramstein/node-typekitA minimal Typekit API client in Node.js
16@paldepind/sync-promiseUltra compact synchronized promise implementation. Promises/A+ incompliant. Works inside IdexedDB transactions.
16@cyberglot/iamworkingnode cli to log working hours
15@sorribas/send-jsonNode.js module to send objects as JSON over http.
15@jseidelin/wolf3dWolfenstein 3D HTML5
15@bramstein/javascriptVarious JavaScript projects & tools.
14@mickhansen/koa-sequelize-transa…Wrap all koa calls in a transaction
14@raix/Meteor-famous-timbreFamous Meteor Timbre example Famono Style...:arrow_upper_right:
13@sorribas/choppaNode.js module to chop a stream into specified size chunks.
13@saebekassebil/microphone-streamA stream of raw audio data from the microphone
13@Munter/todomvc-challengeChallenge: Use assetgraph to build every example app from TasteJS/TodoMVC
13@bramstein/unicode-tokenizerUnicode Tokenizer following the Unicode Line Breaking algorithm
13@bramstein/text-alignjQuery Text Alignment plugin:arrow_upper_right:
13@freeall/github-with-authGet started using the github in no time! Instantiates github module by using ghauth.
13@saebekassebil/fontviewerA part of the Subito Project. Providing an easy way to list all glyphs contained by a SVG font file.
12@paldepind/dot-composeFunction composition with dot as a composition operator.
12@bramstein/tpoNext generation of browser typesetting
12@Munter/contentsecureA Content Security Policy auto generator
12@gausby/pursuitA Fast JavaScript Object Property Matching Language
12@bramstein/calcdepsA Node.js port of Google Closure library calcdeps.py
12@AndreasMadsen/dgram-emitterVery simple EventEmitter on top of a UDP server/client
12@AndreasMadsen/steerUse steer to control your chrome (the browser)
11@freeall/mtgjsonNode.js module that fetches AllSets.json from http://mtgjson.com and caches it so you are always sure to have the newest version.
11@AndreasMadsen/async-hookInspect the life of handle objects in node
10@graulund/secretdungeonemotesSecret Dungeon Emotes: A set of cool (in-joke) emoticons that you can use anywhere on Twitch.
10@daviferreira/react-component-star…This is supposed to be a simple starter-kit for creating Open Source React Components
10@sorribas/onstopDetect when a recurring event has stopped happening, given a time interval.
10@bramstein/js-preprocessJavaScript Preprocessor:arrow_upper_right:
10@AndreasMadsen/execspawnspawn stream for child_process.exec
10@sorribas/submongojssub-sections of mongodb databases with mongojs
10@bramstein/fonzieA tiny @font-face loader
10@saebekassebil/react-counterSimple incremental counter with easings
10@sorribas/handlebars-streamThrough stream that renders objects with handlebars templates.
10@Munter/expushExpress with spdy push of static assets and proxy passthrough for non-static assets
10@Munter/generator-npm-webappA full and clean frontend web workflow Yeoman generator with npm as task runner. Simple configuration, powerful preprocessing and image pipeline, livereload and a highly optimized production build output
10@freeall/tvcomA simple module for getting data from tv.com
10@sorribas/after-sequenceRun several async functions and run a callback when they are gone.
10@cyberglot/sapphireexperimental ruby-inspired macros for javascript.
10@raix/libraryFamono library
9@bramstein/phantomjs-typekitA simple demo of using Typekit with PhantomJS
9@bramstein/epub2tsePub to Treesaver conversion:arrow_upper_right:
9@AndreasMadsen/xorshiftRandom number generator using xorshift128+
9@AndreasMadsen/distributionsA collection of probability distribution functions
9@AndreasMadsen/tcpnetCreate zero config horizontal tcp cluster
9@paldepind/seamless-fantasyMake fantasy land seamlessly compatible with plain JavaScript data structures.
9@paldepind/ryterA tiny JavaScript router
9@AndreasMadsen/piccoloIsomorphic projection framework
9@saebekassebil/cordaA simple canvas chord symbol renderer
9@freeall/dependency-hunterFind node.js dependencies in github repositories
9@Munter/grunt-livestyleA static file development server with automated file watching, less/sass/jsx preprocessing, image preprocessing, autoprefixing and proxy passthrough
9@freeall/mtgtop8Get events and decks data from mtgtop8.com
9@saebekassebil/clavierRender magnificent piano keyboards with velvet borders and everything
9@graulund/superdAmnSuperdAmn is a userscript that implements tons of fixes for dAmn, the deviantART Message Network.
8@gausby/translitit-cyrillic-…A cyrilic russian to latin transliteration function written in JavaScript
8@cyberglot/superbirdsuperagent + bluebird = superbird :: promisified superanget for the greater good.
8@cyberglot/tsukiGraph data structure for JavaScript
8@saebekassebil/ftpkickSimply a module that kicks your folder out the door onto an FTP server
8@AndreasMadsen/flowerDeprecated: flowers is a collection of stream helpers
8@AndreasMadsen/mathfnSome basic but difficult to implement mathmatical functions
8@freeall/mtgjson-renderGenerates images from Magic: The Gathering card data based on the https://github.com/freeall/mtgjson format
8@papandreou/node-memoizeasyncYet another memoizer for async functions and methods
7@raix/Meteor-includeSmall prototype
7@saebekassebil/daccordForgiving music chord parser
7@paldepind/flyviewEfficient views powered by streams/ovservables/functional reactive properties.
7@raix/Meteor-CloudFSCloud version of CollectionFS - PROTOTYPE!!
7@bliker/scribe-plugin-image-…Simple prompt for creating images in Scribe
7@Munter/jspm-config-testA tool to run through your jspm config and check if all modules load without errors. Helps debug missing dependencies or shims
7@Munter/eztv-queryCommand line interface to search a specific episode of a TV-show on eztv.it
7@cyberglot/kakunaES6 promise wrapper around superagent.
6@raix/Meteor-rssfeedAdds basic support for rss feed v2.0
6@AndreasMadsen/ttestPerform the Student's t hypothesis test
6@AndreasMadsen/domstreamHTML manipulation with progressiv output stream
6@AndreasMadsen/editdistanceA much faster than the naĂŻve levenshtein distance algoritme
6@AndreasMadsen/talk-async-wrapTalk: Introduction to Async Wrap:arrow_upper_right:
6@anissen/rushA simple phaser game
6@raix/Meteor-localforageDEPRECATED - Use meteor 1.3 and the official Mozilla npm version instead
6@sorribas/lispjsA small lisp-like language that compiles to JavaScript
6@freeall/http-monitorCheck if a server is running. Both a module and an executable.
6@sorribas/receive-jsonNode.js module to receive JSON over an HTTP request.
6@papandreou/express-hijackrespon…Rewrite HTTP responses on their way out
6@AndreasMadsen/startpointConverts a single buffer or array of objects intro a stream
6@sorribas/length-prefixed-mess…Node.js module that reads and writes binary length prefixed messages.
5@raix/Meteor-jshintJSHINT for meteor
5@sorribas/mongo-write-streamNode.js module that creates a writable object stream to a mongodb collection.
5@gausby/ecouleThe Écoule static page engine core
5@graulund/GraphJSGraph theory drawing/editing/calculating app made in HTML5
5@sorribas/onstoptypingFire an event when a user stops typing on an input or textarea.
5@daviferreira/defprogrammingDjango app to show quotes about coding and programming.:arrow_upper_right:
5@Munter/webapp-skelWeb application skeleton directory set up for builds of webapps with Ext JS using assetgraph-builder
5@AndreasMadsen/interpretednode-tap wrapper for testing input/output functionality
5@AndreasMadsen/rfc-csvRFC 4180 CSV stream parser
5@papandreou/node-mountfsfs-compatible module with the ability to mount other fs-compatible modules at specific locations
5@gausby/rebelleStart a repl session with one or more modules loaded
5@Munter/episodeJavaScript utility function to find tv series season and episode numbers from a string
5@mickhansen/retry-as-promisedRetry a failed promise
5@paldepind/web-swipe-viewHorizontal swipe views for mobile web applications
4@papandreou/express-compilessExpress middleware that compiles less files to css on the way out.
4@Munter/JS-snippetsCollection of often used JS scripts
4@kasperisager/handlebars-specThe Handlebars.js specification converted to JSON, ready for cross-platform consumption.:arrow_upper_right:
4@freeall/funcle"We have the output, you have the input" - the algorithmic jeopardy game
4@kasperisager/metalsmith-mythMetalsmith plugin to preprocess CSS files with Myth.
4@cyberglot/neptunesuper simple full-text search for JavaScript.
4@cyberglot/ninetailsLayer Manager for your UI components
4@Munter/yify-queryFind torrent magnet links from the yify database directly from the command line or in your node modules
4@saebekassebil/erroneousA JavaScript live exception handler and logger
4@anissen/behaveBehavior Trees library written in CoffeeScript
4@AndreasMadsen/configmeSimplest possible configuration tool. without conflict - with defaulting!
4@gausby/priseA utility that finds plugins for NPM based frameworks.
4@Munter/playifyPlay movies from yify directly from the command line using torrentstream
4@paldepind/fake-rafA fake requestAnimationFrame perfect for unit testing.
4@Munter/bower-to-jspmUtility to help you migrate from bower to jspm. Finds packages on npm and github and generates jspm install command lines
4@AndreasMadsen/talk-tracing-toolTalk: Writing an asynchronous traceing tool
4@Munter/pipetteurA function to extract any colors from a string
4@sorribas/each-seriesAsynchronously iterate an array as a series in Node.js
4@steffentchr/bankletBookmarklet for importing bank account data across internet bank sites.
4@AndreasMadsen/feedfinderTransform stream there extracts feed links from a HTML page
4@AndreasMadsen/moduleboxnode.js like module environment in the browser
4@paldepind/flyd-objFunctions for working with stream in objects.
4@papandreou/assetgraph-middlewar…Express middleware for optimizing and manipulating HTML pages and their related assets while serving them
4@paldepind/flyd-forwardtoCreate a new stream that passes all values through a function and forwards them to a target stream.
4@Munter/pressableJavaScript representations of pressable keys that aren't text. These are stored in the Unicode PUA (Private Use Area) code points, 0xE000-0xF8FF.
4@Munter/ambitusA calendar interval controller
4@AndreasMadsen/riakdbriak client with stream interfaces using protocol buffers
4@AndreasMadsen/summaryTakes an array of numbers and calculates some descriptive statistics
4@daviferreira/releaseRelease is a JavaScript plugin that enables the execution of an action after the user keeps the mouse pressed for a custom amount of time.:arrow_upper_right:
4@Munter/ezflixPlay video directly from eztv torrents
3@raix/Meteor-date-pickerCross platform time and date picker UI helper
3@kasperisager/generator-javaGeneric Java generator with out-of-the-box support for Gradle, JUnit, Groovy Console, and Checkstyle.:arrow_upper_right:
3@nul800sebastiaan/CodeGarden2012Used in my CG12 talk "The ultimate deployment".
3@kasperisager/vanilla-mediumeditorAn entirely new editing experience for Vanilla using the MediumEditor plugin by Davi Ferreira.:arrow_upper_right:
3@nul800sebastiaan/Umbraco6ExamplesExamples of how you can use all the lovely features of Umbraco 6
3@Munter/LSB-improvementLĂĄn og Spar netbank forbedring via Chrome/Firefox userscript
3@Munter/node-color-commandoNothing but the bare naked color math. CLI owns a pretty color picker every time!
3@papandreou/node-cachedfsCaching wrapper for node.js' built-in fs module (or compatible)
3@papandreou/node-svgfilterA readable/writable stream that manipulates SVG files
3@Munter/toggleprintDefines a hotkey that can toggle your print stylesheets to be applied on your screen for fast print stylesheet iteration
3@Munter/buildfuA collection of CLI tools for improving web performance optimization and building webapps
3@anissen/8track-controllerChrome extension that lets you control your music on 8tracks without leaving your tab
3@lipis/lightboxYet another lightbox:arrow_upper_right:
3@paldepind/flyd-scanmergeFlyd module for conveniently merging and reducing several streams into one.
3@daviferreira/daviferreira.github.…GitHub Pages:arrow_upper_right:
3@paldepind/dnd-scrollProper edge scroll when dragging with HTML 5 drag and drop!
3@papandreou/express-extractheade…Express middleware for setting response headers based on tags in the response body
3@paldepind/flyd-filterFilter function for Flyd.
3@sorribas/print-dom-elementnpm module to print an HTML element. To be used with browserify.
3@paldepind/list-differenceFast algorithm for finding edits between lists.
3@sorribas/piechartAn HTML canvas piechart.
3@saebekassebil/mp3-concatTransform several mp3 stream into one
3@sorribas/jquery-ghostA fast, lightweight "ghost text" plugin for jQuery.
3@kasperisager/docpad-plugin-treeDocPad plugin that when given a collection will construct a hierarchical tree of documents. Perfect for navigation menus!:arrow_upper_right:
3@freeall/mtg-printerNice shell interface for generating images from Magic: The Gathering card data based on the https://github.com/freeall/mtgjson format.
3@kasperisager/generator-vanillaA Yeoman generator for Vanilla that will make your Application, Plugin, and Theme development a breeze.:arrow_upper_right:
3@AndreasMadsen/cahierstatic file conversion, writing and reading
3@raix/Meteor-localforage-w…DEPRECATED - Use meteor 1.3 and the official Mozilla npm version instead
3@AndreasMadsen/druggedPrototypal extendable HTTP router with domain integration
3@raix/Meteor-pageviewAdds PageView
3@saebekassebil/pitch-fqCalculate the frequency of a note coord
3@mickhansen/genymotion.jsLaunch Genymotion player from node.js and wait for it to be as booted as possible.
3@daviferreira/fillintheblanksJavascript Fill In The Blanks generator:arrow_upper_right:
3@kasperisager/vanilla-bootstrapmar…Editor plugin for Vanilla using the Bootstrap Markdown jQuery plugin.:arrow_upper_right:
2@kasperisager/vanilla-wordcountProvides word and character counts when composing discussions and comments in Vanilla.:arrow_upper_right:
2@anissen/ld34Entry for Ludum Dare 34, "Growing"
2@raix/md5FastMD5 by @iReal based on Joseph Myers`s high-performance md5. (wrapped for meteor) | :arrow_upper_right:
2@raix/Meteor-mrtbulkreleas…Easier to publish packages for Meteor
2@kasperisager/hamming-lshAn implementation of locality-sensitive hashing for Hamming space
2@jseidelin/extbufferExtends the Buffer object with additional convenience functions
2@graulund/tppcommandsHelping you press what you want on the touch screen in Twitch Plays Pokemon by converting commands into coordinates
2@raix/Meteor-localforage-i…DEPRECATED - Use meteor 1.3 and the official Mozilla npm version instead
2@sorribas/mongoexpressgenSmall generators for APIs and CRUDS with Express and MongoDB
2@sorribas/parse-mongo-urlParse mongodb connection strings.
2@kasperisager/smk-data-explorerExperimental web front-end to the "Statens Museum for Kunst" Solr-backed database.:arrow_upper_right:
2@nul800sebastiaan/UmbracoProductivityE…Umbraco Productivity Chrome Extension
2@kasperisager/doemA functional DOM traversal and manipulation library for modern browsers
2@cyberglot/romantiqueHow about converting Roman to Arabic?
2@paldepind/planetsimulatorA physical simulation of planetary motion written in JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
2@cyberglot/visubertesting out react-vis from uber
2@gausby/pursuit-coreA framework for building Fast JavaScript Object Property Matching Languages
2@mickhansen/koa-ssaclEasily set the ssacl actor from koa
2@gausby/math-problemA solution to the math problem that preschool children can solve within minutes, programmers within hours (because they have to set up unit tests) (This is a joke)
2@raix/npm-meteor-checkCheck whether a value matches a pattern library from Meteor made compatible for Nodejs and Browserify
2@Munter/colorcatDemo: CSS3 nyan cat with color adjustment inputs using One-color.js
2@daviferreira/tablelessArtigos/Exemplos do Tabless:arrow_upper_right:
2@Munter/requirejs-istanbulRequireJS plugin to instrument modules with Istanbul for code coverage
2@sorribas/spyglassWeb interface for hms
2@Munter/www.browserling.comBuild system experiment using www.browserling.com as an example
2@daviferreira/dfcom-take-1My portfolio:arrow_upper_right:
2@paldepind/flyd-liftLift function for Flyd.
2@daviferreira/jquery_drag_and_dropExemplo de funcionamento de uma interface drag and drop com jQuery.:arrow_upper_right:
2@gausby/bon-etatBon Ă©tat - a finite state machine.
2@daviferreira/smartbarsmartbar is a sticky navbar/header that appears only when the user scrolls up:arrow_upper_right:
2@papandreou/passerrorSimple helper for handling error and success with two different callbacks
2@freeall/thinkA small puzzle game
2@papandreou/stubbornizeasyncHelper for making an async function stubborn (retry the operation on failure)
2@papandreou/node-gettemporaryfil…Generate temporary file names in your OS' temporary dir
2@freeall/trendFind out how a chart (array of values) are trending. Compares the last X points to the previous Y points before them.
2@saebekassebil/minglerA simplistic Javascript concatenation tool
2@saebekassebil/notecoordDescribes the relative intervals between two notes
2@raix/Meteor-EventStateEvented state:arrow_upper_right:


2617@SimonVT/android-menudrawerDEPRECATED A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app.:arrow_upper_right:
829@MizzleDK/MizuuPopular media indexer app for Android.:arrow_upper_right:
783@SimonVT/schematicAutomatically generate ContentProviders
568@SimonVT/MessageBarAn Android Toast replacement, similar to the one seen in the GMail app.:arrow_upper_right:
547@SimonVT/android-numberpickerA backport of the Android 4.2 NumberPicker:arrow_upper_right:
243@SimonVT/android-datepickerAndroid ICS DatePicker backported to 2.2:arrow_upper_right:
228@SimonVT/android-calendarviewAndroid CalendarView widget backported to 2.2:arrow_upper_right:
133@NXT/LEGO-MINDSTORMS-MIND…LEGO MINDSTORMS Android Apps:arrow_upper_right:
133@SimonVT/adapterviewanimatorA helper class for animating views within an AdapterView
102@SimonVT/fragmentstackHelps manage a stack of fragments in a single container
92@chrisvest/stormpotA fast object pool for the JVM:arrow_upper_right:
82@SimonVT/android-timepickerAndroid ICS TimePicker and TimePickerDialog backported to 2.1:arrow_upper_right:
73@SimonVT/ThreePaneLayoutA three pane layout where up to two panes are visible at a time.
44@SimonVT/staggeredgridviewA modified version of the StaggeredGridView found in AOSP
37@Philzen/WebView-MultiTouch-P…A polyfill to gap missing multitouch functionality in HTML5 apps on Android 2.x
22@MizzleDK/IntroActivityThe IntroActivity library allows you to easily create beautiful intro screens for your app.
16@SimonVT/multiple-ui-threadsA sample that displays how to have multiple UI threads
12@cmelchior/trifork-ibeacon-demoDemo app for demonstrating various iBeacon frameworks on Android
12@helipilot50/aerospike-LDT-techni…Large Data Type techniques with Aerospike
11@chrisvest/benchkitSuper simple benchmarking framework for Java – DISCONTINUED
8@chrisvest/nanopoolLightweight and fast JDBC connection pool – DISCONTINUED:arrow_upper_right:
7@cmelchior/asciihexgridJava library for pretty printing hexagonal grids to the command line using ASCII art.
7@cmelchior/hivemindHiveMind is a Java based stand-alone AI implementation for the board game Hive by John Yianni.
6@GirafiStudios/BetterTitleScreenBetter Title Screen provides the ability to change the Minecraft title screen text.
6@TATDK/BankAccountBukkit Plugin:arrow_upper_right:
5@chrisvest/object-pool-benchmar…Benchmarks for various object pools that run on the JVM. Built with JMH.

4 years ago


5 years ago


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8 years ago