1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-france v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in France

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A list of neat projects made in France



6408@jacomyal/sigma.jsA JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing:arrow_upper_right:
5964@mgcrea/angular-strapAngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.:arrow_upper_right:
3092@MoOx/postcss-cssnext:cyclone: PostCSS plugin to use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today.:arrow_upper_right:
2929@vvo/gifify😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
1431@revolunet/angular-carouselMobile friendly AngularJS carousel:arrow_upper_right:
1351@verekia/initializrHTML5 Boilerplate Custom Builder running on Google App Engine (Java):arrow_upper_right:
1186@FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-…Ready-to-use chat interface for iOS and Android React-Native apps
841@MoOx/phenomic:scream: Modern website generator based on the React and Webpack ecosystem :sparkles::arrow_upper_right:
816@sebsauvage/ZeroBinA minimalist, opensource online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.:arrow_upper_right:
807@vvo/lazyload:bullettrain_front: Lazyload images, iframes, widgets with a standalone JavaScript lazyloader:arrow_upper_right:
675@FGRibreau/check-build:dart: Check-build - Verifies that your NodeJS project follows team conventions, is well written, up to date and secure.:arrow_upper_right:
663@kaepora/miniLockFile encryption software that does more with less.:arrow_upper_right:
602@gre/diaporamaimage/video/content slideshow engine providing high quality animation effects including Kenburns Effect and GLSL Transitions.:arrow_upper_right:
537@elierotenberg/react-armorProtect your DOM from third-party tampering.
499@revolunet/angular-google-analy…Google Analytics tracking for your AngularJS apps
499@FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-…ListView with pull-to-refresh and infinite scrolling for Android and iOS React-Native apps
498@shprink/wordpress-hybrid-cli…Build amazing iOS and Android applications for your WordPress website for free!:arrow_upper_right:
496@elierotenberg/react-nexusReal world apps with React.
488@paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-system-m…Display system informations in gnome shell status bar, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates…
460@shprink/ionic-native-transit…Seeking maintainers Native transitions (iOS & Android) for Ionic Framework:arrow_upper_right:
442@gre/glsl-transitionrender GLSL Transitions effects in JavaScript using WebGL:arrow_upper_right:
425@FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-…« One React-Native form component to rule them all »
399@shprink/BttrLazyLoadingUnmaintained Responsive Lazy Loading plugin for JQuery:arrow_upper_right:
391@FGRibreau/dot-clipboard:pouch: dot-clipboard monitors your clipboard and runs scripts based on its content:arrow_upper_right:
379@vvo/selenium-standaloneget a selenium-standalone install/start command line to start a standalone selenium server with chromedriver, firefox, phantomjs support
374@mgcrea/node-xlsxNodeJS excel file parser & builder
343@gre/illuminated.jsIlluminated.js – 2D lights and shadows rendering engine for HTML5 applications:arrow_upper_right:
319@mklabs/tiny-lrtiny livereload
316@mquandalle/meteor-jadeThe Jade template engine for Meteor/Blaze:arrow_upper_right:
312@gre/bezier-easingcubic-bezier implementation for your JavaScript animation easings – MIT License:arrow_upper_right:
300@gre/glsl.jsNOT MAINTAINED prefer the use of http://stack.gl – a light Javascript & GLSL library for vizualisation and game purposes (2D or 3D).:arrow_upper_right:
296@verekia/initializr-websiteInitializr Home Page:arrow_upper_right:
295@k33g/gh3Client-side Javascript API wrapper for GitHub API V3
289@mgcrea/angular-pull-to-refr…CSS3 Pull-to-Refresh directive for AngularJS:arrow_upper_right:
280@FGRibreau/forever-webui:satellite: A simple web UI for efficient NodeJS processes administration:arrow_upper_right:
257@elierotenberg/react-animateReact animation mixin.
247@elierotenberg/nexus-fluxStreamlined Flux abstract interface suitable for a variety of backends.
242@MoOx/eslint-loadereslint loader (for webpack)
241@FGRibreau/match-when:shell: Pattern matching for modern JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
216@elierotenberg/remutableLike Immutable, but actually Mutable with diffs and versions.
178@FGRibreau/node-language-detectNodeJS language detection library using n-gram:arrow_upper_right:
171@mquandalle/meteor-bowerDEPRECATED Use bower packages in your Meteor app:arrow_upper_right:
156@FaridSafi/react-native-google-…Customizable Google Places autocomplete component for iOS and Android React-Native apps
151@FaridSafi/react-native-basketb…React-Native clone of the Facebook Basketball game
148@APE-Project/APE_JSFAjax Push Engine : APE JavaScript Framework. Based on Mootools, it handles the basics of the APE Server.:arrow_upper_right:
126@gre/waveglGenerate Audio in the GPU and pipe to the Audio Card.:arrow_upper_right:
95@mauricesvay/ImageResolverImageResolver.js does its best to determine the main image on a URL without loading all images.:arrow_upper_right:
94@shprink/angular1.4-ES6-mater…A simple AngularJS 1.4 boilerplate using ES6, material design and webpack:arrow_upper_right:
92@vvo/in-viewportGet a callback when any element becomes visible in a viewport (body or custom viewport)
92@revolunet/rn-lazyAngularJS lazy loader for images
91@FGRibreau/node-request-retry:guardsman: Wrap NodeJS request module to retry http requests in case of errors:arrow_upper_right:
88@mklabs/node-tabtabtab completion helpers, for node cli programs & others. Inspired by npm completion
87@gre/gl-react-image-effec…WIP universal image app that uses different gl-react components:arrow_upper_right:
87@gre/behind-asteroids"Behind Asteroids, The Dark Side" is a JS13K entry for 2015 – winner in Desktop, Mobile and Community categories:arrow_upper_right:
79@FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-…Simple loading spinner that use React-Native ProgressBarAndroid or ActivityIndicatorIOS depending of the platform.
77@gre/playpainterA simple Play 2 framework, Canvas and WebSocket experiment where many users can paint their draws simultaneously on a Canvas.:arrow_upper_right:
71@vvo/npm-pkgrCache npm install results by hashing dependencies
69@FGRibreau/node-unidecode:page_with_curl: ASCII transliterations of Unicode text:arrow_upper_right:
68@FGRibreau/influxdb-cliSQL CLI for InfluxDB:arrow_upper_right:
64@beaufortfrancois/cog-chrome-appCog Chrome App:arrow_upper_right:
63@bloodyowl/react-translatereact utilities for simple i18n
62@mgcrea/redux-rest-resourceSeamless REST interaction for Redux:arrow_upper_right:
58@gre/diaporama-makerBETA An image slideshow editor – including KenBurns effect and GLSL Transitions. (performed with diaporama):arrow_upper_right:
58@gre/dtaDrone Tank Arena is a BattleZone-like FPS made in WebGL made during 7dfps contest.:arrow_upper_right:
57@mquandalle/meteor-harmonyDEPRECATED Javascript Harmony for Meteor:arrow_upper_right:
57@MoOx/gulp-cssnextDEPRECATED. Use gulp-postcss instead.
56@bloodyowl/react-media-queriesextensible media queries for react
55@mquandalle/meteor-stylusExpressive, dynamic, robust CSS:arrow_upper_right:
55@elierotenberg/nexus-flux-socket.iosocket.io adapter for Nexus Flux, implementing Flux over the Wire.
53@mklabs/vim-backboneLightweight bag of Vim utilities for Backbone - snipmate snippets, templates and omnicompletion
52@gre/zound-liveZOUND live
51@jacomyal/domino.jsA JavaScript cascading controller for fast interactive Web interfaces prototyping.:arrow_upper_right:
49@bloodyowl/react-motion-flipA simple component to naively perform transitions between children changes
49@revolunet/django-extjsmoved to https://github.com/revolunet/extdirect.d…
48@shprink/ios-android-wordpres…Repo created for the TutsPlus article: Creating iOS/Android mobile applications for WordPress using Ionic SDK, Webpack, ES6 and WP-API
47@gre/bezier-easing-editorCubic Bezier Curve editor made with React & SVG:arrow_upper_right:
47@bloodyowl/scrollSmooth scrolling to given coordinates for the browser
47@MoOx/cssnext-loader# DEPRECATED. Use postcss-loader instead.
46@mgcrea/angular-overflow-scr…CSS3 Overflow Scroll directive for AngularJS
46@elierotenberg/react-rails-starterk…Starter repository for React on Rails. Fork it!
45@kaepora/npwdCommand-line password management for your various accounts.:arrow_upper_right:
45@mklabs/node-filesetWrapper around miniglob / minimatch combo to allow multiple patterns matching and include-exclude ability
42@mauricesvay/node-wifiscannerScan surrounding WiFi access points with NodeJS
42@mgcrea/angular-cordovaCordova/PhoneGap services for AngularJS
42@padenot/litsynthA Web Audio API synth for demoscene written in literate javascript
41@FGRibreau/spotify-downloaderA proof-of-concept that transforms a Spotify playlist to a direct-download list:arrow_upper_right:
41@jacomyal/emmettA custom event emitter for Node.js and the browser
37@mgcrea/generator-angular-co…Lean yeoman generator for AngularJS components
36@gre/beez100% web real-time audio experiment using smartphones as effect controller. (tech: Android Chrome + WebRTC + Web Audio API):arrow_upper_right:
35@jacomyal/typologyA data validation library for Node.js and browser
34@MoOx/frontend-hot-starter…Frontend app boilerplate with hot reload / React / cssnext.
33@gre/reactjsconf2016Example used in gl-react's talk at React.js conf 2016:arrow_upper_right:
33@gre/qajaxNOT MAINTAINED – this library was fun but hey, you can just use https://github.com/github/fetch now :) – Minimal Promise ajax library based on Q
32@FGRibreau/common-env:key: The only configuration library you will ever need:arrow_upper_right:
32@gre/same-game-gravityThe Same Game Gravity Desktop version code - licence GPL v3:arrow_upper_right:
32@mauricesvay/css-color-palette-ex…Extract color palette from CSS
32@bloodyowl/react-styledstyled component for react & style-loader/usable
32@FGRibreau/if-exp:tophat: Conditional expressions for JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
31@beaufortfrancois/polymer-ready-chrome…Polymer Ready Chrome Extension:arrow_upper_right:
31@bloodyowl/react-boilerplateboilerplate for a react project
31@elierotenberg/react-cssConverts plain CSS into (optionally auto-prefixed) React-style properties map.
30@gre/gl-react-dom-static-…StaticContainer for gl-react-dom: render the Surface once, snapshot it and release the WebGL context:arrow_upper_right:
30@mklabs/mocha-gherkinA little tool to generate Mocha BDD specs from Gherkin features:arrow_upper_right:
29@jacomyal/conrad.jsA tiny JavaScript scheduler:arrow_upper_right:
28@revolunet/Ext.ux.filebrowserExtJs FileBrowser
26@revolunet/angular-stepperAngularJS numeric stepper:arrow_upper_right:
26@FGRibreau/poundPound - High-level asset Manager for Node.js/Express:arrow_upper_right:
26@mklabs/yeoman-jekyllYeoman generators and Grunt tasks to work with Jekyll sites
26@FGRibreau/network-configNetwork configuration for NodeJS:arrow_upper_right:
26@bloodyowl/fluxa server & client-side friendly implementation of flux
25@mgcrea/node-openssl-wrapperNodeJS OpenSSL wrapper
25@revolunet/Ext.ux.uploadSWFupload + html5 drag&drop + progressbars for ExtJs
24@revolunet/VLCcontrolsjQuery based VLC plugin:arrow_upper_right:
24@mklabs/backnodeExpress inspired web development framework, built on Backbone and Connect -- experimental
23@elierotenberg/react-statics-stylesDeclarative styles in React components with support for pre- and post-processing.
23@vvo/analytics.js-loaderAsynchronously load segment.com analytics.js with an npm module
23@elierotenberg/react-queryReact Virtual DOM querying made easy.
23@elierotenberg/es6-starterkitThe future is today!
23@MoOx/github-release-from-…Create GitHub releases from CHANGELOG.md
21@mgcrea/angular-touch-navTouch navigation plugin for AngularJS
21@FGRibreau/jsobjectdiffEnsure that two JavaScript files containing objects have the same keys and display differences
21@elierotenberg/react-traverseReact Components Magic
21@mgcrea/angular-resource-col…Backbone-like collections for AngularJS resources
20@gre/gl-react-blurUniversal gl-react multi-pass gaussian Blur effect with configurable intensity:arrow_upper_right:
20@beaufortfrancois/spotify-hotkeys-chro…Spotify Web Player Hotkeys Chrome Extension:arrow_upper_right:
20@jacomyal/baobab-routerA router for Baobab
20@padenot/jsconf.asia-15Material to do a talk on synths with a live-coding side, possibly in Singapore
20@FGRibreau/node-childrenConcurrent tasks computation among NodeJS child processes (vertical scaling):arrow_upper_right:
19@bloodyowl/stilea simple tool to help you using inline-styles with react
18@FGRibreau/node-truncate:octopus: Truncate text and keeps urls safe.:arrow_upper_right:
18@revolunet/node-readmeGenerate your JS project README.md using an ES6 template
17@MoOx/eslint-config-i-am-m…An ESLint shareable config for very meticulous people
17@elierotenberg/react-styling-demoDemos for react-animate, react-css and other React styling demos.
17@gre/gl-react-inspectorWIP - not a real devtools yet
17@FGRibreau/node-amqp-toolAMQP-tool - Import & export data from/to an AMQP/RabbitMQ broker:arrow_upper_right:
17@FGRibreau/Growl-Chrome-Notific…Notifications Growl pour Google Chrome :: Proof of concept :: HTML5 Web Notification API + WebSocket + NodeJS:arrow_upper_right:
17@beaufortfrancois/cloud-storage-chrome…Cloud Storage Chrome OS App:arrow_upper_right:
17@mgcrea/gulp-concat-utilGulp task to concat, prepend, append or transform files
16@beaufortfrancois/extensions-update-no…Extensions Update Notifier Chrome Extension:arrow_upper_right:
16@MoOx/react-svg-inlineA React component to inline your SVG
16@mklabs/h5bp-docsstatic site generator writen in node designed to work with gollum wikis
16@mklabs/templatifyMiddleware for browserify to load non-js files as pre-compiled handlebars (or underscore) templates.
16@FGRibreau/node-tolerant-url-pa…Overly tolerant url parser specialized in parsing protocol, auth (even invalid ones), host and port url parts.:arrow_upper_right:
15@FGRibreau/stream-valve:closed_lock_with_key: Ensure that a stream disconnects if it goes over maxBytes perSeconds:arrow_upper_right:
15@bclozel/gulp-bower-srcGulp-src bower components files
15@elierotenberg/react-deferReact Mixin for dealing with defers/timeouts/intervals/requestAnimati… with less boilerplate.
15@gre/WebAppBuilderImportant note: I'm working on a more Makefile compliant way for WebAppBuilder (like i've done in some of my recent libs)using Rakefile and ant are good alternativesa lightweight Makefile to build a web app project for multiple platforms. This is a mashup of existing cool stuff like : a small template system (Mustache), SASS with Compass, Javascript minimizer, ...:arrow_upper_right:
15@gre/ipoeasing library allowing to describe complex easings in JSON
15@elierotenberg/react-nexus-starterk…React Nexus Starterkit Project. Clone/fork, hack, deploy!
15@mgcrea/node-plist-nativeNode.js native plist parser & builder
14@mklabs/grunt-pluginsCollection of growing Grunt plugins and utilities
14@k33g/speculoosSimple Javascript Class notation, CoffeeScript, TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 compliant!
14@revolunet/sencha-wakandasencha+wakanda integration demos:arrow_upper_right:
14@paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-focus-ef…Desaturate unfocused windows
14@revolunet/algolia-react-inputA simple react input component to query your algolia index:arrow_upper_right:
14@FGRibreau/mixpanel_export_peop…Export Mixpanel people properties to an Excel Compatible CSV:arrow_upper_right:
13@MoOx/js-boilerplate:rocket: Boilerplate (for JS project) :sparkles::arrow_upper_right:
13@revolunet/sublimetext-html-exp…Export your code to nicely formatted HTML
13@beaufortfrancois/ted-talks-chrome-ext…TED Talks Chrome OS Extension:arrow_upper_right:
13@gre/qretryUNMAINTAINED– Promise retry system for Q:arrow_upper_right:
13@gre/jscrushMinimal version of a JSCrusher to be used for js#k golf contest.
13@bloodyowl/react-higher-eventDeclarative API to listen to events outside of a component
13@FGRibreau/redis-toolRedis-tool - Little helpers for Redis:arrow_upper_right:
13@MoOx/webpack-easy-configWebpack config, made easy
13@mgcrea/generator-angular-bo…Lean yeoman generator for AngularJS (deprecated)
12@mauricesvay/mobile-lightpaintingMobile Light Painting is a javascript app for light painting in real-life and in your browser
12@nicmarti/LesZindepsProjet pour le site leszindeps.fr:arrow_upper_right:
12@mgcrea/sencha-touch-pluginsPlugins for Sencha Touch 2.0
12@gre/multi-sliderReact component for multiple values slider (allocate values):arrow_upper_right:
12@FGRibreau/filesync:busts_in_silhouette: Unidirectional 1-N file syncing with history and local merging:arrow_upper_right:
12@FGRibreau/request-apiNodeJS request library as HTTP API:arrow_upper_right:
12@beaufortfrancois/omnidrive-chrome-ext…OmniDrive Chrome Extension:arrow_upper_right:
12@gre/audio-notesNote frequencies for equal-tempered scale
12@revolunet/angular-webpackBuild your Angular+Bootstrap apps with WebPack
12@revolunet/phonegap-sencha-demoSample Sencha+Phonegap 1.6 projects:arrow_upper_right:
12@kaepora/norx.jsJavaScript implementation of the NORX AEAD cipher:arrow_upper_right:
11@FGRibreau/jQuery-plugin-fireEv…jQuery FireEvent - Plugin for firing real DOM events:arrow_upper_right:
11@MoOx/parallaxifyAdd parallax effect to your page when scrolling. No dependency.:arrow_upper_right:
11@mgcrea/grunt-ngincludeGrunt task for embedding AngularJS static ngInclude elements.
11@mklabs/gimme-assetsA little, experimental tool to manage web assets from the CLI.
10@FGRibreau/droplr-backupHow to backup your droplr account:arrow_upper_right:
10@nicmarti/play2-redxplayRedis web console based on Play2 framework v2.0.3
10@MoOx/rc-loaderRuntime configuration loader that supports YAML, JSON or JS.:arrow_upper_right:
10@FGRibreau/node-transacemailTransactional Email & Templated Email for NodeJS done right:arrow_upper_right:
10@vvo/chainitTurn an asynchronous JavaScript api into an asynchronous chainable JavaScript api
10@mgcrea/angular-boneBackbone services for Angular:arrow_upper_right:
10@FGRibreau/redistreeRedisTree - load & save Trees to Redis using sets:arrow_upper_right:
10@MoOx/grunt-cssnext# DEPRECATED. Use grunt-postcss instead.
10@revolunet/django-extjs-loginExtJs login widget with django backend
10@gre/kenburnsKen Burns effect for the web:arrow_upper_right:
10@gre/gl-react-imageUniversal gl-react Image that implements resizeMode in OpenGL:arrow_upper_right:
9@nicmarti/PlayDooA Play! Framework sample application, basically a Todo with CSS3 and HTML5:arrow_upper_right:
9@bfontaine/HistorizejQuery plugin which allows you to keep an history on an input and a tab-completion system, like in a shell.
9@FGRibreau/jQuery-plugin-attrib…jQuery plugin for observing html element's property changes:arrow_upper_right:
9@shprink/angularjs-ionic-webp…This repository has a folder by type kind of architecture, which is not recommended. If you want a better architecture use this boilerplate: https://github.com/shprink/ios-android-w…
9@gre/timelapsejs13kgames submission - Timelapse, a psychedelic rhythm game - Web Audio API + WebGL (GLSL):arrow_upper_right:
9@gre/qimageUNMAINTAINED no need for a lib, see https://twitter.com/greweb/status/675620… – Simple Promise Image Loader based on Q:arrow_upper_right:
9@revolunet/Ext.ux.AwesomeCombocombobox awesomeness:arrow_upper_right:
9@mklabs/connect-doccodocco + socket.io + watch = Save file → documentation page updates automatically.:arrow_upper_right:
8@revolunet/node-babel-boilerpla…Basic Node, Babel, Tape boilerplate
8@MoOx/reduce-css-calcReduce CSS calc() function at the maximum
8@beaufortfrancois/sandbox:baby_chick: https://beaufortfrancois.github.io/sandb…
8@revolunet/angular-react-meetupdemo + slides:arrow_upper_right:
8@vvo/selenium-runnerRun a url/JSTest, .. combo in selenium grid, in parallel
8@mklabs/jquery-startrA starter kit for your jQuery Development
8@ssaunier/node-redis-monitorSmall web app to monitor a redis instance. Graphs command per seconds and memory usage.
8@mauricesvay/CheaterPressHTML5 app that helps you cheat at LetterPress
8@beaufortfrancois/bubble-mirror-chrome…Bubble Mirror Chrome App:arrow_upper_right:
7@mklabs/play-modsA collection of play! modules/apps
7@mklabs/vim-markdown-helpfil…A vim plugin and cli tool to generate vim helpfile from markdown
7@vvo/concat-filesConcatenate files asynchronously with node.js
7@mgcrea/babel-plugin-relativ…Import relative files with ease
7@bloodyowl/react-transition-chi…ES7 decorator to simplify ReactTransitionGroup usage
7@bclozel/gulp-cramGulp plugin - assemble resources using cujoJS cram
7@padenot/knob.jsA tiny fader & knob library in js:arrow_upper_right:
7@elierotenberg/lifespanUnifying callbacks removals.
7@revolunet/angular-for-mobileslides for AngularJS+Phonegap meetup 2013:arrow_upper_right:
7@elierotenberg/immutable-requestIsomorphic cacheable and cancellable HTTP request than return Promise for Immutable.Map.
7@bloodyowl/webpack-jsdom-tape-p…a webpack plugin to run tape tests over jsdom
7@FGRibreau/latenizeNPM/NodeJS port of Semplice latenize:arrow_upper_right:
7@mauricesvay/PlanMetroA simple Paris subway map for Firefox OS:arrow_upper_right:
7@bfontaine/jquery-djangocsrfA lightweight jQuery plugin to automatically add Django CSRF token to your AJAX calls
7@MoOx/atom-jour-nuitLike F.lux, for Atom thems. Auto switch UI/Syntax themes depending on the time of the day.:arrow_upper_right:
7@beaufortfrancois/marmoset-chrome-appMarmoset Chrome App:arrow_upper_right:
7@MoOx/markdown-it-toc-and-…markdown-it plugin to add a toc and anchor links in headings
7@shprink/gulp-examplesgulp practical examples:arrow_upper_right:
7@bloodyowl/react-translate-exam…simple example for react-translate-example
6@MoOx/react-topbar-progres…topbar progress indicator React component
6@padenot/snappygetUserMedia + OpenWebApp + hipstagram
6@mgcrea/angular-jqueryjQuery-like extension for AngularJS embedded jQLite
6@beaufortfrancois/my-little-password-c…My Little Password Chrome App:arrow_upper_right:
6@mquandalle/meteor-minifiersRemove the code that doesn't need to be send to a Meteor client.
6@elierotenberg/isomorphic-routerTiny, lightweight isomorphic router.
6@mauricesvay/ProgrammeTVA simple mobile app to get the french TV schedule for tonight:arrow_upper_right:
6@mgcrea/gulp-throughGulp stream transform factory
6@mklabs/make-livereloadLivereload target for Make
6@jacomyal/guignol.jsA lightweight JavaScript animation library
6@mklabs/noptifynopt wrapper with commander-like API
6@mauricesvay/BlindtestBlindtest is a multiplayer musical game (up to 16 simultaneous players)
6@MoOx/metalsmith-reactMetalsmith plugin to use React as a template engine
6@MoOx/fly-cssnext# DEPRECATED. Use fly-postcss instead.
6@mquandalle/meteor-promisify-cor…Replace callbacks by promises in Meteor core APIs:arrow_upper_right:
6@jacomyal/osdc2012-sigmajs-dem…My presentation on sigma.js for the French OSDC 2012 (demo)
6@mgcrea/gulp-ngincludeGulp task for embedding AngularJS static ngInclude elements
5@elierotenberg/gulp-react-statics-s…Gulp task for react-statics-styles.
5@revolunet/sencha-livecodingSencha Touch 2 sample app for ParisJS live coding demo:arrow_upper_right:
5@elierotenberg/typecheck-decoratorRuntime arguments validation as ES7 decorators.
5@mquandalle/blaze-autofocusSupport autofocus attribute in Blaze templates:arrow_upper_right:
5@beaufortfrancois/scan-chrome-appDocument Scan Chrome OS App:arrow_upper_right:
5@revolunet/node-android-emulato…Manage android emulators from your NodeJS scripts.
5@elierotenberg/tween-interpolateExtra lightweight generic and CSS values interpolators and tweens.
5@mklabs/play-ui-gridExperience at integrating Play framework with jQuery UI Grid
5@MoOx/metalsmith-filenamesMetalsmith plugin to add filenames to entries
5@mgcrea/gulp-ngtemplateGulp task to precompile AngularJS templates with $templateCache
5@MoOx/metalsmith-renamemetalsmith plugin to rename entries
5@bloodyowl/todocommand line todo list
5@mquandalle/chronosTrusted timestamp on top of ethereum:arrow_upper_right:
5@beaufortfrancois/set-wallpaper-chrome…Set image as wallpaper - Chrome App:arrow_upper_right:
5@MoOx/cssnextify# DEPRECATED. Use browserify-postcss instead.
4@bloodyowl/pure-renderpure-render higher-order function
4@elierotenberg/react-nexus-appReact Nexus App skeleton.
4@mklabs/makemake is a little experiment to implement a simple task runner similar to Make in JavaScript (WIP):arrow_upper_right:
4@mklabs/vim-nodemateCollection of nodejs snippets, utilities and completion for Vim.
4@mklabs/mockeriea little tool to generate prototype webapps/websites by mixing raw json data with plates or mustaches - watch and reload.
4@vvo/localenvifylocalenv and envify combined as a browserify transform
4@mklabs/wheatsStuff related to wheat blog engine, mostly about custom themes.
4@MoOx/docssA simple CSS styleguide generator, from docblocks:arrow_upper_right:
4@mklabs/greenskinA WIP monitoring plaform, with a focus on frontend metrics.
4@revolunet/django-picocmsSimplest django CMS ever :)
4@mklabs/gh-issues-widgetA bit of GitHub API v3, GitHub Flavored Markdown, a soupcon of data-* attributes and you get github issue comment system. Something like that.:arrow_upper_right:
4@vvo/forkieForkie is a graceful process manager for Node.js: start/stop/working?
4@beaufortfrancois/cros-p2p-chrome-appChrome OS P2P Updates Chrome App:arrow_upper_right:
4@vvo/node-whereisSimply get the first path to a bin on any system
4@beaufortfrancois/my-hotspots-chrome-e…My Hotspots Chrome OS Extension:arrow_upper_right:
4@paradoxxxzero/chrome-emacs-modeImplements in google chrome a number of Emacs bindings and allows quick navigation through websites without using the mouse.
4@revolunet/jsocketjsocket server and client stuff
4@padenot/flv.jsAn FLV demuxer in javascript
4@mklabs/gentle-cliCLI assertions made easy
4@padenot/carre.jsTiled-base game engine.
4@mklabs/bbfSuper simplified version of a Form Generator from Backbone.Models attributes.:arrow_upper_right:
4@revolunet/sencha-wakanda-widge…Sample Sencha widgets for wakanda studio
4@bloodyowl/classSimple JavaScript Class pattern
4@mquandalle/meteor-ismobileAdd a Meteor.isMobile boolean variable
4@elierotenberg/nexus-uplink-simple-…Nexus Uplink Simple Server (for Node).
4@mklabs/jquery-ui-widgetsA small collection of jQuery UI widgets I casually made.
4@elierotenberg/nexus-uplink-clientNexus Uplink Client (isomorphic).
3@mquandalle/meteor-jeetA grid sytem for SASS or Stylus:arrow_upper_right:
3@MoOx/duo-cssnext# DEPRECATED. Use duo-postcss instead.
3@MoOx/metalsmith-urlMetalsmith plugin to add url to entries from transformation on filenames
3@vvo/azure-sb-queue-watch…Job worker around Azure Service Bus Queues
3@revolunet/angularjs-workshopsample AngularJS + Bootstrap app from scratch:arrow_upper_right:
3@MoOx/daterangerA simple component to select date ranges, using Pikaday
3@mgcrea/image-momentsJavascript image moments
3@kaepora/rever.siBrowser-Based Othello for Multiplayer Online Play.:arrow_upper_right:
3@mgcrea/jquery.mg.screensave…Quickly setup a screensaver
3@paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-shader-e…Add shaders to windows
3@jacomyal/parisjs-oct2012-demoMa démo pour la présentation sur sigma.js au ParisJS Octobre 2012
3@MoOx/jQuery.External-Link…A jQuery plugin to easyli manage externals links (new window behavior if not the same domain + google analytics tracking)
3@padenot/rant.jsA comment system in node.js
3@MoOx/responsive-menuA JavaScript plugin to enhance your simple CSS (drop down?) menu. Add timing for better desktop experience & responsive behavior for touch device. Using jQuery or Zepto (& optionally Sass)
3@mgcrea/react-webpack-factor…Lean yet powerful starter-kit to build modern React applications.
3@revolunet/MobileResizerChrome extension to resize your window based on mobile devices
3@mgcrea/eslint-config-mgcreaESLint configuration
3@beaufortfrancois/webview-screensaver-…Webview Screensaver Chrome App:arrow_upper_right:
3@mauricesvay/sketchfab-portfolioCreate an amazing porfolio for your Sketchfab profile:arrow_upper_right:
3@shprink/canvgMirror for bower DEPRECATED use the official repo: https://github.com/gabelerner/canvg:arrow_upper_right:
3@mgcrea/node-gitlab-toolsNodeJS Toolkit & CLI for GitLab

4 years ago


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8 years ago