1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-latvia v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Latvia

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A list of neat projects made in Latvia



3841@fancyapps/fancyBoxfancyBox is a tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images, html content and multi-media on your webpages.:arrow_upper_right:
466@pkrumins/node-lazylazy lists for node.js:arrow_upper_right:
336@pkrumins/nodejs-proxyA HTTP proxy server written in node.js:arrow_upper_right:
173@dnasir/jquery-cascading-dro…A simple and lighweight jQuery plugin for cascading dropdown.
114@aivis/user-streamNode.js Twitter user stream module.
84@pkrumins/node-imageUnifies node-png, node-jpeg and node-gif (for great good):arrow_upper_right:
77@pkrumins/node-iptablesbasic iptables control via nodejs:arrow_upper_right:
55@pkrumins/node-tree-killkill trees of processes
45@pkrumins/node-supermarketA key/value store based on sqlite for node.js that actually works.:arrow_upper_right:
44@pkrumins/node-jsminjavascript minimizer for node.js:arrow_upper_right:
41@pkrumins/node-browserProvides a Browser for easy web browsing from node.js:arrow_upper_right:
37@dnasir/angular-dateParserA simple parser that converts date and time strings into Date object
19@intarstudents/keySharkyAdd missing keyboard functionality to Grooveshark!:arrow_upper_right:
17@pkrumins/node-passwdNode.js module to manage /etc/passwd:arrow_upper_right:
15@pkrumins/social-submitterSubmit your stories to Reddit, Hacker News, Twitter, Plurk, Identi.ca, Facebook at once!:arrow_upper_right:
15@skakri/photoswipe-railsA gem to add PhotoSwipe to Rails asset pipeline
14@pkrumins/invoicegenerate pdf invoices from latex via pdflatex
12@pkrumins/supermarket-cartConnect session store using supermarket:arrow_upper_right:
11@dnasir/jquery-lazyimageA simple and lightweight plugin to lazily load images.
10@popoffka/dungeonsdungeons is a roguelike game made using HTML5 & JavaScript.:arrow_upper_right:
10@pkrumins/keyboardprovides english keyboard (used as a widget for browserling)
10@pkrumins/ssh-key-managermanage ssh keys on the server side (can be used with ssh-key-widget)
6@aivis/json-formaterNode.js JSON data formater / comparator
5@pkrumins/node-number-rangenumber ranges
4@DavisMiculis/jPulsejPulse is a jQuery library that adds "pulse-like" effect to selected element.
4@pkrumins/rackspace-toolssome tools to manage rackspace cloud servers:arrow_upper_right:
3@EriksRemess/node-speedtest-miniSpeedtest.net Mini for Node.js
3@EriksRemess/radiotwitterbot.jsa simple internet radio twitter bot
3@EriksRemess/geekit-safariGeekIt for Safari
3@RuslanZavacky/yesnopuzzleRepository for Ember.js Presentation
3@eID-LV/eidtsttomApache Tomcat based Latvian eID authentication webserver app
3@renarsvilnis/fout-b-goneGit repository for foutbgone bower package
3@eID-LV/eidtstapaApache based Latvian eID authentication webserver app
3@AMekss/jquery.quicktipjQuery plugin for browser's default tooltip text replacement
2@EriksRemess/Pasaules-pulkstenisIztulkots Mac OS X Lion vidžets
2@intarstudents/httpK3yToggle keyboard shortcuts from outside of Firefox or Prism!:arrow_upper_right:
2@eID-LV/eidtstiisIIS based Latvian eID authentication webserver app
2@intarstudents/keyMazonyAdd missing keyboard functionality to Amazon Cloud Player!:arrow_upper_right:
2@aivis/draugiemDraugiem.lv API node.js client
2@renarsvilnis/lol-build-manager-el…Cross platform application built with help of Electron framework for the League of Legends build manager
2@ronv/TermLandTerminal Style Landing Page
2@gusc/jQuery-JmolJmol jQuery plugin
2@dnasir/jquery-tagzjQuery plugin that converts standard HTML text input into a cool tag list.
2@pkrumins/plurk-translation-to…A GreaseMonkey script for translating plurks on any timeline:arrow_upper_right:
2@intarstudents/BytingsharkAdd missing file size UI to Grooveshark!:arrow_upper_right:


498@attenzione/android-ColorPickerP…ColorPickerPreference for android to create color picker in preferences. Project created as Library
24@omegasoft7/FSLoggerAndroid Logger with a lot of options to help Developers
21@LatvianModder/FTBUtilitiesFTBUtilities mod for Minecraft. Depends on FTBLib:arrow_upper_right:
10@PeterisP/morphologyLatvian morphology module
8@LatvianModder/FTBLibFTBLib mod for Minecraft. Depends on LatLib:arrow_upper_right:
8@AlexeyBuzdin/android-development-…Course for Android Development
5@AlexeyBuzdin/robovm-dagger2-sampl…Sample project with Android, RoboVM and Web clients
5@LatvianModder/EMC_CondenserEMC Condenser mod:arrow_upper_right:
4@buzdin/hybrid-web-appsDemonstration of hyprid web application approach
4@DavisNT/XposedLollipopTestsBug report example for Xposed for Lollipop (https://github.com/rovo89/android_art/i… and https://github.com/rovo89/Xposed/issues/…
3@buzdin/postcard-from-baltic…Hack4Europe Riga
2@ivarsv/android-liepajniekie…Android App that retrieves events from liepajniekiem.lv site:arrow_upper_right:
2@mstrengis/DraugiemApihas to be included as library on your android app
2@knoppixmeister/android_custom_swipe…Android custom swipe refresh listfragment with load indicator and Try Load button when empty ListAdapter:arrow_upper_right:
2@LatvianModder/EnkiToolsEnkiTools mod:arrow_upper_right:
2@LatvianModder/SilicioSilicio mod:arrow_upper_right:
2@ivarsv/stanford-ai-classProof of concept implementations from Lecture materials


446@Knagis/CommonMark.NETImplementation of CommonMark specification in C# for converting Markdown documents to HTML. Optimized for maximum performance and portability.
7@pdonald/aho-corasickAho–Corasick string matching algorithm in C#
4@EntrypointSoft/AspNet.Identity.Enti…EF6 provider for Asp.Net Identity 3.0 RC1
3@pdonald/mysql-connector-netMySQL Connector/Net with Entity Framework 6 support.
3@pdonald/latvval-kvaldarbsLatviešu valodas vārdu locītājs


4@ncla/SiteUpdateTrackerTracking stuff.


27@DimaSmirnov/Archlinux-downgraderPowerful packages downgrader for Archlinux, written in C
9@TheWhisp/android_device_samsu…Device configuration for Samsung GT-S7500:arrow_upper_right:
7@TheWhisp/android_kernel_samsu…Linux kernel for Samsung GT-S6500(D) and GT-S7500
4@andreyv/hexchat-autoawayA HexChat plugin to set away on idle
3@arseniuss/flosflos experimental operating system:arrow_upper_right:
3@TheWhisp/android_device_samsu…Device configuration for Samsung GT-S6500 (NFC):arrow_upper_right:


49@elnormous/ouzelC++ 2D game engine for Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, tvOS and Android
16@elnormous/RealisticWaterSceneN…Realistic water scene node for Irrlicht
8@WheretIB/nullcFast C-like programming language with advanced features
4@xcoder123/SvgToGcodeTakes SVG and converts the elements in gcode instructions.
4@elnormous/FlurryXC++ wrapper for Flurry Analytics for Cocos2d-x
4@elnormous/rtmp_relayRTMP relay


4@vpavkin/GoRefactorrefactoring tool for Go Programming Language
3@postfix/csrfXSRF Token generation for Go web app
2@postfix/keyvaultA simple embeddable key vault for use in Go programs.:arrow_upper_right:


27@ar2rsawseen/GiderosCodingEasyExtending Gideros Functionality
14@ar2rsawseen/GameTemplateUpcoming Gideros Mobile Game Template
6@Akuukis/RobotColorWars-Minec…Project in Lua for OpenComputers to make ColorWars where robots explore, build bases, reproduce and fight with each other.
5@ar2rsawseen/JsonJSON Encoder and Parser for Lua 5.1:arrow_upper_right:
5@ar2rsawseen/dataSaverSave and load data module for Gideros Mobile:arrow_upper_right:
4@ar2rsawseen/TextWrapCreating multi line text fields in Gideros Mobile:arrow_upper_right:
3@ar2rsawseen/GiderosUniteGideros Unite framework provides a way to implement Multiplayer games using Gideros Mobile. It uses LuaSocket to establish socket connections and even create server/client instances.:arrow_upper_right:
3@ar2rsawseen/AceSlide_oopOop version of AceSlide which uses Gideros class system:arrow_upper_right:
3@ar2rsawseen/GesturesDetecting Gestures in Gideros:arrow_upper_right:
3@ar2rsawseen/LocalizeLocalization in Gideros:arrow_upper_right:
2@ar2rsawseen/AceSlideEasy input for choosing packages or levels in Gideros Mobile:arrow_upper_right:
2@ar2rsawseen/ShareShare button in Gideros app:arrow_upper_right:


385@YahnisElsts/plugin-update-checke…A custom update checker for WordPress plugins. Ufseful if you can't or don't want to host your plugin in the official WP plugin repository, but would still like it to support automatic plugin updates.
253@puikinsh/SparklingWordPress Bootstrap 3 theme with doeznes of options powered by Options Framework:arrow_upper_right:
236@YahnisElsts/wp-update-serverA custom update API for WordPress plugins and themes. Intended to be used in conjunction with my plugin-update-checker library.
227@kasparsd/minitA WordPress plugin to combine CSS and Javascript files
142@puikinsh/DazzlingFlat design WordPress WooCommerce theme developed using Bootstrap 3 and FlexSlider:arrow_upper_right:
82@puikinsh/Unite-ThemeCustomizable WordPress WooCommerce theme developed using Bootstrap 3 and Options Framework:arrow_upper_right:
50@dmitryd/typo3-realurlRealURL extension for TYPO3 CMS
46@puikinsh/TravelifyWordPress theme with Theme Customization API integration, Theme Options, content slider and layout options:arrow_upper_right:
45@puikinsh/ActivelloWordPress Bootstrap blog theme with doeznes of options using WordPress Customizer
27@kasparsd/widget-context-wporgWidget Context:arrow_upper_right:
19@integry/livecartPHP e-commerce storefront software:arrow_upper_right:
18@sitilge/propellerGraphical DBMS tool based on Propel
17@fruit/sfCacheTaggingPluginThe sfCacheTaggingPlugin is a Symfony plugin to store caches associated with unique tags to keep cache content up-to-date based by incrementing tags version:arrow_upper_right:
16@kasparsd/envato-automatic-plu…WordPress plugin library for providing automatic plugin updates to CodeCanyon plugins
14@dmitryd/typo3-dd_googlesitem…This is a "dd_googlesitemap" TYPO3 extension. It adds sitemap support to TYPO3 CMS.
14@kasparsd/feed-image-enclosureAdd featured images as enclosures in RSS feeds
12@kasparsd/orbiterOrbiter is a sim­ple and extend­able PHP tool for pub­lish­ing beau­ti­ful web­sites out of simple text documents:arrow_upper_right:
10@kasparsd/photos-syncSync OS X Photos to Anywhere (NAS, Dropbox, Amazon S3 or Glacier, Backblaze B2)
10@MatissJanis/oc-frontend-forms-ex…OctoberCMS backend forms used in a frontend component example
9@kasparsd/numeric-shortlinksWordPress plugin which enables shortlinks for posts and pages based on their ID (i.e. http://example.com/123)
8@YahnisElsts/wp-extension-metaA PHP library for parsing WordPress plugin and theme metadata. It can extract the version number and description from a plugin ZIP, parse readme.txt files and so on.
8@dmitryd/typo3-pagepathAn extension for TYPO3 CMS (see the README for more information)
8@b2z/joomla-25-component-…Joomla! 2.5 "Hello World!" component code for the tutorial on JoomlaBlog.ru
7@dmitryd/typo3-simplemvcA TYPO3 "simplemvc" extension. This extension adds a simple high performance MVC framework to TYPO3.
6@sitilge/abimoPHP skeleton.
6@andrewtch/php-bayesUsable naive bayesian classes
6@kasparsd/latvijas-pilsetas-no…Latvijas novadi un pilsētas JSON formātā
6@kasparsd/widget-output-cacheCaches widget output in transients (or object cache, if enabled):arrow_upper_right:
5@kasparsd/multisite-local-devWordPress Multisite Local Dev -- a MU plugin for WordPress
5@MatissJanis/oc-mailOctoberCMS mail statistics and logging plugin
5@kasparsd/widget-context-basicThe easiest way to take control of your sidebar areas, widgets and their visibility
5@laacz/google-reader-migrat…Script to perform Google Reader migration between two Google accounts.
5@gintsmurans/staticphpA lightweight PHP framework:arrow_upper_right:
4@laacz/php-microtestMicro TDD framework for PHP 5.3+
4@andrewtch/perceptual-hashPerceptual (average / DCT) hashes in PHP
4@aik099/db-reflectionLibrary for changing database structure through PHP database reflection classes.
4@dmitryd/typo3-sentrySentry integration with TYPO3
4@laacz/php-threadingThreading implemented in PHP
3@andrewtch/phpwildcardPHP wildcard (boo?.foo*.bar) string matching
3@fruit/sfDoctrineTablePlugi…Generates feature packed base tables to each Symfony model.:arrow_upper_right:
3@kasparsd/baseA bare WordPress theme with lot's of filters and hooks for creating awesome child themes
3@kasparsd/Simple-WordPress-Arc…Provides a few shortcodes for listing post archives grouped by categories or taxonomies
3@kasparsd/metro-shareThe ultimate social sharing plugin that doesn't slow down your site.
3@laacz/wall4phpWall for php
3@b2z/joomla-sample-moduleSample module for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x
3@kasparsd/tinker-themeA WordPress theme for creators, bloggers and writers:arrow_upper_right:
3@integry/integry-frameworkLightweight framework for PHP web applications, licensed under LGPL:arrow_upper_right:
3@pilsetnieks/PQP-facelessA drop-in replacement for Particletree's PHP Quick profiler for profiling PHP scripts without HTML output (for example, cron jobs):arrow_upper_right:
3@integry/integry-paymentsPHP library that unifies payment handling accross different payment processors, split from LiveCart project:arrow_upper_right:
3@YahnisElsts/plugin-compatibility…A WordPress plugin that lets report whether your active plugins are working properly.
3@MatissJanis/ToffCMS-Backend-APIAngularJS CMS with Laravel backend for WEB artisans - Backend API repository:arrow_upper_right:
3@chernecov/CartBundleUseful bundle with simple cart functionality.:arrow_upper_right:
2@puikinsh/shapelyFree multipurpose WordPress theme built using Bootstrap and Customizer:arrow_upper_right:
2@laacz/xls-readerModerately fast Excel binary format (XLS) parser in PHP
2@integry/integry-activerecordActiveRecord pattern based ORM for PHP, released under LGPL:arrow_upper_right:
2@MatissJanis/airbaltic-cheap-flig…Pulls in the whole cheap flight DB and compares the flights
2@fruit/sfSQLToolsPluginSymfony task to execute SQL files with triggers, procedures and events in order. Compatible with any kind of database engines.:arrow_upper_right:
2@martinsbalodis/kohana-extjsdesktopExtJS 4 desktop for kohana framework
2@pilsetnieks/key-value-apiSimple key-value cache API to abstract the underlying key-value store.
2@dmitryd/typo3-pagebrowseTYPO3 "pagebrowse" extension. Allows users to easily create a page browser in their extensions.
2@kasparsd/contact-form-7-extra…Beautiful controlls for some of the Contact Form 7 advanced features:arrow_upper_right:
2@puikinsh/Pinbin-WordPress-The…Masonry powered grid style WordPress theme.
2@kasparsd/fix-ssl-pleaseServe all assets over SSL
2@andrewtch/NoopParserBundleSubj: parsers, fetchers, web spiders, fetch queue and so on.


261@aivarsk/scrapy-proxiesRandom proxy middleware for Scrapy
229@aivarsk/scruffyMakes SVG shapes look hand-drawn and creates UML diagrams using yUML (http://yuml.me) syntax
20@alekz/game-serverSimple client-server game in Twisted
19@daGrevis/DotfilesDotfiles for my Arch Linux workstation(s)
17@festlv/carpcRaspberryPi based CarPC build, to replace stock Volvo navigation system
16@ototo/jicJIRA Command Line Client
7@daGrevis/pong-pyPong Game in Python
6@daGrevis/mdx_linkifyLink recognition for Python Markdown
4@Brick85/sitemenuNested menu for django projects
4@krikulis/draugiemdraugiem.lv api wrapperis python
4@pundurs/sc2cmA Django app for managing a Starcraft 2 clan. Synchronises members from rankedftw.com and their statistics from Battle.net
4@Brick85/optionsOptions for django admin. Administrator emails, phones, contact data, etc.
3@daGrevis/sweetcacheLightweight, framework agnostic caching library with sweet API
3@abele/dotfilesAuthors prefered home setup for Linux
3@vestel/clevernoteCommand-Line evernote environment
3@daGrevis/daGrevis.lvMy blog on Django 1.5 (Python):arrow_upper_right:
2@alekz/pygame-gameExperiments with Pygame framework
2@FylmTM/edX-codeSolved edX courses problems sets, by me.


2@CSBLatvia/vardpoorR package for variance estimation in survey sampling


432@rsim/oracle-enhancedOracle enhaced adapter for ActiveRecord
195@rsim/mondrian-olapJRuby gem for performing multidimensional queries of relational database data using Mondrian OLAP Java library
111@rsim/ruby-plsqlruby-plsql gem provides simple Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. It could be used both for accessing Oracle PL/SQL API procedures in legacy applications as well as it could be used to create PL/SQL unit tests using Ruby testing libraries.
55@ugisozols/emberflare.comCommunity driven place for all things Ember.js:arrow_upper_right:
54@rsim/ruby-plsql-specOracle PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby
45@ugisozols/ember-simple-auth-ra…Demo showcasing Ember.SimpleAuth with Rails 4.1
38@ebeigarts/signerWS Security XML Certificate signing for Ruby
36@ebeigarts/exchangerRuby client for Exchange Web Services
31@krists/id3tagNative Ruby mp3 tag reader library that aims for 100% covarage of ID3v2.x and ID3v1.x standards
31@rsim/mondrian_demomondrian-olap demo Rails application
19@krists/refile-postgresPostgres database as a backend for Refile
19@torbjon/octicons-railsOcticons web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline.
14@jurgis/spree-additional-cal…Additional calculators for spree
13@nikitachernov/FutureProofRuby concurrency extensions:arrow_upper_right:
9@ebeigarts/active_merchant_firs…First Data Latvia gateway for Active Merchant
7@rsim/rails3_oracle_sampleRails 3 beta on Oracle application sample
7@ebeigarts/oracle_ebs_authentic…Oracle E-Business Suite authentication
7@nikitachernov/pthread.rbParallel "threads" in Ruby using dRb:arrow_upper_right:
7@torbjon/accountingjs-railsaccounting.js for Rails3
6@ebeigarts/ts-xmlThinking Sphinx plugin for xmlpipe2 data sources (Oracle, SQLite3, ...)
6@rsim/activerecord-do-adap…ActiveRecord DataObjects adapter
6@assistunion/tanukiTanuki is an MVVM-inspired web framework with balls! Abandoned.
5@ebeigarts/omniauth-latvijaLatvija.lv authentication strategy for OmniAuth
5@ebeigarts/database_loaderLoad SQL views, materialized views, grants, etc. into database.
4@torbjon/newrelic_memory_agen…NewRelic plugin for memory(RAM) monitoring
4@rsim/rails_ebs_demoRails on Oracle E-Business Suite demo
4@torbjon/typeahead-railsTwitter Typeahead.js with Rails asset pipeline
4@rsim/sales_app_demoDemo Sales app for RailsConf 2015 presentation
3@jurgis/rails3-templatesRails 3 templates
2@ebeigarts/ruby-foomaticRuby interface to the Foomatic printer database
2@ebeigarts/homebrew-magic-lante…Magic Lantern Homebrew Tap
2@torbjon/reactjs-railsReact for Rails3
2@ugisozols/recaptchaSimple recaptcha plugin for rails
2@jurgis/spree-complex-calcul…Calculators for spree commerce
2@rsim/rails-stackRuby on Rails stack installation with Sprinkle (including Oracle client).
2@aigarsdz/runoffA simple application to create Skype backups
2@vermut/veewee-centos6-cloud…Definitions file for a veewee to build centos6 images with recent cloud-init and growpart


3@zabbix/zabbix-patchesCommunity maintained patches for Zabbix


15@artursDerkintis/JigsawPuzzleSimple 9x9 jigsaw puzzle game written in Swift
10@artursDerkintis/BreakoutSimple breakout game written in Swift 2.
10@artursDerkintis/Traffic-ControlSimple traffic control game written in Swift 2/ SpriteKit
5@artursDerkintis/YouTubeSimple YouTube client for iPads with PiP feature


7@einars/translit.vimTransliteration mode (russian, greek, etc) plugin for vim:arrow_upper_right:

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. :tea:
  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6


Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău


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