1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-netherlands v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Netherlands

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A list of neat projects made in Netherlands



6969@ejci/favico.jsMake use of your favicon with badges, images or videos:arrow_upper_right:
2599@PixelsCommander/HTML-GLGet as many FPS as you need and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL
2423@PaulUithol/Backbone-relationalGet and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models:arrow_upper_right:
1470@mikedeboer/node-githubnode library to access the GitHub API:arrow_upper_right:
1222@IonDen/ion.rangeSliderjQuery only range slider:arrow_upper_right:
1047@dyve/django-bootstrap-too…Bootstrap support for Django projects
864@watilde/beeplayWrite A Song In JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
861@3rd-Eden/memcachedA fully featured Memcached client build on top of Node.js. Build with scaling in mind so it will support Memcached clusters and consistent hashing.
841@caiogondim/bullet-train-oh-my-z…:bullettrain_side: An oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Powerline Vim plugin
703@Gaya/queryloader2Version of the QueryLoader by Gaya Kessler. Preload images with ease.:arrow_upper_right:
679@NielsLeenheer/html5testHow well does your browser support HTML5?:arrow_upper_right:
674@caiogondim/logdown.js:notebook: Debug utility with markdown support that runs on browser and server:arrow_upper_right:
569@EddyVerbruggen/Custom-URL-scheme:link: Launch your Cordova/PhoneGap app by a Custom URL scheme like mycoolapp://
568@mikedeboer/jsDAVjsDAV allows you to easily add WebDAV support to a NodeJS application. jsDAV is meant to cover the entire standard, and attempts to allow integration using an easy to understand API.:arrow_upper_right:
532@IonDen/ion.soundJavaScript plugin for playing sounds and music in browsers:arrow_upper_right:
507@PaulUithol/backbone-tastypieA small compatibility layer to make backbone.js and django-tastypie work together happily.
495@josdirksen/learning-threejsCode repository for the examples from the Packt book "Learning Threejs"
489@bard/mozreplRemotely control Firefox and other Mozilla apps with JavaScript. Orphaned. Looking for maintainers!:arrow_upper_right:
480@PixelsCommander/ReactiveElementsAllows to use React.js component as HTML element (web component)
455@3rd-Eden/useragentUseragent parser for Node.js, ported from browserscope.org
434@caiogondim/fast-memoize.js:rabbit: Fastest possible memoization library
430@IjzerenHein/autolayout.jsApple's Auto Layout and Visual Format Language for javascript (using cassowary constraints)
419@hay/stapesthe Javascript MVC microframework that does just enough:arrow_upper_right:
416@dyve/jquery-autocompleteThe original jQuery autocompleter. Does not need any other plugins. Supports local and remote data sets, plain text and JSON data, various options and callback hooks.
271@IjzerenHein/famous-flexAnimatable layouts, FlexScrollView & widgets for famo.us.
259@Rob--W/cors-anywhereCORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
238@caiogondim/blooming-menu.js:cherry_blossom: AwesomeMenu made with CSS:arrow_upper_right:
235@Kilian/fromscratchAutosaving Scratchpad. A simple but smart note-taking app:arrow_upper_right:
219@FokkeZB/UTiLCollection of utility scripts for Titanium (Alloy).
212@3rd-Eden/node-hashringhashring is a consistent hashing algorithm for Node.js that is compatible with libketama and python's hash_ring package
205@3rd-Eden/versionsVersions, A small module for creating a flexible CDN application
198@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.pullToRef…Widget to implement a table pull-to-refresh header in Titanium Alloy
188@PixelsCommander/PropellerJavaScript library to rotate elements with mouse or touch gestures. Supports inertia and stepwise rotation. Optimized for better performance.:arrow_upper_right:
169@PixelsCommander/FlashJSJavaScript graphics and games engine with API familiar to Flash one. Just look to examples sources.:arrow_upper_right:
140@EddyVerbruggen/cordova-plugin-actio…:clipboard: ActionSheet plugin for Cordova iOS and Android apps
135@bitbonsai/facyBoxA jQuery-based, Facebook/Fancybox-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages. Based on fancybox.net and famspam.com/facebox:arrow_upper_right:
129@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.infiniteS…Alloy widget for infinitive scrolling TableViews and ListViews
126@Overv/WebCraftMinecraft clone written in Javascript.
124@arian/CoverJSInstrument JavaScript to determine the testing coverage
114@EddyVerbruggen/Insomnia-PhoneGap-Pl…:sleepy: Prevent the screen of the mobile device from falling asleep
113@Rob--W/crxviewerChromium extension to view the source code of other Chrome / Opera 15 extensions.
108@josdirksen/smartjavaExamples for various projects on smartjava
100@IjzerenHein/famous-mapMap integration for famo.us (Google Maps, Leaflet, Open Layers 3 & Mapbox GL)
95@PixelsCommander/Download-File-JSIntelligent JavaScript solution for file downloading.:arrow_upper_right:
94@EddyVerbruggen/SSLCertificateChecke…:passport_control: Prevent Man in the Middle attacks with this Cordova plugin
94@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.loadingThe widget provides a simple loading mask that can be easily styled and configured.
92@jtangelder/grunt-stripmqGenerate a fallback from your mobile-first stylesheet
84@arian/partition-bundleA browserify plugin to partition your modules in different bundles
83@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.drawerAn Alloy widget wrapping the NappDrawer module for Facebook-like sliding side menus.
83@josdirksen/threejs-cookbookExamples for the Three.js Cookbook book published by packt:arrow_upper_right:
79@3rd-Eden/licensingDiscover the license footprint of your application
70@IonDen/ion.tabsjQuery tabs plugin:arrow_upper_right:
69@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.buttonReplacement for Ti.UI.Button with better support for styling and icons
69@bitbonsai/cssiCSS Selector Scene Investigation. Analyses a git codebase for unused CSS selectors in a file, dir or url
68@IonDen/ion.calendarCalendar and Datepicker jQuery plugin:arrow_upper_right:
67@FokkeZB/J2MConvert from JIRA text formatting to GitHub Flavored MarkDown and back again
65@FokkeZB/TiCons-CLICommand-Line version of TiCons for generating icons and splash screens for Titanium & Alloy projects.
64@3rd-Eden/jackpotJackpot, tcp connection pooling for Node.js
61@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-plugin-…:fire: NativeScript plugin for Firebase, the leading realtime JSON :cloud: app platform
61@ejci/Google-Auth-for-Tita…Google Auth for Titanium
60@watilde/chestThe easy metafile manager:arrow_upper_right:
58@IonDen/ion.checkRadiojQuery plugin for styling checkboxes and radio-buttons
57@FokkeZB/ti-html2asHTML 2 AttributedString converter for Titanium
55@bard/sameplaceMozilla-based instant messaging client:arrow_upper_right:
54@ejci/nepi-janoNepi Jano! Google Chrome, Firefox & Safari extension
53@ejci/Chrome-Audio-EQAudio EQ for Chrome
52@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.cachedIma…Alloy version of the best practice to cache remote images locally.
51@arian/pngjsPure JavaScript PNG decoder
51@FokkeZB/TrackerTracker 4 Compassion:arrow_upper_right:
50@Overv/JSGLA software implementation of OpenGL 1.1 for Javascript.
49@FokkeZB/tnAppcelerator & Titanium CLI wrapper to save you keystrokes.:arrow_upper_right:
48@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-chatChat-demo for famo.us using true-size chat bubbles, snap to bottom, sticky headers & pull-to-refresh
48@arian/mootools-form-uploadUpload your multiple files with HTML5 Drag and Drop, XMLHttpRequest with graceful degradation
47@jtangelder/react-flux-backboneReact with the Flux architecture, combined with the power of Backbones collections and models.
47@IjzerenHein/famous-autolayoutApple's Auto Layout and Visual Format language for famo.us
47@Rob--W/Chrome-Extension-Rel…Adds a button which reloads a selected Google Chrome extension on click.:arrow_upper_right:
46@mikedeboer/trieMy take on an efficient implementation of a Trie in Javascript:arrow_upper_right:
45@PixelsCommander/OnlineJSReliable, fast and easy to use library to check your internet connection status:arrow_upper_right:
45@watilde/emoji-cliEmoji searcher:arrow_upper_right:
45@3rd-Eden/npmjsAn alternative npm registry client that I like.
43@Rob--W/chrome-apiPolyfills, libraries and patches to aid Chrome extension developers.
42@watilde/qrep:mag_right: grep meets querySelectorAll:arrow_upper_right:
41@caiogondim/js-konami-code-eventKonami code event for your HTML5 web app/page:arrow_upper_right:
41@arian/CSSMatrixCSSMatrix polyfill:arrow_upper_right:
39@FokkeZB/TutorialTitanium Alloy Tutorial
39@arian/cubic-bezierA small cubic bézier timing function
36@ktmud/hugglehugo + gulp:arrow_upper_right:
36@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.formAlloy TableView Form Widget
35@3rd-Eden/FlashPolicyFileServe…A simple Flash Policy File Server for node:arrow_upper_right:
33@watilde/npmbrew:shipit: a npm version manager:arrow_upper_right:
32@ejci/OCRMeterDigits parsing mobile solution for getting numbers from gas, electricity (...) meters based on Titanium Appcelerator, node.js, tesseract-ocr and imagemagick.
31@IjzerenHein/visualformat-editorEditor & previewer for Apple's Visual Format Language (built with autolayout.js)
30@arian/Array.MathAdd all kind of mathematical methods to the Array Native:arrow_upper_right:
30@mikedeboer/mariokartMultiplayer version of Mario Kart!
29@watilde/jsss-compilerA altCSS: JavaScript-Based Style Sheets Preprocessor:arrow_upper_right:
29@PixelsCommander/CanvasImageConverts image to canvas with same look. Useful for memory optimization in case of responsive image usage. Also is good for solving PhoneGap Android anti aliasing issue.
28@IonDen/ion.zoomImage zoom lightbox jQuery plugin:arrow_upper_right:
27@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-datepick…Date/time picker demo for famo.us
27@ktmud/owa-chromeAn extension for access OWA in Chrome.:arrow_upper_right:
26@IjzerenHein/famous-animatedIconMaterial design'ish button-animation using famo.us
26@arian/MooDialogMooDialog is a MooTools plugin to replace the native alert(), confirm() and promt() javascript functions by more stylish ones. You can use it also for other DOM elements, create an IFrame dialog or even create an Ajax Dialog.:arrow_upper_right:
26@Rob--W/stackexchange-notifi…Realtime desktop notifications for Stack Exchange sites.
26@IjzerenHein/famous-boxlayoutLayout-view for quickly setting margins or creating flexible layouts
25@arian/amd-packager-phpAn CommonJS AMD Packager in PHP
25@3rd-Eden/cluster.exceptionException handler for cluster:arrow_upper_right:
23@PixelsCommander/ViralJSExpress.JS middleware to enable P2P distribution for your app. Your decentralized CDN made easy.
23@hay/wiki-toolsCode for my Wikimedia Labs Tools account:arrow_upper_right:
23@arian/ComplexCalculations with Complex Numbers in JavaScript
23@3rd-Eden/loadLoad JavaScript files that do not use the bloat module patterns
23@mikedeboer/mariokart-bareMultiplayer MarioKart to fork and extend
22@ktmud/wechat-apiNodejs Wechat Official Account advanced API sdk
22@Rob--W/browser-action-jplibJetpack module to add a Browser action badge to the toolbar, using the chrome.browserAction syntax from Chromium
21@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-tabbarTabBar widget demo for famo.us
21@IjzerenHein/famous-sizeconstrain…SizeConstraint makes it possible to set the scale, padding, max-size, min-size and aspect-ratio for famo.us renderables
20@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-tabbarco…TabBarController widget demo for famo.us
20@IjzerenHein/famous-lagometerLagometer for famo.us showing the FPS, animation-frames times and script times
20@FokkeZB/gittioSearch & Install all Titanium Modules and Alloy Widgets on GitHub:arrow_upper_right:
20@jtangelder/frame-eventsRun event handlers in the animation frame, to prevent flooding and better performance.
19@Overv/TheWitnessSolverSolver for The Witness puzzles
19@mikedeboer/soundcloud-playerControl Soundcloud from your toolbar, with ease.
19@Gaya/jQuery--Keep-the-Rhy…Keep a nice vertical rhythm with elements that don't have one.
19@IjzerenHein/famous-bkimagesurfac…Drop-in replacement for ImageSurface supporting AspectFit & AspectFill
18@ktmud/koa-spapushState friendly static file server, with koa
18@Kilian/gridBuilder.jsa jQuery plugin that draws a grid as a background:arrow_upper_right:
18@IjzerenHein/famous-listviewfamous-listview extends famo.us ScrollContainer with insert/remove animations, selection (single/multiple) and support for a placeholder.
17@PixelsCommander/requestIdleCallback-…Polyfill for request idle callback. Determines is user interacting with document and fires when it is not or after interaction is finished.
17@IjzerenHein/famous-white-tile-fi…Popular white tile (piano tiles) game implemention using famo.us and firebase
17@watilde/tvmTypeScript Version Manager:arrow_upper_right:
17@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.tweetsVie…Alloy widget for a in-app twitter-like experience
17@3rd-Eden/canihazcanihaz, lazy installing node.js modules
17@Rob--W/toolbarwidget-jplibJetpack module to place widgets from the Firefox Add-on SDK on any toolbar
17@3rd-Eden/fs.notifyFile change notification that doesn't suck hairy monkey balls and just works.
17@rdougan/barebones-phonegapA Sencha Touch 2 example application which is wrapped in a PhoneGap Xcode project.:arrow_upper_right:
17@IjzerenHein/famous-kenburnsconta…Famo.us view for performing ken-burns style zooming and panning
16@3rd-Eden/licensesRetrieve accurate license information for a given npm package.
16@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-mapbox:globe_with_meridians: :statue_of_liberty: :tokyo_tower: :mount_fuji: Native OpenGL powered Maps, by Mapbox
16@bard/seethrough_jsE4X-based template engine
16@mikedeboer/node-sshPure Javascript implementation of SSH1, SSH2 and SFTP in Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
15@IjzerenHein/famous-refresh-loade…Spinning pull to refresh loader for famo.us
15@3rd-Eden/kulerColor your terminal using CSS/hex color codes
15@3rd-Eden/expirableExpirable cache for node.js, FUCKING AWESOME YO!
15@ktmud/autostaticAutomatically manage static file versions for Express/ NodeJS
14@ktmud/grunt-hashmaphash mapping for static files.
14@Rob--W/https-by-defaultUse HTTPS by default for navigations from the location bar in Chrome / Firefox.
14@IjzerenHein/famous-autosizetexta…Auto-sizing TextareaSurface for famo.us
14@FokkeZB/ti-64Check all Appcelerator Titanium project and/or global modules for 64-bit iOS support.:arrow_upper_right:
14@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.toastAnother toast message widget for Titanium Alloy
14@3rd-Eden/manaMana allows api-oriented clients greater stability and high availability in demanding distributed battles and boss fights.
13@FokkeZB/ti-i18nCLI to manage internationalizing your Titanium app
13@Kilian/gedit-jshinta JSHint plugin for gedit
13@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-admobNativeScript plugin to earn some precious :moneybag::moneybag: with ads by Google AdMob
13@ktmud/koa-wechatWechat API middlewares for koajs
13@arian/LISP.jsParse and run LISP code in JavaScript
13@3rd-Eden/nodejsconfit-2011Demo's from nodejsconf 2011:arrow_upper_right:
13@arian/classyBrings the MooTools 1.x Class sugar to Prime
13@jtangelder/backbone-vdomVirtual-dom Backbone Views
13@jtangelder/faketouches.jsLibrary to send fake touchevents. Used for testing Hammer.js
12@jtangelder/template-html-loaderParse templates to html loader for webpack
12@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-bluetoo…:blue_heart: NativeScript Bluetooth LE plugin
12@PixelsCommander/Mobile-TransitionsHigh performance JavaScript library to emulate native mobile transitions. Designed to be as easy to use as possible. Just look to example.
12@FokkeZB/cTSS-ARCHIVEDConvert CSS to Titanium TSS
12@FokkeZB/ticketsRetrieves the state of JIRA tickets refered to in your code.
11@Kilian/gedit-jslintJSLint plugin for Gedit, runs the JSLint javascript verifier
11@rdougan/cocktails-appA simple cocktails application written with Sencha Touch 2:arrow_upper_right:
11@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-touchid:nail_care: Forget passwords, use a fingerprint scanner!
11@jtangelder/remote.jsUse your touchdevice as input for your desktop browser.:arrow_upper_right:
11@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.browserVi…Alloy widget for a browserview
10@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-demoDemo for showcasing famous-flex layout technology
10@mikedeboer/chromeless2Build desktop applications with web technologies, redux.
10@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.viewpagerAn Alloy widget wrapping the ViewPager module for Google Play like scrolling tabs.
10@arian/prime-utilUtilities for MooTools Prime
10@arian/iFrameFormRequestiFrameFormRequest is a MooTools plug-in that can upload files the Ajax way
9@PixelsCommander/React-GLRender React components in WebGL for 60 FPS animations
9@Rob--W/display-anchorsDisplay #Anchors offers an easy way to see all (invisible) anchors in a page, to make it easier to link to a specific part of a webpage.
9@ktmud/istaticInline compressed javascript and css for Express on node.js.
9@3rd-Eden/rendermeRender README files that people use on Github
9@FokkeZB/ti-stealthRemove console logging from your Titanium apps.
9@FokkeZB/appc-npmPackage components for Appcelerator Titanium, Alloy and Arrow projects for distribution via NPM.:arrow_upper_right:
8@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-ocr:newspaper: Tesseract-powered OCR plugin for NativeScript
8@3rd-Eden/shrinkwrapnpm shrinkwrap parsing, generation and comparison
8@hay/fronteersHTML5 presentation of the 2010 fronteers conference
8@EddyVerbruggen/NativePageTransition…Demo App for Ionic framwork apps with the Native Page Transitions plugin
8@watilde/css-filter.jsA js wrapper of CSS Filter.:arrow_upper_right:
8@watilde/fly-lessFly plugin for Less:arrow_upper_right:
8@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-clipboa…:clipboard: NativeScript plugin to copy stuff to the device clipboard, and read from it again
8@ejci/HTML5-Photo-FinishHTML5 proof of concept of "Photo finish" web cam.
8@3rd-Eden/fingerprintingProduce a unique string for any given resource, commonly used in cache busting practices.
7@Gaya/gaya-ninja-blogPublic repository of Gaya Ninja Blog:arrow_upper_right:
7@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-animatio…Animating from one famo.us view to another in awesome ways
7@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-tablelay…iOS inspired table-layout for famo.us
7@PixelsCommander/polymer-nativeDevelop completely native mobile apps with Web Components
7@Rob--W/grab-to-pan.jsA slim library to pan scrollable containers on grab with the mouse.
7@Rob--W/canvas-interceptorA tool to automatically create test cases to aid debugging
7@ejci/Ulam-spiralJavascript implementation of "Ulam spiral".
7@NielsLeenheer/MediatankControllerControl your NMT from your iPhone or computer:arrow_upper_right:
7@dyve/bootmapGenerate static, dynamic and editable maps from semantic HTML. Supports editable overlays (WKT and geoJSON) from textarea and input elements.:arrow_upper_right:
6@3rd-Eden/node-bisectionBisection algorithm for node.js:arrow_upper_right:
6@arian/elements-utilUtilities for elements
6@arian/MooDropMenuMooDropMenu provides a simple Drop Down menu with infinit levels for MooTools:arrow_upper_right:
6@FokkeZB/css-layout-tiFacebook's CSS-layout for Titanium
6@ejci/Chrome-DOM-ObserverDOM Observer - Chrome developer tools extension
6@rdougan/extjs-scrabbleScrabble built in ExtJS
6@watilde/abeckABC music notation wrapper:arrow_upper_right:
6@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-appvers…:1234: NativeScript plugin to retrieve the current version of the app
6@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-calenda…:date: NativeScript plugin to Create, Delete and Find Events in the native Calendar
6@IjzerenHein/famous-white-tilePopular white tile (piano tiles) game implemention using famo.us
6@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-plugin-…Demo app for the NativeScript Firebase plugin
6@arian/mootools-ui-runnerA Testrunner for MooTools More in PHP
6@IjzerenHein/famous-autofontsizes…Surface that automatically scales the font-size based on the content.
5@mikedeboer/ForceRTLForce a LTR locale to behave as if it was a RTL locale.
5@pjvds/LaterA Read It Later extension for Chrome
5@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-appavai…:mag_right: NativeScript plugin to check whether or not another app is installed on the device
5@3rd-Eden/node-algorithmsA series of algorithms ported to JavaScript to be used on Node.js
5@zigolis/backbone-tic-tac-toeA Tic-Tac-Toe game developed with JavaScript and BackboneJS
5@3rd-Eden/senpaiNotice me senpai! A graceful degrading notification system for browsers.
5@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.labelThe widget provides a replacement for to support text shadows on Android & BlackBerry.
5@FokkeZB/Alloy-Theming-Widget…Workaround for theming widgets
5@FokkeZB/DMC13-AlloyAlloy example for Dutch Mobile Conference 2013
5@caiogondim/quickreturn.js:squirrel: QuickReturn Android pattern to the web
5@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-email:envelope: NativeScript Email plugin, for composing and sending drafts
5@3rd-Eden/memcached-streamHigh performance streaming memcached protocol parser for Node.js. Code name: flaming-octo-bear
5@pjvds/PomodoHTML5 experiment:arrow_upper_right:
5@watilde/ceriuma cli for chrome extension
5@ejci/iZettle-for-TitaniumiZettle for Titanium
5@IjzerenHein/rtfToHtmlParse RTF and write output as an HTML file
5@3rd-Eden/failovercluster-fuck management
5@IjzerenHein/famous-StarterkitStarterkit for famo.us (app + web) containing examples, instructions & best practises
5@3rd-Eden/ansidownConvert a subset of markdown do a somewhat ANSI compatible output
5@EddyVerbruggen/X-Services-PhoneGap-…A demo repo for all of our PhoneGap Build plugins
5@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.html2as.w…Widget wrapping the HTML 2 Attributed String module, providing cross-platform HTML attribute for labels.
4@IjzerenHein/famous-resizableImag…Resizable image for famo.us
4@3rd-Eden/woohooWooHoo is Celebration as a Service.
4@3rd-Eden/Spry-ConfiguratorSpry files configurator and combinator. Version 2.0 is currently running on config-spry-it.com
4@3rd-Eden/commentingWrap content in a comment that is valid for a given file type.
4@arian/MilkyTesterSimultaneous browser tester with Node.js, Socket.io and Jasmine
4@PixelsCommander/Telekinesis-JSJavaScript multiplayer game engine. Using Node.JS for server and any graphic library for client-side.
4@3rd-Eden/uniuniversal command line
4@caiogondim/resilient.jsResilient JS loader
4@caiogondim/js-debounce-throttle…A visual explanation about the Throttle and Debounce design patterns:arrow_upper_right:
4@ktmud/yaml-i18n-brunchUse yaml to edit i18n translations for you brunch project.
4@watilde/beeplayerShare your JavaScript songs
4@zigolis/backbone-hello-mundo…Talks and presentations about Hello REST world with BackboneJS
4@watilde/good-bug-report:love_letter: Better way for large projects to report issue on GitHub:arrow_upper_right:
4@pjvds/MovrDevnology Node.js hackington
4@ktmud/davidA simple CMS using flask, SQLAlchemy, stylus..
4@arian/Element.DelegationThis is a simple MooTools Plugin for Event Delegation, now I would suggest the MooTools More 1.3 Delegation though
4@hay/mandelbrotMandelbrot set using HTML5 tech:arrow_upper_right:
3@watilde/node-ymzkmctA npm for ymzkmct
3@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-local-n…Demo app for the NativeScript local notifications plugin
3@HansPinckaers/mb.jsMultiple Backgrounds drawn via the canvas-element:arrow_upper_right:
3@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-insomni…:sleepy: NativeScript plugin to keep the device awake (not dim the screen, lock, etc)
3@arian/SupersonicA small and supersonic flow-controll library for Node.js
3@rdougan/Enable-AutoComplete-…Enables autocomplete on all forms so Safari will save passwords for all websites.:arrow_upper_right:
3@ktmud/cacheablepython decorator like cache management in nodejs
3@ktmud/koa-passport-fwPassport Authenticator framework for koajs.
3@Rob--W/unpackjsReverse browserify: unpackjs is a tool to split a single file in multiple files
3@caiogondim/ken-burns-slideshow:sparkler: A slideshow in JS with the Ken Burns effect.:arrow_upper_right:
3@Rob--W/testing-chrome.webst…Sample code for testing chrome.webstore.install without dialogs.
3@rdougan/CleanerFacebookA Safari extension which allows you to easily hide parts of the Facebook website for a more pleasant and simplified experience.
3@Kilian/greenergyUXD assignment for CMD - datavisualisation prototyping
3@ejci/favico.js-serverFavico.js fallback server
3@mikedeboer/node-mediascanAudio and video file scanner that lists their metadata to be used by other software:arrow_upper_right:
3@Gaya/Real-Last.fm-Radio--…Integrate Last.fm's radio functionality into Spotify.
3@Gaya/svg-inlinerCreates inline HTML from an external SVG (sprite) in an tag
3@watilde/gistjsnpm :heart: gist:arrow_upper_right:
3@zigolis/hello-phaser-ioCode of Hello phaser.io, developing games with javascript
3@watilde/rpullRecursive git pull with node
3@hay/backuptweetsBack up your Twitter tweets with Node.js without oAuth
3@watilde/karma-power-assertA Karma plugin. Adapter for power-assert assertion library.:arrow_upper_right:
3@hay/catalyticsChrome extension that replaces people on the Google Analytics homepage with surly looking cats.
3@watilde/parse-errorParse error object in Node
3@hay/hayHay's tools and tests:arrow_upper_right:
3@watilde/grunt-require-configKeep Gruntfile simple, stupid.:arrow_upper_right:
3@watilde/grunt-tvm-tscCompile TypeScript files to JavaScript with tvm:arrow_upper_right:
3@arian/elements-uiui components for elements.
3@IjzerenHein/famous-sizemodifierDeprecated - Use famous-sizeconstraint instead
2@zigolis/backbone-requireA simple example using Backbone and RequireJS
2@watilde/first-starred-reposi…Everybody has to start somewhere. Find and share any #FirstStarredRepository.:arrow_upper_right:
2@caiogondim/webpixUm experimento HTML5 com câmera, canvas e download sem back-end:arrow_upper_right:
2@caiogondim/jquery-first-event:trophy: Execute your event listener callback before others
2@watilde/gulp-tvm-tscCompile TypeScript files to JavaScript with TypeScript Version Manager.:arrow_upper_right:
2@watilde/i18npmnpm friendly translation module:arrow_upper_right:
2@watilde/happy-birthdayto you!:arrow_upper_right:
2@arian/MooResizeMooResize is a MooTools plugin to resize images and other elements in an easy way:arrow_upper_right:
2@ejci/iStitch-AppPicture to cross stitch converter (www.istitchapp.com).
2@rdougan/trips.dougan.bikeWebsite for our Norway trip:arrow_upper_right:
2@bitbonsai/waitilla jQuery plugin to execute code before the DOM is ready...
2@rdougan/dougan.meMy personal website:arrow_upper_right:
2@watilde/jsoo-binBinary wrapper for js_of_ocaml:arrow_upper_right:
2@Kilian/jQuery.textshadowjQuery textshadow plugin for internet explorer:arrow_upper_right:
2@HansPinckaers/ucheck-nodeA scraping service above the (terrible) PeopleSoft implementation of Leiden University.:arrow_upper_right:
2@Kilian/GraduationKilian's graduation documentation
2@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-admob-d…Demo app for the NativeScript AdMob plugin
2@Kilian/postcss-dutch-styles…PostCSS plugin for writing Dutch Style Sheets http://kilian.github.io/postcss-dutch-st…
2@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-calenda…Demo app for the NativeScript Calendar plugin
2@arian/grunt-wrapupGrunt Plugin for MooTools Wrapup - Convert your node modules into web modules.
2@PixelsCommander/GetterSetterJSСross-browser way to getters and setters
2@Gaya/jQuery-helper-functi…A collection of functions not included in the default jQuery package, but oh so handy!:arrow_upper_right:
2@PixelsCommander/PerFixRendering smoothness benchmark for scientific - blended performance optimization, written in JavaScript
2@Gaya/testing-javascriptTesting JavaScript using BrowserSync, Mocha and PhantomJS
2@Rob--W/dont-track-me-googleFirefox and Chrome extensions to prevent Google from making links ugly.
2@Gaya/mini-js-starterVery minimal starter to kickstart JavaScript projects. No frameworks, plain npm tasks.
2@dyve/jquery-niceboxMulti-purpose modal box based on jQuery.
2@arian/node-sass-cliBetter CLI for node-sass
2@mikedeboer/amsterdamjs.comAmsterdamJS Home on the Web:arrow_upper_right:
2@arian/selenium-wrapperA selenium server wrapper, including installation and chrome webdriver
2@arian/KlassYet Another Class
2@jtangelder/reduce-argsRemove or strip arguments from function calls in and with JavaScript
2@zigolis/JSOnDemandExamples using RequireJS to load Javascript on demand
2@arian/animateImageAnimateImage is an MooTools plugin to create an animated image:arrow_upper_right:
2@caiogondim/gulp-filename-hintGulp plugin for linting filenames
2@arian/Element.Style.Transf…An abstracted API for CSS3 transforms
2@arian/MooCssWith MooCss (MooTools plugin) you can write Css as Javascript objects (just like Element.Style) to a style tag in the document head:arrow_upper_right:
2@IjzerenHein/famous-lib-testerProject for testing whether my libraries and famo.us can be build successfully using webpack, browserify, etc...
2@hay/photocommonsWordPress plugin to include photos from Wikimedia Commons on your blog:arrow_upper_right:


5138@nhaarman/ListViewAnimationsAn Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items
2859@rzwitserloot/lombokVery spicy additions to the Java programming language.:arrow_upper_right:
1505@elevenetc/TextSurfaceA little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way
1363@M66B/XPrivacyXPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager:arrow_upper_right:
1194@konmik/nucleusNucleus is a simple Android library, which utilizes the Model-View-Presenter pattern to properly connect background tasks with visual parts of an application.
974@LarsWerkman/HoloColorPickerAn Android Holo themed colorpicker designed by Marie Schweiz

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8 years ago